
Saturday, August 31, 2019

After the murder of Duncan Nothing goes Right for Macbeth and his Wife Essay

Shakespeare first showed Macbeth in the court of a newly crowned King James the First. Some people would argue that in places this was written as a piece of flattery for James the first. James was meant to be a descendant of Banquos’ and therefore Shakespeare shows Banquo to be a valiant and heroic character throughout the play. However, Shakespeare had to be careful what he said in the play, as he didn’t want to upset the King. This play could be written as a piece of propaganda or a warning to anybody who went against the King. The play supports the Stuarts doctrine of the â€Å"Divine Right† of kings. This states that kings are appointed by God and therefore going against them is as sinful as going against God himself, the greatest punishment should be put against anybody who does so. This is shown all the way through the play up until the death of Macbeth himself. Macbeth starts the play as a great hero and is well respected by his fellow lords and friends. He has shown himself to be a great warrior and is referred to by some as â€Å"Bellona’s Bridegroom† who helped to save Scotland from invasion by the King of Norway and an attack by MacDonald. Macbeth is highly regarded by the King, who calls Macbeth a â€Å"valiant cousin, worthy gentleman†. Macbeth is rewarded, by the King, the role of Thane of Cawdor after the previous Thane proved to be a traitor and tyrant. However, by the end of the play Macbeth is hated by all and is considered to be a traitor and tyrant. I believe that had Macbeth not have murdered Duncan, he would have carried on his good name and maybe gained the role of King without having to do anything to gain it. We can see that Macbeth starts to suffer from the murder almost directly after when he says that he thinks he hears a voice: Methought I hear a voice cry ‘Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep’, This could be seen as the first part of Macbeths punishment for murdering the king. He has been cursed so that he can no longer sleep because he has murdered the king whilst he sleeps. We can see that this is true because throughout the rest of the play Macbeth does not sleep well again. Macbeth knows now that he will never be forgiven for what he has done and almost immediately regrets his actions and wishes that he could undo it. Macbeth panics after he does the deed and he murders Duncans guards before anyone goes into the room. He thinks that this will be seen as an act of courage and loyalty to the King but doesn’t realise that instead he is getting rid the only other people that could have been blamed for the murder and taken the suspicion away from himself and lady Macbeth. In doing this Macbeth draws suspicion to himself straight away from Macduff who says, â€Å"Wherefore did you so?†. This is the first time we see Macduffs suspicions and they carry on to the very end of the play at which time he goes on to kill Macbeth himself. Macbeth realises Macduff and does not feel safe. Macduff shows the extent of his view of the murder of Duncan by not attending the coronation of Macbeth. Macbeth notices this and his fear grows. After becoming King, Macbeth realises that it does bring him nothing more. He becomes more and more suspicious of Banquo, who is beginning to query Macbeth over the murder of Duncan. Macbeth realises how big of a threat Banquo could be to him and says: To be thus is nothing, But to be safely thus: our fears in Banquo Stick deep. Macbeth is constantly tortured by the witches prophecy of the desendants of Banquo becoming King. If it were true then Macbeth would never built a true dynasty. Macbeth hates this thought and we see it plague him all trough the play. We then see Macbeths change. He orders Banquo and Fleance to be murdered. Yet, unlike the first, his wife is not involved and he hires criminals to do it for him instead of doing the deed himself. This, in my opinion, is the first time we see Macbeth going it alone and leaving lady Macbeth out of his plans. Macbeth believes that by killing Banquo and his son he will be preventing the second prophesy from coming true and put his mind at rest. However, the plan is not completely successful and Fleance escapes. Macbeths reacts to this by saying: Then comes my fit again:I had else been perfect Macbeth is saying that if that had not have gone wrong then it would have been perfect but now it has brought back his unsettlement because if Fleance still lives that means that the prophecy may still come true. His feeling of never having any satisfaction of king returns to him. Macbeth then has a banquet with all his lords and ladies and he gives the game away. He sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in a seat and in his shock and panic he begins to shout out in madness excuses for what he has done. Lady Macbeth tries to cover up for him but Macbeth carries on. The lords become ever more suspicious as begin to understand what Macbeth has done. After the lords have gone Macbeth tells his wife what he done to Banqou and I think this is when Lady Macbeth realises what her husband has turned into and what Kingship has brought him and her. After the feast the lords begin to feel that Macbeth is not a worthy king, referring to the feast as the â€Å"tyrants feast†. Lennox refers to the situation as: ‘our suffering country Under a hand accurs’d’ This means that Scotland is under the rule of a hand (Macbeth) which is unworthy or bad. This tells us that Macbeth is growing more and more unpopular within the lords and he has now lost all of the respect and ‘good name’ that they once gave him. Macbeth begins to fall ever more into despair and goes to see the witches for some more advice. They tell him that he is safe and gives a feeling of security. Macbeth now feels better but the witches then rob him of any happiness by reconfirming Banquos descendants becoming king by showing him an image of kings to come who all look like Banquo. Macbeth is now unhappier than ever and we can see the full extent of which being king has brought absolutely no satisfaction whatsoever. Macbeth, in his despair, says: ‘I am in blood Stepp’d in so far that should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go’er. This shows us a gory view of him wading through all of the blood of his victims and to turn back and try and do right would be as hard or ‘tedious’ as it would be to finish off what he has started and to carry on with the murders. Macbeth has by now lost all of his kindness and any compassion that he once had. His lords are slowly deserting him and his wife and him are further apart than ever. From the beginning of the play Macduff has suspected Macbeth of the murder of Duncan and he now has proof enough to flee to England and join Malcolm. Macbeth has now turned bitter and twisted and vows that he will now do whatever he thinks without thinking about the consequences: ‘From this moment The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand.’ Macbeth then decides to do his worse deed yet, he orders the murder of Macduffs wife and child. This shows Macbeths lords openly that he is a true tyrant and nothing but a bloody killer. He now loses even more support when Ross leaves him. Not only does he lose support but he also gives Macduff even more reason for revenge and makes Macduff even more eager to overthrow him. Macbeth now realises that he has lost all his support and that he is hated over all the land and is close to despair. By now Macbeth has lost all human feelings that he once had and even when he learns of his wife’s death he simply shrugs it off saying, â€Å"she would have died hereafter†. All feelings of love or hatred or guilty have now been wiped from him and he is now a bitter and lifeless person. He begins to believe that life has no meaning. When Macbeth learns of Macduffs oncoming he is not afraid and says, â€Å"I will not yield†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ lay on Macduff†, he is saying that he will not retreat but instead will wait for Macduff and take him on. Macbeth is not afraid anymore and now just waits for his fate. Macbeth fights to his death and ends up being killed by Macduff in the final confrontation. We can see Lady Macbeths slow spiral of despair throughout the play to the point of suicide. She started off as an ambitious woman who was in love and who wants nothing but the best for husband. She assists in the murder and tries her hardest to make her husband gain Kingship. At the beginning she was in complete control of her husband and the marriage yet by the end she loses all of this and Macbeth pays no attention whatsoever to her. Being queen gives her absolutely no satisfaction and realises that all of the plans were nothing more than a complete waste of time. I believe that after the murder of Duncan nothing goes right for Macbeth and his wife. It eventually pushes Lady Macbeth to suicide and causes the murder of Macbeth himself. I believe that if they had not carried out the murder then Macbeth would have kept his good name and maybe the witches prophesies would have come true without any encouragement. Macbeth had everything and should have been grateful for it. Lady Macbeth became greedy and should have let her husband do what he wanted to instead of pushing him into the initial murder.

