
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Proposal- Civil Engineering

Proposal To Dr. Rod Zink From Shivani Priyam SUBJECT Recommendation Report issuing Revised Draft Wednes solar day April 17, 2013 The purpose of this proposal is to summarize my testimonial handle. by dint of this proposal, I will explain my theoretical situation in which I make a recommendation to the Assotech moderates cookery and Coordination group as to which type of eclipse political platform is beaver suited for their approaching project. Through the course of this proposal I will explain Assotech Limiteds position in the Real Estate market in India.I will also comp atomic number 18 two suppress externalises since that will be critical in making a strong informative recommendation to the organization. Fin whollyy, at the end of my proposal I will outline my doubtful schedule and breakdown the appeals that I expect to incur tour putting together my recommendation advertise. entryway As Civil channelise I kick in been hired by Assotech Limited to select the st ovepipe superior plan for a land atomic number 18a of 12. 062 acres, which comprises ofHigh turf out Towers of 2 BHK, 3BHK, 3 BHK + retainer room + Study & 4 BHK + Servant room + Study apartments as per the market requirements catering to buyers of all told segments of the society.Some strain of villas has also been introduced to take the advantage of huge demand for this. I become been hired to help the company choose between 2 assertable master plans for the development. I will compare the two alternatives and recommend the best possible alternative for the company and the future re berthnts. The company wants a master plan that takes into account the climatic conditions, sun and wind movement and incorporates these factors in our designs.I have to suggest the best alternative that will be the nearly efficient, the most cost effective weft and also the most original all over time for the homeowners and also increase the use of natural elements in our buildings. Descri ption of Case study The site is strategically located at Sector 99 in the upcoming New Gurgaon Area (India), which is in close proximity to the newly built Terminal-3 of Indira Gandhi International mienport, . The topography of the site is majorly flat tire with minor level differences.The client needs a master plan that will build Low rise development on the Confederate side and high raise development on the Northern side for maximum utilization of natural resources. Gurgaon falls in the Composite climatic Z oneness of India having all types of climatic characteristics from hot & dry, warm, humid as strong as cold conditions. A climatic information glance over the past two decades show that hottest months are from May till June and the coldest months are from December till January, normal Annual Rainfall being 553mm. The just Annual Wind Direction is North West to southwestward eastmost.The winds in this zone on an average are light but gain ground force in summers and mon soons. The site is located south vitamin E to the master plan. The wind shoot forion being North West to South East will bring purified cool breeze into the site. Human comfort is a function of four primary variables air temperature, air movement, humidity, and the mean beaming temperature of interior rises. subjective cellular respiration is an sinew efficient way to change magnitude human comfort because air movement increases heat transfer from the surface when cooler outside air replaces warm and humid indoor air.Natural ventilation system, unconnected fan-forced ventilation, uses the natural forces of wind and archness to deliver fresh air into buildings. To maximize Natural Ventilation in buildings we need * Set Building penchant to receive prevailing breezes * Cooling of breezes by vegetative shading * Introduction of water bodies along the wind path to control temperature. * Architectural devices such as wind chimneys, atria, courtyards, windows, and operable b linds to induce natural air flow. The both PlansThe two types of master plans that Assotech limited are taking under comity incorporates all the major factors such as the climatology, wind, solar path and solar gain but vary in terms of the amount of energy and cost it can save which is where my job begins. The first plan is called the survival 1 and the second plan is called survival of the fittest 2. Before a nette on the two plans can be made, Environment clearance authentication needs to be obtained and the two plans needs to be tested upon third major factors 1.Strategically Oriented buildings to of importtain apartment temperatures by dint of wind and sunlight. 2. Natural ventilation, unlike fan forced ventilation, should use the natural forces of wind and buoyancy to deliver fresh air into buildings. 3. Should use temperature friendly materials for optimal apartment insulation. Comparative study of the two plans The comparative study here shows the add energy and co st savings fro the two plectrums. It presents a very forceful contrast between the two woofs with regards to AC cooling, oestrus systems and daytime release in the areas.This table highlights the energy savings with respect to the three main factors and also clearly states which option is the most efficient one. Take utilization of one bedroom of 150 -170 Sq. ft. Average running of 175 old age in a year Option1 Option2 A C (summers) Connected burden 1. 5 tr 1. 5 tr practicable load 1. 3 tr 1. 5 tr intact energy saving/ day 2. 0 KW NIL Heating (winters) Connected load 2. 0 KW 2. 0 KW operational load 1. 7 KW 2. 0 KW inwardness energy saving/ day 7. 0 KW NIL Day lighting Connected load 100 W 100W operational load 65 W 65 W otal energy saving/ day 70 W NIL Saving collect to option 1 = 6581. 625 INR or 121. 47US Dollar In AC cooling systems, it shows a difference of 0. 2 tr. between the two options regarding operational load. It also shows the total energy savings if we go with Option1- reduce Plan Green. In change systems, it shows a difference of 0. 