
Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Scarlet Sharer :: essays research papers

The Secret Sharer written by Joseph Conrad, centers most a character of a sea captain. Its appellation and scuttle paragraphs forecast a story of mystery, isolation, duality, darkness and silence. The unused proves true these predictions reveling thematic and delineation patterns directly proportional to them. The opening of the novel further reveals dialectics in the novel. The light touch between the private and the public world or man versus society, in another(prenominal) manner of speaking is the primary dialectic. The journey theme or the religious rite of passage theme also reveal themselves. We see a preteen and inexperienced captain grow and explore himself and the world around him, and in the process becoming a functional member of a society. The novella may be only fifty pages long but its words speak volumes.The first indication of a course that a novel may take is its title. The three little words contained in the title give rise to many interpretations. An im age generated by the title could be that of a gossip. Since a gossip is someone who tells peoples mysterys, or in other words is a secret sharer if the word secret is interpreted for a noun, it is a guess that this image might come to mind. another(prenominal) image is that of a person who shares in secrecy, therefore becoming a secret sharer, if the word secret is taken for an adjective. This could be an image of a miser, who generally does not share his wealth, but does so only in secrecy. A secret sharer could also be an imaginary friend. It would be a person who is secretive, and you share your thoughts with them. A Biblical interpretation of the secret sharer could be that of the snake in the garden of Eden. Since the snake shares the last secret of knowledge with Adam and Eve, it could be considered a secret sharer.The connotations of the both main words in the title show a contradiction. A secret has a mysterious somewhat evil connotation, while a sharer has a benevolent and good connotation. This gives rise to a possibility of a good and evil dialectic. The denotation of secret is something kept private, communion is, however, a public act. This brings to light the dialectic of the public versus the private world.The opening paragraphs bring to life the world of the work. The place where the characters move and have their cosmos is a sail ship in this novel.

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