Alumni tracer Essay

Background and Rationale The College of Computer Studies (CCS) at Central Philippine University (CPU) started in 1995 when the course Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) was offered as a degree program under the College of Commerce. The program aims to fill the growing need for computer literate professionals in the field of business. On June 2001, in line with the recommendation of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to pool all related courses into one college, the CPU administration decided to transfer the department under the College of Engineering (COE). The department was merged with the Department of Software Engineering. On June 2002, the College of Commerce offered a new program, Bachelor of Information Science and Management (BISM). The offering of this course was made to integrate Information Technology to all business and management courses. In 2003, the University President, Dr. Juanito M. Acanto  recommended to the Board of Trustees for the creation of the College of Computer Studies which will be composed of three departments: Computer Science, Information Sciences and Management and Information Technology. This continuing growth in the life of the College is brought about by the increasing need of competent information technology professionals. In a nutshell, the performance of an educational institution’s performance is partly measured by the employability of its graduates. At present, the college needs to determine the factors that affect graduates’ employability and analyze the benefits of it in the preparation of soon to be graduates and enable them to meet the challenges of professional life. Objectives The general objective of this tracer study is to gather relevant information as to the employability of the graduates in the CPU College of Computer Studies graduate from School Year 2001 to 2005. Specifically, this tracer study aims to: 1. describe the graduates in terms of age, civil status sex, age and residence, major field, year graduated and academic performance; 2. determine the graduates’ professional skills, professional examinations passed, and reasons for taking the course; 3. determine the trainings and advance studies attended by the graduates after finishing college; 4. determine the industry classification of the companies where they are employed, job position, monthly salary range, job requirements and the â€Å"waiting time† before they landed on a job. 5. determine the perceived factors that help them landed a job. Scope and Limitation This study aims will cover all College of Computer Studies graduates whether working abroad or in locally-based companies who graduated from SY 2001 to 2005 only to allow the graduates enough time to find employment. It aims to cover all graduates in local residence and those who are residing abroad. Significance of the Study An institution like CPU professes â€Å"Exemplary Christian Education for Life† as its Mission Statement which aims to offer quality education programs to its constituents. It is therefore relevant for the college to determine whether it has helped the graduates become productive members of the society. In any instance, the College has investigated the factors that significantly affect graduates’ employability given today’s conditions. This investigation is crucial to the growth of an institution because if there is no conduct of an evaluation of outcomes of the educational process there will be no benchmark unto which the basis of future developments can be based upon. School’s alumni are the best proof of its capability to effectively educate. This need for a tracer study for the College of Computer Studies is seen to be a long overdue endeavor that needs to be ventured upon. Since its conception it had produced 240 graduates to date. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Recognizing the importance of evaluating the status of an educational institution’s alumni is crucial to its growth if not to its existence. This need is recognized by government agencies that govern the quality of instruction in Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) like Central Philippine University. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is conducting a comprehensive study that requires all HEI’s to do individual graduate tracer studies on their respective alumni. The result of the research will become a tool in pursuant to the envisioned upgrading of the educational system in the country. A move to outcome-based evaluation from an evaluation system based more on inputs represents a shift from the quantitative to the qualitative. The process is more searching, because the account must be reflective, and provide a justification of why things are done in a way that it has been chosen. Effectiveness of process has to be demonstrated, in relation to intended outcomes. Factual data is still required, but to support a case that a department is performing effectively, rather than as an end in itself. The approach is less prescriptive, for example a department must decide whether a particular set of data is relevant to a demonstration of effectiveness, rather than providing it simply because it has been required (CHED IQUAME Primer, 2006) Another government agency that pursued graduate tracer studies is the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). TESDA has embarked to undertake various studies and researches on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs and related TVET developments with the end view of coming up with evidence- based policy recommendations to be used by the management. One of which is the Expanded Tracer Study of SY 2000-2001 Post-Secondary Graduates conducted at the latter part of 2002. This study was undertaken to ascertain the effectiveness of TVET programs of all TVET institutions as manifested by the employability of its graduates. The result of this studies served as benchmark in determining performance in the provision of middle-level skills development services of the different TVET players of the regions. It is envisioned to provide signals on the kind of jobs TVET graduates go into; their income levels; the length of job search before landing their first job; and the certification, among others. Sub-module of the study was the evaluation of the PESFA graduates during the same period. This undertaking was done as part of the regular Monitoring and Evaluation of Training Performance (METP) System spearheaded by the Planning  Office of TESDA. The previous conduct of the graduate tracer study was undertaken in 2000 (TESDA), 2000). A study by S.N Zembere and M.P.M. Chinyama of the University of Malawi, discusses the results of the tracer study of the graduates of the University of Malawi who graduated between 1987 and 1995. The main objective of the tracer study was to examine the changes in the career pattern of the graduates in order to provide a basis of evaluation of the current programs of the University of Malawi. The significance of the study is to provide a continuation of the process of evaluation of the performance of the college as well as the graduates of the college. Another study, Tracer Study of Science and Technology graduates of 2000 and 2001 conducted by Management Information System Unit of Science and Technology Policy Research Division of the National Science Foundation Of Sri Lanka, the results of the study shows the trend of the employment status of the graduate by gender, employed and unemployed rates, sector employment, achievements, waiting time for the graduates for their first paid employment, waiting time for the graduates employment according to gender, view of the graduates for the effectiveness of the degree course, view of the graduates on the relevance of degree course to current employment, reasons for being engaged in fields not related to degree course, self employed graduates, obstacles faced by graduates when finding employment. The results of the study will also provide evaluation on how more will the college will provide updates on the degree course, so as to provide the basic requirements of the industry for employment. With the increase in the number of College graduates in the population, increasing also the rate of unemployment in the country, employment opportunities for graduates have become very competitive, Routine Alumni Tracer Study conducted by Maldives College of Higher education hopes to assess the employment status of their graduates, assess the impact of graduates training on job appointment and assess how graduates perceive their college in relation to their academic and professional developments.  Same objectives also this aims to achieve for their graduates. Career Outcomes of Graduates 2004, a study by Manwel Debono, Albert Debono and Noel Caruana focuses on the employability of the graduates. The study presented in this document provides a useful and essential tool when it comes to policy design and development in both the spheres of education and employment; two sectors that are welded and complementary. A close analysis of the findings leads one to conclude that the role of career guidance is a crucial and vital aspect of any person’s career path. Career guidance creates the possibility for a person to identify capacities, competences and interests that will lead to making appropriate educational, training and occupational decisions. Same concern of this study is to determine the trainings and advance studies attended by the graduates after finishing college. The college might as well provide career guidance that can provide significant support to individuals during their transition between levels of sector of education and trainings. On higher education institutions, a website posted by Far Eastern University becomes a tool in tracing the whereabouts of their alumni. On the same note, the college of Computer Studies, gears itself through the help of the University Research Center (URC) in the conduct of this study. CHAPTER 111 METHODOLOGY Research Design The study will utilize a descriptive-relational research design with the aid of a â€Å"one shot survey†. The tracing process of the most recent graduates The target group for the tracer study includes graduates of the year 2001 to 2005 of Central Philippine University. The respondents will comprise all the 240 graduates of the College which is included in the above mentioned range of years. The identification of the graduate was primarily based on a list  of graduates provided by the Registrar’s Office on all graduates of that period. Through this list names, addresses, emails and telephone numbers of most of the graduates were available from the date of enrolment.. However, it appeared necessary to follow up on contact addresses of all students in order to update their address details due to the possibility of movements since many students now have graduated and changed their contact addresses. First, all students will be contacted by telephone. This personal contact is expected to get many positive responses as well as encourage the graduates to participate in the study and, moreover, to identify the remaining group of stud ents. Second, personal network (word of mouth) and use of key resource persons from each group were used to enquire current addresses on those students who could not be traced through the previous method. Thirdly, a surveys will be mailed via the post office to graduates once their addresses are correctly identifies. Fourthly, an online registration system will be developed such that graduates who have internet connectivity can log-on and fill up the survey forms on-line in addition to the available exit questionnaire which is downloadable from the CPU website.. Data Collection Data will be collected utilizing quantitative approach. Structured questionnaire will be employed.  Survey. A structured questionnaire will be formulated based on the study objectives and identified variables and indicators. This variables and indicators will be based on previous studies of similar nature. As part of the proposal, the draft instrument will be submitted for comments and suggestions, the instrument will be revised and submitted for approval. The approved instrument will be pre-tested prior to the actual survey to identify areas for modification and refinement. Data will be collected by administering the instruments with the respondents who are readily available. For those who are not readily available, the instrument will be send to them by mail with a stamped return envelop or will be send electronically by email. The Questionnaire Design The questionnaire comprises three main subjects: Personal Details such as gender, age and place of residence; ï  ¶ Academic Details. This is primarily included in order to collect data about the students’ academic qualifications besides CPU credentials. Current Major Activity. This subject is to include to obtain the employment status and areas of employment of the CPU graduates. In order to ensure the maximum number of participants all traced students were followed up with personal telephone calls. All the traced students were notified about three times. Data Processing and Analysis The quantitative data will be computer-processed using SPSS PC+ Version 11. A coding manual will be prepared on the completed instrument and trained personnel will encode data in the computer. Quantitative data generated will be analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. Interpretation will be based on the result of the analysis. Proposed Schedule of Activities Upon approval of the proposal, the following activities will be undertaken: MONTH ACTIVITIES Finalization of Survey Instrument Conduct of Survey Data Processing and Analysis Submission of Draft Report Revision of Report Submission of Final Report PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEMS A. Data Gathering B. Data Processing C. Supplies D. Editing E. Report reproduction GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT P 25, 000.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 P50,000.00 BIBLIOGRAPHY An Evaluation Report on the Expanded Tracer Study Of SY 2000-2001 Post-Secondary Graduates, Technical Educational and Skills Development Authority http://www.ilsdole.gov.ph/PAPs/ResCon/rcon_03ens1.htm (7:30PM 11/23/06) Michael Cosser, Graduate Tracer Study http://www.mche.edu.mv/assets/images/fmc/articles_online/tracer_fazna.pdf (7:43PM 11/23/06) Fazna Mohamed, June 2003, Interim Report on Alumni Tracer Study Programme, Maldives College of Higher Education, Faculty of Management and Computing, Sosun Magu, Henveyru, Male’ (20-05), Republic of Maldives.

