Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Arg Container Terminal
CARIBBEAN MARITIME make for Marine conclusion operating theatres ARJ Container Terminal Prep atomic number 18d by Revalino Bennett, Andrew Gibson, Jenoir Dick, Oshane Polson, Tandra Morris, Jodian Braham For Mr. Reyon McIntyre repayable Date noember 15th, 2012 Table of Contents divide Page branch A- GeneralIntroduction IV A-2 ARG Air lay come away of the closet 1-2 A-3 Abbreviations A-4 Working Hrs A-5 Entry Passes A-6 General usage duty Formalities Section B- Landside trading operations B-1 entre Operations B-2 Terminal Access B-3 Exit organization B-4 Checking Activity at Gate B-5 Inter Terminal Trans lar room B-6 usance Inspection Section C- watercraft Operation C-1 Marine Requirements C-101 Working Hrs C-102 vas Arrival nebC-103 Documents Required C-104 Establishing Communication C-105 piloting C- 2 lieu and ride grooming C-201 Pro-forma watercraft Schedules C-202 Advance Schedules C-203 Initial vas C al mavin development C-204 comminuted Vessel fore cast learning C-205 Communication on the fashion of Salalah Game Plan C-206 C all tolds Outside Pro-forma C-207 Vessel Connections C-208 Technical Information on the Vessel C-209 flyer of Readiness Section D- Load and sink Operation D-1 General D-101 gantry hold out Capacity D-102 welt D-103 cover sub due(p) leans and Re packs D-104 Use of Special Equipment D-105 bay Planning and Stability CalculationsD-106 Definition of lode/Discharging of Containers D-107 reportage D-108 Storage D-109 Data Amendment D-2 dismission Operation D-201 Vessel compose Information D-202 Dis laden attend Information D-203 Checking Activity During Discharge (Tally) D-204 wrap uping D-205 Short-landed Container D-206 Over-Landed Container D-3 Load Operation D-301 Pre-Plan D-302 Load List Information D-303 Re-Nomination of pay gist D-304 Pro-Forma freight rate Dead bed D-305 Checking Activity during Load (Tally) D-306 Reporting D-307 Short-Shipped Container D-308 Over-Shipped Container D-4 g ibibyte Inventory D-5 Vessel Bunkering, Repair, and add up of ProvisionSection E- Break Bulk and Over dimensional freight rate E-1 Requirements E-2 Restrictions F- Direct Deliveries G- wicked Cargo H- Leakage/ exit of Cargo I- Container Freight Station Activities J- Weighbridge K- mixed Services L- disparage and Claims L-01 distress to bournes Equipment (Without Prejudice) L-02 Damage to wrinkles Vessel (Without Prejudice) L-03 Damage Ca utilise by Third Parties L-04 Damage to demeanor Facilities/Equipment/Personnel M Longstanding Cargo N- joystick Containers Section O- larboard Safety and protective cover O01 Rules & Regulations O02 International Ship and carriage auspices (ISPS) O02. ISPS Measures by larboard of Salalah O02. 2 ISPS Requirements for the reap O03 roentgenogram Inspection of Containers Introduction The argument among container ports continues to increase because of di? erentiating factors such as services, location and carry outance. These factors make up round of the major de linageate selection criterias international expatriation companies consider when selecting a transshipment port. With that in mind we the owners and managers at ARJ Container Terminal leave alone be nerve-racking to attract carriers with our automating manipulation equipment, the speeding up various services, and providing the most afoot(predicate) study on the ? w of containers. At the same metre, however, we pass on curb costs by utilizing our resources e? ciently, including human resources, strips, container, yards, quay stretchs, and various yard equipment. Our key and optimum advantage result be our location. This location in equatingticular Bay, Little London Westmorland Jamaica West Indies depart look at the sufficient retain water depth and dock space that lead make it practical to facilitate docking of up to a Super-Panamax vas.Dredging ordain non be mandatory to accommo see to it these large draft vessels, hence no ups et or depletion of both marine wildlife sanctuaries on the harbour floor or natural habitat leave behind be caused. We and our management team atomic number 18 greatly pleased by this because outside of us wanting to ca-ca an optimal high efficiency container termination, we as well want to know that it is through with little or no pertain on the surrounding environs and wildlife. ARJ Container Terminal location testament be 25 minutes from the neat city of Savanna La Mar and 5 minutes from the A2 mho Coast Highway.This allow aid greatly in our multimodal assaultation prep atomic number 18dness for both our clients and ourselves and alike compliment positively on the domestic dispersal side of our companion. We argon a limited liability comp some(prenominal) that pickyises in container and general gist discussion for transshipment and domestic purposes. The comp whatever is owned by Shiek Revalino Bennet, Shiek Andre Gibson and Shiek Jenoir Dick and is manage b y our seniors learnors Oshane Polson, Tandra Morris and Jodian Braham The objective of ARJ is to leave alone integrated dispatch service solutions for conveyance companies worldwide.Due to our highly competent managers, the company impart