
Monday, March 4, 2019

Compare and Contrast the Ways in Which Two Poets Create Sympathy for Their Characters †‘on a Portrait of a Deaf Man’ and ‘the River God’. Essay

The poems On a enactment of a deafen Man, written by John Betjeman and The River paragon, written by Stevie Smith appear as two very different poems one in monologue contour line and the other in a regular form further they be in fact two very similar poems. On a personation of a Deaf Man presents a character wo the finish of a deaf man who was very close to him/her, and The River beau ideal presents a lonely immortal who is ab roled by people and resorts to murdering women to reenforcement himself company.Both characters are lonely and the portrayal of this loneliness ca characters you the reader to tactual sensationing likeable towards them. The River God is lonely because he is only used by others, no one stays to be with him, they leave and I manage the people who bathe in me . . . or get out she go forth? suggesting that he enjoys their company but doesnt motivation them to go as he gets lonely. In On a Portrait of a Deaf Man the mourner smacks lonely bec ause he/she has wooly-minded aroundone very close to them the kind old face . . . he took me on long silent walks . . . when young implying they were close as they sw solelyow known each other since a young age.Both unsaved others for the situations that they have found themselves in. The River God blames the women who bathe in him for his loneliness, meaning that erupt of desperation he tries to keep the women with him but by doing so ends up killing them she lies in my bewitching deep river bed with many a weed. I believe he understands though that he has killed them and that is wherefore he keeps them in the beautiful deep river bed this causes you to flavour some good-will for him as he accidentally kills them but then out of love keeps them in his beautiful deep river bed. The mourner blames God for the death of the deaf man You, God, who treat him thus and thus, /Say bear on his soul and pray./You postulate me to believe You and / I only see break up describing how God should be, but then the reality of asking God for things which arent achieved. This causes you to feel sympathetic because you see someone who asked God to save him tho he still died see decay.The poems both begin with descriptions of characters. The River God begins the kind old face, the egg-shaped head and On a Portrait of a Deaf Man begins I may be disgusting and I may be old the first description makes you feel sad that someone kind and good has died and the second makes you feel pitiable for the river, its not the rivers fault that its that way as its reflective of old age and the abuse it has had by mankind, all of which you would be distraught if you found yourself in so you can feel sympathetic towards them.The poets use the death of a person to draw agreement from you. In The River God a cleaning woman dies, one that he was affectionate of and he was against her demise in On a Portrait of a Deaf Man a friendly deaf man dies, presumably suddenly these draw your sympathy because it suggests that they are lonely, in a bring up of wail and vulnerable all of which are states in which you would not want to find yourself and when you see someone else in such a state, you will feel sympathetic and be able to relate to the emotions they are feeling.The poets use the deaths of characters in their poems to create side-personas for the characters through the persona of the main-speaking character. The River God uses the dead woman to give another perspective of whats issue on, This beautiful lady, or will she go away? shows this perfectly. The questioning gives her perspective that she wants to leave but she is being held, leading you to feel sympathetic for her as this large River is memory her captive and she cannot leave. However, it shows the misunderstanding of the River God as she is drowned, Oh who would guess what a beautiful white face lies there, white face implying she is dead, leading you to feel sympathetic again towards him as he is totally ignorant of everything going on around him. On a Portrait of a Deaf Man, the writer uses the deaf man to display what exactly he/she has lost through his death, He knew the names of evry bird.This shows how compassionate he was and this would presumably translate to how he acts to people kind and condole with and lead to sympathy as you would never want to lose a person so good to die. The poem also describes what further potency to do good he had if he knew what was coming, He would have want to say good-bye/Shake hands with many friends. This causes a sympathetic response from the reader because again even though he was dying he would have wanted to show respect to his friends rather than fair leaving. It also creates sympathy because the person who has lost this kind man would be very upset about his/her death. We see this when he/she blames God for his death as he didnt save him/her, Save his soul and pray./ You ask me to believe You and/ I only see decay. this shows a stage of mourning in which you blame others for the death you have experienced.In conclusion, the poets create sympathy for their characters very effectively through descriptions, meanings and powers out of the characters control all of which pull back the reader to feel some understanding, pity or empathy towards them. The poets both use the deaths of characters to contrast the feeling of the characters and the feelings of the dead to create sympathy.

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