Friday, August 30, 2019

India Election

The current 1 5th Lok Sabha will complete its constitutional term on May 31 , 2014 By constitutional requirement, elections to the Lok Sabha must be held at most every five years or whenever parliament is dissolved by the president. The previous election, to the 1 5th Lok Sabha, was conducted in April-May 2009 and its term would naturally expire on 31 May 2014. The election will be organised by the Election Commission of India (EC') and are normally held in multiple phases to better handle the large electoral base and security concerns.Congress had a empathic victory in 2009 10k sabha elections . 1JPA- 2 started on a high by wining almost full majority of its own. However ,their second term has been marred with controversies and corruption allegations. starting with common wealth game scam,every few monthes saw a new scam coming out like Adarsh society scam and the biggest of all sharply in the past few years adding to the woes of common men. Cursed against black money and corruption by Ana Hazare and to some extent baba Ramdev has only added to the woes of congress. But congress is srewed and knows politics very well.They know that offence is the best way of defend. For every scam or corruption news come out ,they bounce back equally controversial news against Vival arties. Their projection of Rahul Gandhi,who is known as youth icon of India today after his appointment as vice-president of congress party. Lets see as a prime ministreal candidate may help them in their campaign build upto 2014 elections. Since the last general election, the BJP has made inroads by winning the state assembly elections in Goa and winning despite a tradition of anti-incumbency in Punjab.However, it lost control of Uttaranchal, Himachel Pradesh and its southern bastion of Karnataka. Use of technology In January 2013, the Election Commission of India announced that it would be using n SMS based alert system called Communication Plan for Election (COMET) during the election. The syst em, aimed at sending messages to the millions of government officials on election duty, was successfully deployed in the assembly polls in Goa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand andManipur in early 2012 and in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat in late 2012.The COMET system â€Å"uses coded text messages through mobile phones to collect data about officials, information about scheduled events like staff reaching the polling station, mock polls conducted, start of polling, oting percentages every two hours, number of voters in after voting time was over, and whether the poll party reached safely at the high security Electronic Voting Machine (EVMs) deposit centre. † The system would also send alerts to the local police in case of disturbances at any polling station Main opposition party Bhartiya Janta Party was left down and out after 2009 elections.BJPs arch enemy is not congres but BJP itself. lts leaders have failed to capitalize on core issues of price raise and corruption agai nst the congress. They shoud have learned from congress and other nd some other smaller parties,have been able to successfully use the anti miniorty tag againt the BJPfor ever two decades now. BJP has also lost a lot of mass appeal leaders over the years past popular leadrer in India Atal Behari Vajpayee has now retired from active politic. charsmatics learder and face of modern India ,Parmod MaJhan was killed in a tragic incident.Stalwarts like Govindacharya and Jaswant Singh were thrown out. Prime ministreal candidate Murli Manohar Joshi has been made to sit on the side lines with no influence on national level politics. L. K. Advani is lose to retirement years and fire brand Sushma SwaraJ hasn't proved to be a winner yet. That leaves the party with only one leadear of mass appeal,Narender Modi who may not yet able to handle national politics alone,and behind him a dark shade of communlist tag. Beside every one knows congress will play the anti miniorty tag against him quite well. BJP has also destoried its chance by not farming stretigc alliance with other parties in state. It used to have an alliance with AIADMK in Tamil Nadu and Mamta Banerjee'sTMS , IN West Bengal ,BJD in Orissa and recently JDU OF Bihar . BJPS loss has been congress gain. Third Fornt Parties: Third fornt parties have been redused to play a miniorty role at the center over the past few years. Leaders like Lalu Parsad,Mulayam Singh YadavJaya Lalta,Mayawati are no Govt. ln this case of congress.Left fornt has already become non-existent after the debaile in 2011 assembly elections and it had be highly unlikely that they,had make any come back by 2014. For the past few years, most of third fornt allies have been thob-nobbing with congress ,which raises doubt on their very existence. Third fornt was formed to combat BJP as well as congress ,but if u are going to chossse congress fter polls every time ,then won't it better for peoples to vote for congress dereibly third fornt needs to get its priorities right and decide on their future survavial options ,because as of now their future looks black.The contender's For India Election 2014 Though congress may not admit it yet,but Manmohan Singh be showen door out,and congress may be prefer to field Rahul Gandhi as its Prime Ministreal candidate in 2014. 1t may be too early for Rahul to lead nation as he has not proven his political accumen yet,but after the negative reviews UPA-2 is gathering,congress may want to hange Manmohan Singh. As for BJP the choice is only Narender Modi havng good record at regional level but no influence at national level yet. The Prime Ministreal Candidate: 1 Gandhi or Manmohan Singh. :NDA:- Narender Mod'. 3:Third Fornt:-Depends upon which party gets most seats. Slogans Of Parties: UPA:-Secularism NDA:-Hindu Rashtar OTHERS:-Rural Deviopment MANIFESTO:- UPA:-The congress president Mrs Sonia Gandhi and prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh realeasd the party manifesto,the menifestolists some promises wit h special focus on miniortes,dalits and tribal communities. Reiteraing its national rural employment gaurntee act schamethe congress has promised 100 days work for Rs 100a day,as an entitlement under MNAREGA.The congres has promised to enact a right to food law that gurantee food for all. lt has announced that every family living below poverty line will be entaitled 25 kg of rice or wheat per month at rate of3 3 per kg. The manifesto subsieded community kitchens,which will be set up in all cities for homeless peoples and migrants,with the support of the central govt. In the health sector,congress has declared that every family living below poverty line will be overed by the rashtrya swasthy bima youJna over the next three years. he party has promised social security cover for the disabaled,the elderly,urban home less,released bonded labourers,members of primitive tribalgroups and membersof the most backward dalit communites. S In order to woo the miniorites community,the congress pl ans to implement reservation for miniortes,on the basis of social and economic backwardness govt Jobs and educational institutions. The party has promised to set up an equal opportunity commission to ensure that the sachar commission recommendations are implemented and the miniortes are not deprived in any atter.The party has reterated the contenation promise of implementing33 % reservation for womens in parliament and he state legislature ,which it had to failed promised to reserve one third of all central govtJobs for womens. The congress has promised free education from primary till the university education for students from dali and tribalcommnites. continuing its incentives for the schedule castesand schedule tribe communites. To cheak communal and caste related violence,congress has proposed a law that empower the nationalhuman rights commission to monitor nvestigation and trail in all such cases.Declering a zero tolarence policy towards terrorism. The party has focused on its core areas of farmers ,womens,the socially backword sections. Through its wide range of promises,the congress is trying to projecta govt which will work on inclusive growth,encompassing all sections of society. NDA: 1,To develop a prosperous powerful Nation. 2,for stability and secular india needs a decive leader. 3,National security fear shall no longer stalk this land. 3,Engaging the world India' voice shall be heared.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Precedent- Statutory Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Precedent- Statutory Interpretation - Essay Example ferentiates the English Common Law system from Civil Law, where every case is tried based on a judge’s or jury’s interpretation of law at a particular time, regardless of the outcome of similar cases in the past. This begs one big question: Given that the judiciary has the task of interpreting laws and giving judgments when two or more parties do conflict; add to the fact that it is supposed to play a role that is separate from the legislature, has stare decisis effectively made English courts the rivals of Parliament in making laws? To be able to do that, let us examine the current rules of court in Britain. There are different rules of precedent for each court. There are cited as follows: (â€Å"Rules of precedent†, n.d.) Their Lordships regard the use of precedent as an indispensable foundation upon which to decide what is the law and its application to individual cases. It provides at least some degree of certainty upon which individuals can rely in the conduct of their affairs, as well as a basis for orderly development of legal rules. Their Lordships nevertheless recognise that too rigid adherence to precedent may lead to injustice in a particular case and also unduly restrict the proper development of the law. They propose, therefore, to modify their present practice and, while treating former decisions of this House as normally binding, to depart from a previous decision when it appears right to do so. In this connection they will bear in mind the danger of disturbing retrospectively the basis on which contracts, settlements of property and fiscal arrangements have been entered into and also the especial need for certainty as to the criminal law†¦.This announcement is not intended to affect the use of precedent elsewhere than in this House. Many people believe that the House of Lords is bound by the rules it set, but his statement has implied that the House of Lords is not really bound by its own decisions,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Time Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Time Management - Research Paper Example It is important to define what essentially time management is. It is the basis of properly allocating time dimensions to a particular activity so that all the tasks and activities that need to be completed by this individual are done within a stipulated time period. If the activities are not done within this allotted time, it would mean that there have been serious transgressions within this field and hence the overall time has been compromised upon. The people who are unable to manage time feel that they are a victim of their own doing as they blame themselves for the lack of adherence to time domains. But then again, there are people who are always punctual and believe earnestly within the reigns of time management. What is needed here is a balance between managing time activities and letting go of the issues which plague the timely completion of activities, tasks and actions (Haynes, 2009). This balance can only come about when people realize that their actions are being kept a ch eck upon, if not by somebody else then their own selves as well. However, it becomes quite a hectic job to track each and every move that human beings undertake, and hence is a good idea to stick to the avenues of time management as much as possible. This makes things easier as far as the future undertakings of life, career and other fields are related. Some of the most significant principles within time management is to make sure that the priorities are broken up into different zones.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Managing innovation and technology case study Essay

Managing innovation and technology case study - Essay Example The phone was called IBM Simon and it is regarded as the first Smartphone (Sager, 2012). The concept of Smartphones however dates back to 1970s. IBM Simon was the first commercial cell phone to have a touch screen interface. Since the launch of IBM Simon, the market for Smartphones has grown tremendously. After the launch of I Phone in 2007, the market for Smartphones changed significantly. Companies started to come up with innovative designs and features for customers. I Phone actually showed cell phone manufactures the potential market of Smartphones. Since then the market has grown at a greater pace and many big companies have entered the market of Smartphones like Google and HTC (Market Research, 2012). Smartphones are different from regular cell phones because of their superior features and enhanced connectivity. They are based on mobile operating systems that provide users with greater speed, innovative features, and enhanced internet connectivity. Smartphones usually have touch screen interface which adds to the features and design of the phone. All these unique characteristics of Smartphones make them popular among the general public. There are many advantages of Smartphones like portability, better internet connectivity, increased memory space, and user friendly operating systems. Smartphones combine, to some degree, features of a regular phone and a computer. They allow users to send and receive emails, and also to browse the internet (Jones, 2012). These phones also have mobile based operating system that allows better integration with applications of different manufacturers. The main advantage of a Smartphone is its portability as one can carry it almost anywhere and can enjoy its features even on the move. Smartphones also have some disadvantages. Smartphones have made us increasingly dependent on technology. There seems to now work life balance in our lives as we are always ‘connected’ to the world. Smartphones also