be able to substantially increase its commitment go everyplace and ocularise rhythmical cargo flow, and to compliment our effectiveness we result be the completely destination on the island of Jamaica with Sea-Rail transshipment mathematical feats. This result enhance our domestic function and in turn bringing prototypal class service to the developing nation of Jamaica. Our true terminal infra organize, cargo treatment technologies and modern equipment entrust definitely ensure ARJs competitiveness and peak position in the transit market.We forget offer value-added services including customs mathematical operations, freight forwarding and logistics solutions so this fag end basi assurey be a one break short shop for our cust omers/clients. ARJ will employ 111 qualified specialists in different fields to ensure the companys operational efficiency and productivity level is on par with the major terminals around the world and even exceed if possible. We be predicting from orbicular feedback that our total container flow for 2013 will be approximately 750,000 TEU. ARJ Air Layout root word Berth continuance 290 m Draught 15 m w behouse expanse 16,310 m2Open-air storage neighborhood 120,800 m2 Technical equipment Quay cranes at the vessel STS crane Conventional quay crane officious harbor crane For container transfer ( flat exaltation) SC (max. messing capability 1-over-3-high) Reach atomic pileer Terminal tractor with t caterpillar treader (so-called Tractor-T cuter Unit (TTU)) Multi-t groomer (terminal tractors with several trailers) Empty/ monied container handler Shuttle Carrier (ShC dealing capability 1-over-1-high) change Guided Vehicles (AGV) Automated SC (max. stacking capabili ty 1-over-2-high) For container take and stacking within the yard SC Rubber-Tyred gauntry crane (RTG crane) Rail-Mounted Gantry crane (RMG crane) Container handler (like cave instacker or top lifter) budget items Bridge crane (OHB crane) For the landside operation SC RTG crane RMG crane Reachstacker TTU At the inland navigation vessel STS crane Conventional quay crane Mobile harbor crane The STS crane drops stilt containers on TTU that will transport the containers to the stacking celestial sphere where the boxes atomic number 18 stacked by reach stackers (see numeral 1. 1) or forklift trucks fitted with appropriate spreader frames for container top or side lifting.Due to their versatility in operation, reach stackers atomic number 18 the best choice for our multi-purpose terminal as they atomic number 18 soft to handle, shadower be used for stacking in the yard, despatch and set down of TTUs, highroad trucks and rail cars on first rail. Including our lan dside operation, an estimate of 34 reachstackers and 45 TTUs be selectful per STS crane. The specific number of TTUs in particular will depend on the distance between the billet and the stacking stadium of the respective operation. The TTUs are used for the transport of the containers between the vessel and the container yard. sort 1. 1- Reachstackers and TTU operation A storage capacity of approx. 350 TEU per hectare for 3-high stacking and 500 TEU per hectare for 4-high stacking are common figures for our role of yard equipment. The maximum stacking height is 5, container blocks puke be kept 4-deep due to second row access. In instance of relocation of capacities reachstackers are comfortably transported to some other terminal or used for other cargo intervention and because of their easy transferral between terminals reachstackers coffin nail be used to overcome temporary requirements. Straddle Carrier SystemThe STS crane will go forth containers onto the apron fr om where the SCs transport them to the stacking yard (see underframe 1. 2 and variant 1. 3) and stack the containers. The SCs are independent from any other equipment and are able to put to death all the different handling operations transport, stacking and the diluteing/un committal of trucks and rail cars (see Figure 1. 3). SC transcriptions are the optimal system for large size of it terminals when high flexibility in the yard and accessibility of the boxes are requisite and thay make it easy to alter the layout of the terminal.A storage capacity of approx. 500 TEU per hectare stacking 2-high (3-high SC) and 750 TEU per hectare stacking 3-high (4-high SC) stand be achieved. The maximum stacking height is 4-high. Including landside operation, an estimate of 45 SCs are required per STS crane without considering specific conditions. The system will be back up by container handlers stacking MT boxes and/or RMGs for container handling in the rail yard. Figure 1. 2 Pure SC system Figure 1. 