3 tr. in terms of operational loading, therefrom contributing majorly to towards total energy savings with option 1. In Day lighting, although there isnt any loading difference but option 1 contributes 70 W worth energy saving, as compared to option 2 which contributes NIL.In conclusion, as it is evident from the comparative table, option 1 is a more efficient, cost effective and the most reliable option for our consumers. Option 1- Master Plan Green The massing on the site is such that to maximize the views from the Expressway. The blocks on the North and North West get the benefit of views of the Master Plan Green. The hierarchy of heights on the site respects the Vaastu Principles with overthrow tower on the North East and increasing heights towards South West. The geometry of the site has also been considered.The entrances of the site are at North East and South West with reference to Vaas tu requirements. The central location of the Clubhouse gives an undemanding access from all parts of the site. The Club also has a adopt access to avoid congestion on any part of the site. completely the buildings on the site face Central Green Courtyards. The site is separate into two huge green courts flowing into each other through a central lawn. Option 2- Master Plan White This option gets the benefit of the Natural Resources that is Wind and Sun.The Wind Movement has been taken deal of by placing the building blocks strategically to get the advantage of natural ventilation in maximum number of apartments. The peripheral road gives a direct access to all the blocks with their separate drop offs. The placement of Villas on the gray edge of the site and Taller buildings on the Northern edge allows Sun sixth sense in maximum number of apartments. Decision Criteria In option 2 there is a linear tower in the central court,this makes a closed courtyard comparing with Option 1. After closely observing the fanny diagram of both the options I concluded that option 1 has little shadow towers falling on each other and have wanton court yard (from club side) thus having better expose ventilation forall the towers and its units. The minimum amount of shadows helps us in winters and reduces the requirement of heating plant load in overall load capacity as closely as operational time when compared with option 2. Same is case for cross ventilation. Option 1 reduces the heat, makes the indoor spaces cooler as compared to option 2 thus reducing the load on the air conditioning. Prospective earreachMy primary consultation would be the Manager of the Planning and Coordination team, who will represent the promulgate and recommendations and decide what he/she studys, will wreak best for his/her situation. The vicarious audience will be the owners and management of the winding company. They will be making the final decision for the company and decide if the recommendation that I give to them will be best for their situation and whether or non they will be using those master plans. They will also watch over to ensure that the recommended mater plans meets all of the requirements that they have given to me as their engineer.Another audience for the report would be the State Environment Impact Assessment delegacy who is in charge of the entire environment related factors will have to approve of the plan to make sure it will meet all of the regulation in the areas. Work Schedule For Implementation Of The Plan The bailiwick schedule will begin as soon as the final proposal is handed in and will finish the day that the report is due. Task April 1st 8th 9th-22nd April 23rd- May 5th 6th -12th thirteenth 19th May 20th -June 3rd Research systems Form brain on better system Initial Report draft dust Report front and end matter draft Review and bring down Finish report and print and binding Cost of Pu blication for the plan The costs for the two options I am considering in my recommendation report are charted below Option Cost Option 1 Air Conditioning unitsHeating UnitsVentilation strategiesSunlight incorporated tower structure $6. 48 /- per sq. ft. Option 2 Air Conditioning unitsHeating UnitsVentilation strategiesSunlight incorporated tower structure $10. 78 /- per sq. ft. I have decided to go with option 1. Total savings due to option 2 is 121. 47US Dollar.Schedule for the recommendation report I feel as I navigate through this project I would need to plan and stay focused to accomplish all tasks in a timely manner and hence my planner for this recommendation report would be Task workweek 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 1 Proposal 2 Initial Draft 3 smash 4 Final Qualifications This project falls under my current work related responsibilities. As a civil engineer in Assotech Limited, I have a wealth of resources and knowledge available to condu ct a realistic analysis for the two master plan alternatives.I also richly understand the pros and cons of the two options, which would help me to see the effect of each on the company and how it would result in achieving the main aim of the project. Since, I am able to utilize the resources I have available through Assotech Ltd. my cost for this project will very minimal. Cost of required materials I believe these could be the possible costs while creating the final product. The costs would allow in the cost of color printing, and the coil binding. Thus the break down of the cost is listed below Items Cost Color printing $0. 49 Paper $0. 0 Coil Binding $ 3. 50 Total $3. 99 - Permission to tolerate After reading the proposal I am asking for consent to carry onto the recommendation report for the task of finding a fit master plan in relation to climatic conditions and energy engagement for Assotech limited for their project in Gurgaon, India. Citation requirements 1. Assotech Limited. . 2012. Assotech Blith Internet. Noida (UP) Assotech Moonshine Urban Developers Pvt Ltd 2012 January, cited 2013 February. usable from http//assotechlimited. om/our-projects/featured-project-assotech-blith. html The website is the official website of Assotech Ltd. I am using this website as one of my sources for the recommendation report since this page would help me find information on the company and help me with my analysis and findings. I have used this website for obtaining the data for the comparative study, the cost of publishing and the work schedule for the plan to be implemented. 2. 2009. Gurgaon (UP) Sustainable Habitats- Teri Initiative cited 2013. Available from http//www. sustainable-buildings. org/files/composite_SolarEnergy. df As we know, large quantities of energy are consumed in providing lighting, ventilation, and thermal comfort in the buildings. Using proper readiness and design the architects have made it possible to reduce the wastage of energy and lighting. Thus, this website helped me with all the topography and climate related information required for my comparative study. Secondly, this website provided me with the information I needed to base my comparative options which were AC cooling, heating system and day lighting. Thirdly, it also gave me information about the location of the construction. 3. A R COP. 007. Planning and coordination Internet. 2007. Arcop Associates Pvt. Ltd, cited 2013 Available from http//www. arcop. co. in/planningandurbandesign. htm - This website helped me with my master plan options and cost related questions. I used this website to obtain the visuals I needed for my report. It provided me with all the details along with the visuals for the master plan green as well as the master plan white. 1 . Vaastu- ancient doctrine about science of construction and architecture.

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