Monday, August 26, 2019

Distinctive HR Policies and Practices Research Paper

Distinctive HR Policies and Practices - Research Paper Example The research paper "Distinctive HR Policies and Practices" talks about such distinctive HR policies and practices as compensation and benefits, training, organizational culture, flexibility in the scheduling and methods for attracting and retaining employees by the example of company Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic developed slowly with the help of the medical practice of a pioneer doctor known as Dr. William Worrall Mayo. Over time, the demand for the medical services increased and other doctors and science researchers were asked to join the world’s first private integrated group practice. Doctors and students came from around the world to learn new techniques from the Mayo Doctors, and patients came from around the world for diagnosis and treatment. Mayo Clinic consists of over 55,000 doctors, nurses, scientists, students, and allied health staff at Mayo Clinic locations in the Midwest, Arizona, and Florida. Their mission is to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. The health benefits provided by Mayo Clinic can be said to be unique as they are tailored towards preventive rather than curative direction. These health benefits cover both full-time and part-time employees and residents who are in the Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education. This health benefit plan according to the CNN rating is not 100% as it is a non-profit organization with only an annual $3 billion, but it covers the children. (who are under 3 years of age). Among the offered health benefits covers includes a fitness center that is onsite and a gym membership both at a subsidized cost. It has outpatient health services (which are provided b y their medical specialists within their clinics which assist in cutting their expenditure on insurance services). There are also

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Work Place Module II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Work Place Module II - Essay Example Some people may argue that accountability is a myth that can not be elucidated due to the complexity of procedures involved and evaluation criteria. However, compliance evaluation may involve formal and informal procedures. In general, accountability is crucial to governance because it ensures public organisations perform in a professional manner in order to offer value for money in the line of public service provision (Dowdle 2006). With regard to accountability in the health care sector, this paper will focus on NHS. In essence, NHS has the role of improving health of the local population in the UK. However, NHS has to be accountable for its service delivery to the people (Cooper 1995). NHS Board is accountable to the department of health. The government is required to provide a statement of NHS accountability clearly describing its responsibility and accountability. NHS provides a range of services, which some of them are accrued from different organisations, not forgetting the de partment of health under which NHS is accountable to (Cooper 1995). ... It is apparent that not a single entity can be argued to comprehensively exercise accountability. Therefore, it will be essential to assess some of the barriers that hinder employment of accountability in NHS. In the long-term, this project benefit both the NHS, the public, and also to me as a student. Through the findings and recommendations of this project, NHS will be able to utilize the information contained in it in order to evaluate its performance in terms of accountability, and various ways through which it can improve as it will be stipulated in the recommendations. Other public organisations can also benefit from the findings of this paper. There is no difference in accountability exercised or required in NHS and accountability exercised or required in other public organisations. Therefore, the government may find it crucial to implement recommendations of this project, in advising other public institutions on how to institute and maintain accountability. On the same note, the public will also benefit from this project in that the project will elucidate on matters concerning how the public can ensure that the government and its institutions are accountable for their actions. For example, the public will be enlightened about consumer/customer accountability. Most people lack the idea of how the government can be made accountable for their service deliveries especially on matters pertaining health service delivery. It is argued that public organisations should ensure that the public gets the value for money in health provision. It is also my strong believe that this project will be of importance to me especially in my studies. I will have not only acquired report writing skills, but I will also have gained a grasp of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A physical description of an object. not emotional, imaginative or Essay

A physical description of an object. not emotional, imaginative or interpretive - Essay Example The outside cover can be hard bound or just a sturdy paper that extends from its cover to its back. Its purpose is to indicate the title of the book and its corresponding pictures and designs to make the book appealing to its readers. It also serves as a protection that would prevent the contents of the book from being damaged which are composed of thinner leaves of paper where the printed words are written. The physical description of a book are the following, its shape typically rectangle. There are however other variations of which could be square, sometimes oblong. Its inner leaves are made up of thin leaves of papers where the printed contents are written. Its contents can be made up of solely of words or pictures, charts, illustrations or any visual elements that would help the readers understand the book better. Its contents are also divided into chapters to organize the ideas of the book. The wonder of a book is in its contents. When used properly, a book is a very powerful tool that could expand the mind and horizon of an individual that would bring about great and revolutionary ideas. It can also be used as a tool to improve oneself and to convey ideas and instructions. A book maybe just a bound of paper with printed word on its pages but it is the one of the most important if not the most important thing that mankind has created because it has expanded his or her mind that help create other things that made the world a better

Friday, August 23, 2019

Tax and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Tax and Ethics - Essay Example The issue of aggressive tax planning raises the question of ethics. Each of the aforementioned players has a critical role in the arrangement as ensuing thesis underscores. In an attempt to tackle the query at hand, it is important to understand the roots of the economic power plays of the international system. In his discourses, Immanuel Wallenstein discusses political economy of global capitalism. In an attempt to articulate his major argument, Wallenstein develops a theoretical framework, which he calls the World Systems Theory. According to this theory, there is a characteristic structural disparity brought about by capitalism. He espouses that in the political economy of capitalism, the developed economies of the West emerge as the holders of capital since they control the market. Subsequently, the impoverished countries of the third world provide cheap labor and raw materials required to facilitate production. Echoing the same thoughts, Karl Marx had earlier noted that elite na tions of the West could not continue to enjoy this prestigious condition without exploiting the poor countries. Information retrieved from the annals of Karl Marx’s ideology dubbed the Communist Manifesto indicates that there are two key players in the power play of the international system: elite individuals and multinational companies. In the political economy of global capitalism, self-preservation is the ultimate goal. For multinational companies, the subjects of this study, aggressive tax planning is one of the devious tactics used to meet this end goal. Role of Key Players in Aggressive Tax Framing As famed global visionary, Steve Jobs once said, with great power comes responsibility. Through aggressive tax planning perpetuated by their lobbyists, strategic planners and advisers with the help of the mainstream government, multinational companies have ignored their responsibility role by shirking away from their duty to care. By ignoring their duty to care, they ignore t heir ethical duty thus abusing their corporate social responsibility. Their subtle tax circumvention mechanisms are a show of greed and thirst for economic power, which raises ethical concerns. Sources retrieved from Amnesty International indicate, â€Å"Starbucks had sales of ?400 million in the UK last year, but paid no corporation tax. Amazon, which had sales in the UK of ?3.35 billion in 2011, only reported a "tax expense" of ?1.8 million And Google's UK unit paid just ?6 million to the Treasury in 2011 on UK turnover of ?395 million.† Economic experts from the Wall Street Journal apportion blame to professional advisory agencies. The professional advisors of the companies themselves have come under fire on the type of advice that they have given which has in turn given rise to the tax avoidance. Key professional services firms such as Deloitte Touche, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), KPMG, and Ernst & Young are equally as guilty as the companies themselves are. Certain expe rts argue that these advisory agencies are the real culprits. According to the Wall Street Journal, these advisory agencies wilfully mislead and manipulate the companies for their own profitable purposes. Top economists accuse the advisory agencies

Software Usability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Software Usability - Essay Example or the successful execution of business processes that the designs of the information systems embedded within them are user centered and targeted towards the achievement of specific goals with effectiveness. Usability is judged at the very initiation when the user interacts with the user interface of software. The readability of the user interface and the accessibility that it provides are both key factors that can be considered in order to assess the usability of that particular system. Specific User tasks to be highlighted. Usability precision without the implementation of this task at the design phase is impossible. Every computer system module needs to be designed specific to its users’ needs. The simply and clearly chalked out the requirements of the users are, the easier and more efficiently implemented is the usability of the system. Goals to be Determined-Evaluate what is the final required end result. In accordance with the data collected, the tasks required to reach the goal are embedded within the software design of the computer system. User profile should be determined. Representatives similar to the target market should be approached. The system should be accessed by them and their response should be integrated into the final outcome of the software. Conduct preliminary trial sessions. The representatives who are made to access the system before its finalization are provided with specific rooms in which they are monitored by audio/visual recording or eye tracking equipment. Since the physical response of users is part of the usability assessment the data collected is of immense importance. Data input from the users should be evaluated. Respect should be given to the areas of the system that left the users unsatisfied and distressed. Close attention should be paid to areas where the users were not satisfied. DISAGREEMENTS about usability should be resolved with the consensus of opinion. The hiring of external agents that would be third party to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hul and Nirma Company Full Year of Comparison Essay Example for Free

Hul and Nirma Company Full Year of Comparison Essay The success of Nirmas umbrella branding strategy has led to a change in the competitions marketing strategies, as well. Many of Nirmas competitors are now consolidating their brand portfolio and consequently gaining more bang for their advertising rupee. In a changing market environment, the company has relaunched Nirma Yellow Washing Powder and Nirma Beauty Soap, two of its strongest brands. Nirma Yellow Powder is being re-launched with improved formulation and new advertising. This is an extension of the original ad which will return after the launch is over. Nirma Beauty Soap is being re-launched with a new shape, fragrance and a smarter, brighter pack to improve shelf visibility. Promotion Nirmas success is synonymous with its advertising and marketing strategy. When Karsanbhai Patel started selling his detergent powder, he decided to call it Nirma, derived from the name of his daughter Nirupama. In the early years, the Nirma packet featured a lady washing a garment. Later, however, the design was changed and an image of his daughter was featured on the pack. The white dancing girl, featured in Nirmas television advertising, is perhaps the most enduring image of Nirma. Though Ms. Patel passed away in a car accident, she continues to live on in the corporate logo and the best selling brands of the company. Nirmas advertising has always focused on the value-for-money angle. Its simple and catchy jingle Dudh si safedi Nirma se aye, rangin kapda bhi khil khil jaye has continued to echo in the drawing rooms of middle-class Indian homes through the decades. While the jingle stresses on the product, it also salutes the savvy and budget-conscious Indian housewife. The jingle, which was first aired on radio in 1975, was broadcast on television in 1982. It is one of the longest running jingles and the spot has seen very few changes since the time it was first aired. For the re-launch of Nirma, the company has developed new spots but they are variations of the old favourite. Once the re-launch is complete, the company plans to go back to the original advertisement. Nirmas promotion strategy, too, has many firsts to its credit. The company pioneered product sponsorship through the electronic media. Besides, the company has developed a unique advertising strategy new products are launched with no advertising support. Once the distribution glitches are sorted out and the product reaches the shelves of retailers, the company begins to advertise it. The umbrella branding strategy helps to give new products instant recall without increasing the advertising expense.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Function of Water in the Human Body

Function of Water in the Human Body Water mainly enters the human body through the food and drink we consume. A small proportion of water is obtained from oxidative metabolism e.g. in respiration. Human beings mainly lose water by excretion in urine and faeces. Water is also lost through evaporation e.g. as sweat (Campbell N. A. et al. 1999, Frederic H.M. 2006) The kidneys are highly specialised organs of the body and play an important role in homeostasis. The kidney maintains homeostasis by regulating water balance, waste removal and blood composition and pressure. The kidneys dispose of waste by-products of metabolism and hence prevent the build up of toxic products in the body and to regulate the chemical components of the bodys fluids by responding to any imbalances of body fluids. These functions are fulfilled by a process of filtration of blood, which mainly includes the movement of solutes between the internal fluid and external environment. The movement of solutes is normally through a transport epithelium, in the case of the kidney it is in the form of a tubular channel; this tubular channel gives the kidney a large surface area. The kidneys weigh less than 1% of the human body, they receive approximately 2 % of blood pumped with each heartbeat. Urine exits the kidney through a duct called the ureter. The ureters of both kidneys drain into a common urinary bladder. Urine leaves the body from the urinary bladder to the urethra which empties near the vagina in females or through the penis in males. (Campbell N. A. et al. 1999, Michael F. et al. 2001) At one end the nephron forms a cup-shaped structure called glomerulus From the glomerulus a tube runs towards the centre of the kidney first forming a twisted region called the proximal convoluted tubule and then a long hair-pin loop in the medulla, it runs back upwards into the cortex where it forms another twisted region called the distal convoluted tubule, this then joins a collecting duct which leads down the medulla and into the renal pelvis The functional unit of the kidney is a nephron. Microscopic sections of the kidney show that the kidney is made up of thousands of nephrons. Fig1b shows the location of a nephron and Fig2 shows the detailed structure of a nephron. Each renal capsule is supplied with blood by the afferent arteriole a branch of the renal artery this splits into many capillaries in the capsule which then rejoin to form the afferent arteriole. The nephrons structure is closely related to its function of regulating solutes Osmoregulation is maintaining constant levels of water in the body. Cells cannot survive a huge deviation from its osmolality. Hence, cells have a continuous movement of water across their plasma membranes. A net gain of water will cause the cell to swell up and burst, while a net loss of water will cause the cell to shrivel up and die. Water is transported by osmosis around the body. Osmoregulation is accomplished by creating an osmotic gradient; this requires lots of energy and is done by maintaining solute concentrations in the body fluids. The osmolality of the body is fixed at a mean of 2905 mosmos/g. The kidney is able to maintain a constant osmolality as its able to adjust the rate of water excretion over a wide range. The volume of the extra-cellular fluid is mainly determined by the concentration of sodium ions, hence slight adjustments to the renal excretion rate have a major impact on the extracellular fluid volume. Changes in tubular sodium transport is accompanied by parallel movements of water, this results in no net change in body fluid osmolality (Campbell N. A. et al. 1999, Frederic H.M. 2006, Michael F. et al. 2001) The loop of Henle creates a longitudinal osmotic gradient across the medulla; this aids the reabsorption of water and other important solutes. Ascending and descending limb are parallel and adjacent to each other with a layer of tissue fluid in between. Fluid enters from the proximal convoluted tubules flows down the descending limb and then up the ascending limb. This is known as a counter-current flow. Thewalls of the descending limb are permeable to water, while the walls of the ascending limb are impermeable to water. The ascending limb of the Loop of Henle is made up of a thick walled tubule which is impermeable to the outward movement of water but not salt. The red arrows on fig3 show the movement of water amd solutes along the loop of Henle and the collecting duct. Also, the walls of the ascending limb contain pumps to remove sodium chloride from the lumen and add it to the surrounding interstitial fluid. Hence sodium and chloride ions are actively transported out of the ascen ding limb. This is the site of reabsorption in the kidney, here fluid from theenters and the kidney reabsorbs all the useful solutes and water. The permeability of the loop and the collecting duct depends on the osmolality of the blood and is controlled by a negative feedback mechanism by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus A high concentration of salt builds up in the medullary tissue, this together with urea retention by these tissues, helps build up a high osmotic pressure in the medullary tissue. This creates a gradient of 200 mosm/g across the tubular wall at any point and causes a loss of water from the descending limb. The loss of water concentrates sodium and chloride ions in the descending limb. Salt concentration in the medullary tissue is highest at the apex of the loop, the tissue in the deeper layers of the medulla contain a very concentrated solution of sodium ions, chloride ions and urea. The fluid leaving the ascending limb is hypo-osmolar as compared to the fluid that enters and has a osmolality of approximately 100 mosm/g .Sodium and chloride ions diffuse out in the lower part of the ascending limb. Fluid passes down the collecting duct through the medullary tissue of increasing salt concentration, water can pass out of it by osmosis. The reabsorbed water is carried away by blood capil laries (Campbell N. A. et al. 1999, Frederic H.M. 2006, Michael F. et al. 2001) Control of water regulation Osmoregulation by the kidney involves a negative feedback mechanism. The osmoreceptors are in the hypothalamus and the effectors are the pituitary gland and the walls of the distal convoluted tubules. Osmoreceptors detect alterations of water levels and send impulses to the pituitary gland which then increase or decrease the production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). In the case of a low osmolality,when the nerve cells are stimulated by osmoreceptors action potentials travel down them, this causes ADH to be released from their endings into the blood capillaries in the posterior pituitary gland from here it is distributed throughout the body. ADH acts on the plasma membranes of the cells of the collecting ducts. ADH is picked up by a receptor on the plasma membrane which then activates an enzyme. This causes vesicles with water permeable channels to fuse with the plasma membrane hence ADH makes the membrane more permeable to water than usual. Hence more water will be reabsorbed by the collecting duct and more concentrated urine will be produced. On the other hand, when the blood water content rises the osmoreceptors are no longer stimulated and hence do not lead to the secretion of ADH. Hence, ADH secretion slows down and the collecting duct cells become less permeable to water, so less water is reabsorbed and more diluted urine is produced  (Campbell N. A. et al. 1999, Frederic H.M. 2006, Michael F. et al. 2001) In conclusion, the regulation of water is essential for the survival of human beings and is carried out by the kidneys and monitored by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus and controlled by the pituitary gland. Each of these plays an equally important role in the regulation of water and without any one of them the body will not be able to function in a normal manner. [Words: 1328]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Diane Arbus And Weegee Photography Essay

Diane Arbus And Weegee Photography Essay As a people watcher, documentary photography has always been intriguing to me. I remember thinking how wonderful it was for photographers to be in the right place at the right time and wondered how they knew where to be for that perfect shot. I began carrying my camera everywhere, and started looking at my surroundings and the people in them differently. As if that perfect shot was just waiting for me to show up, but I still was not getting that life changing remarkable shot. As I began to study photography, I began to discover, that while some documentary photographers did happen to be in the right place at the right time, like Arthur Felig (Weegee), most of those photographers planned and set up their remarkable and sometimes scandalous shots, like Diane Arbus did. While most historians would say that these two photographers had obvious differences in style and techinques, I found that both had many similarities. Diane Arbus was born in 1923 to a wealthy Jewish family. Diane was one of three fortunate children growing up in the Central Park West and Park Avenue areas of New York City. She once told an author, writing about The Great Depression that she grew up feeling immune and exempt from circumstance. One of the things she suffered from was that she never felt adversity. Weegee was born in 1899 in Austria, shortly after his birth, his father left Austria for America where he would work as a Rabbi saving enough money for the rest of his family to join him. Finally at the age of ten, Weegee along with his mother and three brothers arrived at Ellis Island in America. Weegees family was very poor, so he quit school after the eighth grade and worked to help his family financially. At the age of thirteen, Diane met Allan Arbus, an advertising department employee in her parents department store. After turning eighteen, Diane married Allan and was soon introduced to the world of photography. Allan gave Diane her first camera, and they worked side by side doing fashion spreads until with Allans support, Diane decided to leave the fashion industry and follow her own interests. While working several odd jobs with his father, a street tintype photographer took Weegees photograph. After that, Weegee decided that photography was his calling. He ordered a tintype camera from a Chicago mail-order house, and after a few months got his first job as a photographer. At the age of twenty four, Weegee landed a job at Acme Newsprint.. His new job was in the darkroom, but occasionally he would get the opportunity to go out at night and take pictures of emergencies. After a while, he started to get called for assignments and cover stories, but because he was an employee of Acme, he never got credit for the photos he took. In 1935, Weegee left the Acme company to do freelance work. Not long after leaving the fashion industry to pursue her own photography interest, two significant events happened to Diane, the first was her marriage to Allan failed, the second was a class she took with Lisette Model, a European photographer who encouraged her to push her thematic unorthodox interest further, along with, mastering the conventional technical aspects of photography. By the early sixties, Dianes work began to assume a distinctive look. Not only did Diane set up the shots she would take of her subjects, she would actually follow them to their homes and offices observing every aspect of their lives. While doing this, she would listen and visit with them softening them up until the public facade disappeared, then she would set up the photo shoot. In almost every case, Dianes subject would be posed in their most natural setting, wide eyed facing straight ahead looking into the center of the camera lens with the same curious expression. Almost like they were seeking some unspoken understanding from the observer. Dianes photography work impacts the world leaving us to ponder what is considered proper or tasteful in art. . In 1972, Diane Arbus was the first American photographer to be exhibited at the Venice Biennale. After leaving the Acme company, Weegee began checking in with the Manhatten Police Headquarters around midnight, becoming familiar to the police force. He would wait by the teletype for something to happen, then would rush to the scene of the crime to take his photographs. After years of this procedure, Weegee finally decided that waiting by the teletype was to cumbersome. He bought himself a chevy coupe and a press card, and became the only press photographer ever permitted to have a police radio in their car. His car became his home away from home and contained not only a police radio, but also a portable darkroom, extra cameras, flash bulbs, extra loaded holders, a typewriter, cigars, salami and a change of clothes. Weegee stated in his book Weegee by Weegee, I was no longer glued to the Teletype machine at police headquarters. I had my wings. I no longer had to wait for crime to come to me; I could go after it. The police radio was my life line. My camera my life and my love was my Aladdins lamp. After ten years of working freelance on the New York City streets after hours, Weegee published his first book, The Naked City, which was inspired by the work and city he loved. It was during this ten years that Weegee produced some of his best and most expressive photographs. . In 1962, Diane met John Szarkowski, the curator of photography at the Museum of Modern Art. He brought with him a romantic, subjective aesthetic of photography. And in 1967, Szarkowski featured Dianes New Documents . That show, more than any other, established her reputation. In 1962 and again in 1966, Diane received the Guggenheim Fellowship for some of her non-commercial work, a couple on a park bench, a young Republican, identical twin girls and the marginal: dwarves, drag queens, circus performers. Weegee never had any formal photographic training. He never heard of any of the greats like Alfred Stieglitz, or Ansel Adams. The photographs Weegee took came strictly from his soul. None of his photos were planned, and were all taken with the same preset setting at f/16 @ 1/200 of a second, with a focal distance of ten feet with a flash. Style, texture, and quality did not matter to Weegee; he focused more on capturing a moment of time on film. He had mere seconds to capture the emotions of each event as they happened. Being a freelance photographer was not easy, Weegee confronted murder, viciousness children in need, street brawls, the homeless, fires and victims. However, he also confronted happiness, lovers, celebrations and the end of the War. His work is strong and stands on its own and is meant to be viewed one at a time and not as a group of work. With each shot, Weegee captured a truth that can never be recreated. In July of 1971, at the age of 48, and while suffering from depression, Diane Arbus took a lethal dose of pills and used a razor blade to end her own life. Her story, fits the popular 60s pattern of the romantic, tragic, brilliant, eccentric, tortured artist. Even now, Dianes work continues to fascinate. Her photos are amazing and startling to look at, even now. In December of 1968, Weegee died from a brain tumor. He is credited with ushering in the age of tabloid culture, while at the same time being revered for elevating the sordid side of human life to that of high art.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The New Deal :: essays research papers

In 1933 the new president, Franklin Roosevelt, brought an air of confidence and optimism that quickly rallied the people to the banner of his program, known as the New Deal. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," the president declared in his inaugural address to the nation. Perhaps he should have said the only thing we have to fear is complacency. What was truly unique about the New Deal was the speed with which it accomplished what previously had taken generations. However, many of the reforms were created in haste and weakly executed. And during the New Deal, public reproach and contention were never interrupted or suspended. When Roosevelt took the presidential oath, the banking and credit system of the nation was in a state of collapse. With astonishing speed the nation's banks were first closed and then reopened only if they were solvent. The administration adopted a policy of moderate currency inflation to start an upward movement in commodity prices and to afford some relief to debtors. New governmental agencies brought generous credit facilities to industry and agriculture. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured savings-bank deposits up to $5,000, and severe regulations were imposed upon the sale of securities on the stock exchange. In addition to aggressive legislation to corral the failing bank system FDR vigorously attacked unfair business practices. The National Recovery Administration (NRA), established in 1933 with the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), attempted to end cut-throat competition by setting codes of fair competitive practice to generate more jobs and thus more buying. Although the NRA was welcomed initially, business complained bitterly of over-regulation as recovery began to take hold. The NRA was declared unconstitutional in 1935. By this time other policies were fostering recovery, and the government soon took the position that administered prices in certain lines of business were a severe drain on the national economy and a barrier to recovery. It was also during the New Deal that organized labor made greater gains than at any previous time in American history. NIRA had guaranteed to labor the right of collective bargaining (bargaining as a unit representing individual workers with industry), while not a new concept it was quite radical. Then in 1935 Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act, which defined unfair labor practices, gave workers the right to bargain through unions of their own choice and prohibited employers from interfering with union activities.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Drawing and Painting Media :: Art

Drawing and Painting Media Pencils Are Ace:- Pencils are classified by their hardness (H) and Blackness (B) and range from 9H to 9B. An HB pencil is in the middle as it’s both hard and black, and is good for general sketching. A harder pencil (like a 2H) is better for precise, technical drawings as it won’t smudge so easily. 1) Pencils are made from a mixture of graphite (a form of carbon) and clay. 2) Coloured pencils come in a range of colours and a variety of hardnesses. The softer ones are best for laying even, flat colour and are less likely to break. Inks, Paints, Pastels, Dry-transfer Lettering†¦ Also Ace:- 1) Inks are pigments suspended in water or solvent. They’re good for colour infilling, background washes and writing. 2) Gouache is a type of opaque paint, which is ideal for producing flat areas of colour, or highlights on renderings (e.g. coats of plaster, mortar, etc.). 3) Pastels come in two varieties – oil and chalk. Chalk pastel is particularly good for producing backgrounds on renderings, or adding tone and shading. It’s easily blended using your fingers or cotton wool. 4) Dry-Transfer lettering is applied with pressure from a waxed translucent sheet onto drawings or prototype models. It comes in various typefaces, sizes, styles and colours. Airbrushes Blow A Mist Of Ink:- 1) Airbrushes blow a fine mist of ink from a reservoir onto an image area, using compressed air from a compressor or a ‘power pack’ (can of compressed air). 2) It’s a time-consuming medium – you have to mask all the areas you don’t want to airbrush using a low tack clear film and a craft knife. Plus you need loads of practice to do it well. 3) You can get really great photo-realistic results, if you know what you’re doing. There are excellent examples of airbrushing on various record/CD sleeves, posters and adverts. 4) Airbrushing effects can also be achieved with some computer packages, e.g. Adobe Photoshop. Felt Pens And Markers – Water-Based Or Spirit-Based:- Water-based pens aren’t suitable for large areas because they dry quickly and leave streaks. 1) Fine-liners come in a variety of thicknesses and colours. They’re great for outlining drawings.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Foreign and Local Literature of Effects of Online Games to Students

â€Å"COMMONWEALTH HISTORY† THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN COMMONWEALTH The birth of the modern Commonwealth, as we recognise it today, really began with the independence of India and Pakistan from Britain in 1947. In 1949, India’s desire to become a republic and to cut constitutional ties with the British monarchy while remaining within the Commonwealth, forced leaders to rethink the principles of Commonwealth membership. The London Declaration of the same year dropped the word ‘British’ from the association’s title. Removing the requirement that member countries have the British Monarch as their Head of State, the same Declaration recognised King George VI as the â€Å"symbol of their free association and as such Head of the Commonwealth†. India was thus welcomed as the first republican member in a modern, and voluntary, association. So exceptional was the spirit of accommodation on all sides in reaching this agreement that the Indian Prime Minister, Jawarhalal Nehru, was moved to say at the time that the Commonwealth could bring â€Å"a touch of healing† to the management of contemporary world problems. Committed to racial equality and national sovereignty, the Commonwealth became the natural association of choice for many new nations emerging out of decolonisation in the 1950s and 1960s. Ghana achieved independence in 1957 and became the first majority-ruled African member. Jamaica was the first to claim independence in the Caribbean in 1962; and, in the same year, Samoa became the first among countries in the Pacific (excluding Australia and New Zealand). From this point on, the Commonwealth expanded rapidly. IMPORTANT MILESTONES IN HISTORY In 1965, an important milestone was reached when Commonwealth leaders established the Commonwealth Secretariat at Marlborough House in London. This was to be the association’s own independent civil service, headed by a Commonwealth Secretary-General. The Secretary-General is now elected by Heads for no more than two four-year terms in office. Mr Kamalesh Sharma, an Indian diplomat, took up office as the most recent Commonwealth Secretary-General in April 2008. He is the fifth, and follows the Canadian Arnold Smith (1965 – 1975), Sir Shridath Ramphal, from Guyana (1975 – 1990), Chief Anyaoku, from Nigeria (1990 – 2000) and New Zealander, Don McKinnon (2000 – 2008). Previously, the Commonwealth had been administered through the government of the UK, but this move made the Secretariat answerable to all member governments. It carries out consultations on their behalf, helps them with policy-making, the spread of information and the delivery of agreed Commonwealth initiatives. A year later, in 1966, the Commonwealth Foundation was launched to support the work of a growing number of Commonwealth professional associations and NGOs and to promote Commonwealth art and culture. Two further milestones occurred in 1971. First, leaders adopted the Singapore Declaration of Commonwealth Principles which gave the association a formal code of ethics and committed members to improving human rights and seeking racial and economic justice. The leaders declared their belief in peace, liberty, human dignity and democracy. At the same time, they declared their abhorrence of racial prejudice, colonial domination and wide disparities of wealth. The Heads declared: â€Å"We believe that international co-operation is essential to remove the causes of war, promote tolerance, combat injustice and secure development. We are convinced that the Commonwealth is one of the most fruitful associations for these purposes†¦(and that it can) provide a constructive example of the multi-national approach which is vital†¦(and) based on consultation, discussion and co-operation. Secondly, they established the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation. Based on the concept of mutualism, the Fund was among the first to advance the idea of technical cooperation among developing countries. In 1991, building on the principals adopted in Singapore, the Harare Declaration set the Commonwealth firmly on new course for a new century: that of promoting democracy and good governance, human rights and the rule of law, an d sustainable economic and social development. As part of the Harare priorities, the Commonwealth provides assistance to countries in transition to democracy by helping to draft legislation, review and amend electoral procedures and otherwise create the framework for democracy to take root. Between 1990 and mid-1996, the Commonwealth observed some 18 elections or referendums to further this work. At a 1995 summit in New Zealand, leaders adopted the Millbrook Commonwealth Action Programme to give practical expression to the Harare principles, particularly democracy, evelopment and consensus-building. They agreed on practical steps to address serious and persistent violations of these principles and established a mechanism – a Ministerial Action Group of Foreign Ministers – to carry this forward. It was in this context that, in the face of human rights abuses by a military regime, they took the unprecedented step of suspending Nigeria’s membership.

Essay about George Orwell Essay

Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. George Orwell re-uses many of his themes in order to get his point across. In â€Å"Why I Write†, Orwell states that one of the reasons he writes is for political purpose. He expresses this theme in his essays, â€Å"An Episode of Bed-wetting† and â€Å"St. Cyprian’s†, as well as his novels, â€Å"1984† and â€Å"Animal Farm†. In â€Å"An Episode of Bed-wetting† and â€Å"St. Cyprian’s†, Orwell expresses how he feels about the politics in the school, St. Cyprian’s. While attending St. Cyprian’s Orwell and many of the other boys who were not rich, were treated unfairly. Sambo, the headmaster, and Flip, his wife, always seemed to look down upon the boys who were not rich and did not have titles. Orwell even tells the reader, â€Å"The rich boys had milk and biscuits in the middle of the morning, they were given riding lessons once a week, Flip mothered then and called them by their Christian names, and above all they were never canned† (Atwan 166). In â€Å"An Episode of Bed-wetting†, Orwell mentions â€Å"the Sixth Form†. It was a group at school made up of older boys â€Å"who were selected as having ‘character’ and were empowered to beat smaller boys† (Atwan 16). It was made clear by Orwell that this tradition was a bit strange. But after his second beating he claimed, â€Å"the second beating seemed to me a just and reasonable punishment† (Atwan 18). Orwell is trying to make the reader understand that the administration at St. Cyprian’s has corrupted the boys by making them think that the Sixth Form is an appropriate way of handling matters. Orwell states in â€Å"Why I Write†, that he is â€Å"against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism† (Atwan 418). George Orwell published â€Å"1984† in 1949, the same year that the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb. The arms race that followed the Soviets’ development of nuclear weaponry quickly escalated into the Cold War, which raged for the next four decades as the enormous ideological gulf separating capitalism and democracy from totalitarianism and Communism led to mutual hatred between the United States and the Soviet Union, the world’s most powerful nations. Also, many of the methods that the Party in â€Å"1984† uses to sustain its absolute power, such as the rewriting of history and the use of political icons, were actually  employed in Communist nations around the world. Big Brother is similar to Lenin in the Soviet Union and Mao in China. In â€Å"1984†, Orwell portrays the perfect totalitarian society, t he most extreme realization imaginable of a modern-day government with absolute power. The title of the novel was meant to indicate to its readers in 1949 that the story represented a real possibility for the near future: if totalitarianism were not opposed, the title suggested, some variation of the world described in the novel could become a reality in only thirty-five years. Orwell portrays a state in which government monitors and controls every aspect of human life to the extent that even having a disloyal thought is against the law. In â€Å"1984† Orwell writes, â€Å"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past† (Orwell 63). The Party has complete political power in the present, enabling it to control the way in which its subjects think about and interpret the past: every history book reflects Party ideology, and individuals are forbidden from keeping mementos of their own pasts, such as photographs and documents. As a result, the citizens of Oceania have a very short, fuzzy memory, and are willing to believe anything that the Party tells them. â€Å"Animal Farm†, by George Orwell, is said to be most famous in the West as a stinging critique of the history and rhetoric of the Russian Revolution. Retelling the story of the emergence and development of Soviet communism in the form of an animal fable, â€Å"Animal Farm† allegorizes the rise to power of the dictator Joseph Stalin. Although Orwell believed strongly in socialist ideals, he felt that the Soviet Union realized these ideals in a terribly perverse form. His novel creates its most powerful ironies in the moments in which Orwell depicts the corruption of Animalist ideals by those in power. Even though â€Å"Animal Farm† serves not so much to condemn tyranny or despotism as to indict the horrifying hypocrisy of tyrannies that base themselves on, and owe their initial power to, ideologies of liberation and equality. The gradual disintegration and perversion of the Seven Commandments illustrates this hypocrisy with vivid force. In â€Å"Animal Farm†, Orwell writes, â€Å"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others† (Orwell 112). In this statement, the rulers (the pigs), are re-writing laws to make things favor them. Also, many people will misread the word â€Å"equal† in the  first part as a relative term rather than an absolute one. Once a misreading like this takes place, the core ideals of the animal farm, and any human nation, gradually become corrupted. Orwell uses polemics in order to make his reader think his views are correct. Politics are extremely important to George Orwell, which is why he always seems to write about it. Works Cited: Atwan, Robert. Ten on Ten. Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press: Boston, 1992 Orwell, George. 1984. Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Inc.: London, 1949 Orwell, George. Animal Farm: A Fairy Story. Harcourt Brace & Company: London, 1946

Friday, August 16, 2019

Body Fat and Eating Disorders Paper

The definition Of body composition is the body qualified amount Of fat to fat-free mass. Body composition is made up of two parts of mass. These parts are fat free mass and fat, fat free mass is made up of bones, muscle, water and tissue. Body fat is located inside the human body and protects the internal organs, provides sufficient energy, manages hormones which perform various functions in the body. When the person is considered obese or overweight the fat that they carry can cause a potential health risk.People who have standard body composition are usually healthier, move easier, function better and more efficient. Also humans who have ideal body composition have higher confidence than someone who has unsatisfactory body composition. A person who has more body fat than was standard IBM can be at risk for health issues. The health issues that can be related to obesity are cancer, diabetes, heart disease and etc. The obesity epidemic basically comes down to humans eating too much f ood and not doing enough exercise to burn calories, strengthens muscles and bones.The biggest factor is that humans are persuaded by fast food companies such as McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut and other type of chains and restaurants. These companies invest billions of dollars in advertising to win consumers over and to spend money on their product. While the companies are making money, human beings are also gaining weight. Fast food companies are also increasing portions such as a large, medium or extra-large fries. These fries are packed with salt and sodium. Another factor that does not help the obesity epidemic is how a person lives and manages their daily schedules.If a person works a desk job at different hours it can be hard to find time to exercise on a daily basis. Some health problems that are associated with anorexia nervous are loss of bone strength, tooth decay, thyroid gland issues, and dehydration, sensitive to cold, depression, and poor memory. Bulimia nervous can lead to dehydration, kidney failure, irregular heartbeat, and drug and alcohol abuse. Binge eating health problems are more in depth than anorexia nervous and bulimia. Binge eating can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gall bladder disease, trouble breathing, cancer, and sleep robbers.The cause of eating disorders is still founded to be unknown. But through research scientist and doctors have looked at the patterns of the person who is having an eating disorder. Most eating disorders are due to confidence and personal image issues that the person is having. From a physiological standpoint, an eating disorder can lead to health problems such as an ulcer. From throwing up to much the person can tear the lining in the stomach which can lead to further digestion issues. Dehydration and vomiting can lead to electrolyte abnormalities, which includes low potassium and calcium.Going further these issues can lead to dysfunction in the cardiac muscle. Malnutrition can lead to the body creating less estrogen and growth hormone which can lead to Infertility. By having low levels of estrogen, low calcium, peak levels of stress, can result in bone loss.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

8th of march Essay

Happy women’s day! International Women’s Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women’s groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. This day women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day. 8th March is celebrated as International Women’s Day, worldwide. The day is observed to bring a ocial revolution aiming at gender equality. In fact, in some countries like China, Nepal, Vietnam, Russia, it’s an official holiday! Here are some fun-facts about Women’s Day and areas where women excel, which is sure to make every woman proud of herself! 1. The first Women’s Day was observed on 19th March 1911. More than 1 million women and men attended rallies to support women’s right to work, vote, hold public office and to end gender discrimination. Over the years, 8th March as fixed as International Women’s Day. 2. Research suggests that women possess much stronger verbal skills, compared to men. Women are naturally more articulate. 3. Yellow mimosa is the symbol of Women’s Day in Italy, Russia and Albania. In Italy, men give flowers to women. Chocolates and yellow mimosa tops as gifts in Russia and Alba 4. Women have better empathy and can interpret emotions better. Women are also faster to identify something visually different than usual. According to scientists, women have a stronger immune system and female hormone oestrogen gives women this edge! 6. Women, if they receive proper medical care during her birth and pregnancy, have a longer life expectancy than men. 7. Women and caring go hand in hand. This may be the reason why many patients prefer female doctors. Several studies indicate that female doctors are more encouraging, reassuring and spend up to 10% more time with patients.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Censorship: Friend or Foe?

While some will make the argument that it depends on the authority of a child, some children mature less quickly than others. There's no way of telling who can handle the material until it's too late. Censoring in the beginning is like a safety net to make sure nothing offensive is being said. On the other hand, a high school student should be mature enough to handle anything that is thrown their way. By the time they get to that age, they already know a good handful of the stuff that administrators are trying to censor.Offensive topics eke racism, sexual contact, rape, and homosexuality may be contained in the book being read, but In all reality, there is nothing more real to the book than there Is to a scary movie. President Obama said â€Å"censorship Includes teaching our children the truth about history and this country, which Is not currently done, since the education department Is a tool of the Liberal and their revolutions history to convert our country into communist societ y. Meaning censorship could be depriving children of the ability to learn about not only their country and government, as it seemingly being said here, but about the world and how it functions. As anyone could say, censorship is as easy a topic as politics or religion, there are so many different ways to look at it. In one hand there is the fact that some people are not mature enough to handle some of the points being made, and some of the things being said. While in the other hand, there is the fact that censoring a book of things that a child already knows is shielding them from something they have en before.In response to both opinions, children are all maturing at different rates, the way of knowing who can handle such harsh topics and Ideas is only In the minds of the children. Censorship Is not helping, nor depriving the children of today. It's Just a movement to try to protect the feelings of different beliefs. Censorship should be decided by the parents. As at C. J. H. , the children were given an option to read The Kite Runner: by Exhaled Houses, or Lord of the Flies: by William Gilding, leaving the anal option to the parents of the children by sending a permission slip home.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Role of Government in the Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Role of Government in the Economy - Essay Example From this research it is clear that the government has provided guidance to the progressive movement of the economic activities taking place with the intention of sustaining the continuous economic growth; as well as providing employment and ensuring the stability of the prices of good and services. This means that in the US, the government has an involvement in the acceleration of the economy’s growth rate through the adjustment of such distributions. Other factors include the spending of funds and tax rates through the government management of money supply with the application of control to these monetary policies. Although having said this, it does not necessarily imply that the term would indicate the complete control on economic activities, rather, the term only suggests how the government plays an important role in the stabilisation of the economy.This essay highlights that  Neo-classical economics concentrates predominantly on the importance of individual and personal economic preferences, market equilibrium, and the balance between supply and demand.  These points are at the center of the neo-classical suppositions of the economy, which are the main trend to the perspective idea of capitalism. The most basic unit of the theory of neo-classical economics evolves into the concept of individual ownership, and initially its focus is on how individuals decide or manage their properties. This theory is primarily concerned with how an individual enjoys the profits in the context of the benefits that they receive from their properties, and thus changing the amount by which will be gained from their property which may also attribute to the social convenience or suffering (Veblen, 1969). Veblen (1969) also believed that an individual can be compared to a computer that mechanically benefits through its given data. The change of that data itself might result in them knowing to put themselves into a position where they will be able to meet various needs. This is the idea of capitalism, a social system that favors individual needs and rights. The neo-classical theory focuses onto the consumer, and how individual consumption will powerfully influence the behavior of the production, the needs of the consumer that has been granted by the market (Goodwin et al, 1997). The stability of the equilibrium in the economy is in the equal distribution of supply and demand. Every individual based on this theory has the right to be involved in the â€Å"free market†, wherein sellers and buyers have each others contribution in setting the price of a particular product (Barrons, 1995). Through this principle, it is not the government that will control the supply and demand of a p articular product as the free market is governed with the market forces (supply and demand), wherein prices are set toward equilibrium. This maintains the balance of the demands as opposed to the supply of the products. Although the government does not possess an absolute power over the economy, the government does have the role in the economic development which, according to neo-classical theory is essential to economic growth. The main responsibility of the government in the economic sector is to secure business cycles which do not mean harm to individual rights, constituting peace and order and protecting every citizen, both consumers and capitalists against frauds and the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Cause and effect of media on children and youth Annotated Bibliography

Cause and effect of media on children and youth - Annotated Bibliography Example The short-term exposure to such media increases the likelihood of aggressive thoughts and behaviors. It has been found that the characteristics of viewers, media content, and social environment influence the level to which violent media causes aggression in youth. in the end, it has been suggested that public policy makers, parents, and entertainment communities should play an active role in decreasing the level of media-violence exposure to youth and children. The researchers of this study focused on the impact of media on sexual behaviors and perceptions of children and youth. Using systematic review of the social science and biomedical literature and consulting sexual content of mass media, the effects of exposure on the sexual behaviors and attitudes of adolescents were studied. The results of the study reveal that television is one of the main sources of sexual content for adolescents. Media-literacy programs and parental influence can be used as effective measures to control the exposure of sexual content to adolescents. In this study, the researcher has explored the effects of television violence on children and youth. The researcher has used one hundred and forty-six articles related to behavioral science journals to identify the effects of television violence. Four major issues covered by the research in this study include the question of catharsis, emotional effects, effects on learning, and effects on aggressive behavior. A considerable increase in the aggressive behaviors of children has been found to be the most significant and alarming effect of violent television on children. Media has both positive and negative health effects on children and youth. In this study, the researchers have explored the ways media can have positively and negatively influence the health of adolescents. Excessive use of cell

Aristotelian rhetorical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Aristotelian rhetorical analysis - Essay Example Therefore, since political ads are always one sided; which implies that whoever the media favors gets the right posts, the paper will not take sides, but instead it will analyze the facts surrounding this ad. So, why would the president state the 2013 budget if he was aware of the effect it would have on his popularity? The ad appeals to the readers emotionally by including their needs and even considering their worries. This is how President Obamas 2013 budget of $ 1.5 trillion in tax increases would make it impossible to create job opportunities in Lowa. Further scrutiny reveals the use of the second person singular to make voters feel the desire not to vote in favor of Obama. Note, for ‘you, it would mean higher taxes, increased job losses and continued difficulties in the recovering economy. This move appeals strongly to those voters who are not critical, as they attempt to prevent their lives from becoming more complicated. At this point, let us be critical with the above ad. First, increases in taxes of $1.5 trillion are enormous and fitting in its purpose. This claim would call for research because it is obvious that whoever made the calculations might have included things that only affect a particular group of the society. The pressing question becomes, who will be hardest hit by the tax raises? The source of this information should be credible for the voters to consider the authenticity of the claim. Secondly, "tougher to create jobs in Lowa", is a claim that does not state who the victims are. The attack on Obama’s break of his promise and raising taxes should also not be made exceptional because every potential candidate makes promises, but it is not possible for them to oversee the future of the country’s social and economic status. Thirdly, the use of the second person singular (for you, it could mean higher taxes and more job loss), is always somewhat risky because it is difficult to prove that it applies to the

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Reclassification of marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reclassification of marijuana - Essay Example Just so, considering the fact of a great number of painful diseases, marijuana has the cure for this problem, that is, â€Å"†¦cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive component that has been shown to have a number of therapeutic benefits, including those that limit seizure activity† (Drugs.com). In a condition of single application a person feels relieved condition, relaxing effect, improving of appetite and general well-being. Moreover, the most efficient cannabinoid in cannabis is Tetrahydrocannabinol, known in medicine as a contributing component in the treatment of cancer for relieving of symptoms (nausea, vomiting) while anticancer chemotherapy. In fact, marijuana has a benefit for treatment of mental illnesses, such as prolonged depression or panic disorders. One way or another, different forms of cannabis (extracts, oils) help to heal or ease numerous health problems, so positive effect of marijuana is of no doubt, and, surely, it must be reclassified. Talking about general mends as a result of occasional use of marijuana, â€Å"†¦there is evidence pointing to slight increases in lung air flow rates as well as enhancements in lung volume †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Barrett). So, it is obvious that its equating to tobacco use in harmful scales is senseless. Naturally, the aspect of lasting period is of a great importance. Still, knowing the results of even somewhile smoking, it goes without question that cannabis is useful. Notably, it becomes evident from the last researches, which were aimed to investigate particular healing results of cannabis use for medical purposes. So, among vivid positive effects are: decrease of arthritis painful feelings, pain relief of multiple sclerosis and other muscle spasms, treatment of glaucoma, reversion of tobacco use impact and gain in lung health, control over epileptic seizers, decrease of symptoms of Dravet Syndrome, stop of cancer spreading, recession of Alzheimer disease,