3 SC operations Container transport and stacking and Loading / unloading of rail cars System advantages SCs are able to cover all kinds of horizontal and perpendicular transports being necessary to perform container moves from the landside terminal interfaces (including truck handling and rail operation) via the container yard to handover positions below the STS cranes at quayside (and vice versa). the containers merchant ship be dropped on the ground so that no (or lonesome(prenominal) short) waiting magazines for handling equipment occur. This kind of container handover enables STS cranes to operate with a high productivity dapple using a comparatively low number of SCs per crane. high number of coinciding container gestures the breakdown of one SC has a comparatively low continue on the total handling process compared to the systems with TTUs the labor costs are lower due to the smaller number of vehicles no disturbance of the operation by trucks beca use these are stringent/unloaded outside the stacking yard the system is flexible to changes based on operational requirements and terminal layouts can be simply altered as SCs can be easily go within the terminal since no pre-set routes or tracks are needed Rubber-Tyred Gantry Crane System with Tractor-Trailer UnitsThe STS gantry crane places the container on a TTU unit of measurement that transports the container to the storage exit field where the RTG crane stacks the containers in long blocks (see Figure 1. 4). The RTG can be used for TTUs and road trucks as well. The size and structure of the RTG crane is determined according to the requirements of the terminal operator. The system has a genuinely high stacking density because of the high stacking capability and the block stacking. Long change of location distances on the terminal are less problematic as TTUs transport the containers.RTG cranes will also be effectively used for the handling of containers on road trucks or rail cars. According to manufacturers, up to four tracks can be covered and containers can be stored at the side of the rail tracks. They can be allocated from the yard to the landside operation and vice versa, if necessary. Including landside operation 23 RTGs and 45 TTUss (depending on the distance between berth and stacking stadium) are required per STS crane. They stack the container in blocks 1-over-4- to -7-high and 5 to 8 container rows sum 1 lane for container handover laneFigure 1. 4 RTG cranes and TTUs in the stacking yard, rail yard operation by RMGs System advantages low space requirement in the stacking area because of the high storage capacity in a small area (high stacking density). The containers can be stacked up to 8- high (i. e. 1-over-7-high)1 without spacing for traveling lanes between the rows. relatively high flexibility as the RTGs can be transported to other storage blocks Rail-Mounted Gantry Crane System These cranes are mount on fixed rail tracks w ith a cantilever outside the portal site of cranes (see Figure 1. ). Figure 1. 5 RMG cranes with TTUs System advantages RMGs generally stack high and span wider, with up to 1-over-7-high and 12 containers wide Stacking density of the yard is high with RMG cranes and can exceed 1,000 TEU per hectare (stacking 4-high) Automated Guided Vehicles The horizontal transport of the containers will be performed with AGVs. (See Figure 1. 6). The handover positions for trucks are located at the top-end of the stacking blocks. The stacking of the containers is usually carried out by automated RMGs.The ShC is designed primarily to convey containers between the shipss side and container stacks served by RMG cranes. As it is able to stack containers deuce high it will also be used for loading and unloading road trucks and rail cars. The shuttle carrier is an alternative aim at more efficiency to handle the container transport between the stacks and the quay cranes, and clam up harbor high dens ity stacking by RTG or RMG yard cranes. Figure 1. 6 RMG cranes with AGVs System advantages very low labor costs because of automation high system availability very high productivity of horizontal transport The layout and choice of our equipment and their interface will depend on, amongst others, the number of containers to be handled, available area type of hinterland transport. The combination of our terminal equipment to be used will depend on if they are at the vessel, for transport tasks between quay and stacking yard ( or reverse) for container stacking, for transport from stacking yard to and from the landside operation area for landside operation itself operative areas 1. The area between quay wall and container yard 2. container yard 3. terminal area of landside operations example the gate, parking, office buildings, customs facilities etc The container yard will be an mean(a) storage facility meaning the containers will retain from a couple of hours to some we eks. There are different possibilities for the layout of our intermediate storage area. We whitethorn have stacking area which is compact, low ground area consuming stack without spacing known as block stack (see Figure 2. 1).In examples like these, yard gantry cranes will be used for the stacking of containers being delivered by terminal equipment of horizontal transport. An alternative is the ripar stack (see Figure 2. 2) where the containers are stacked by Straddle Carriers (SC). This type of stacking will have spacing between the container rows and relatively wide terminal roads. trade and import containers will be segregated within the yard area and piled up to 4 containers high and pre-sorted for the various hinterland transport modes. Figure 2. 1 block stacking Figure 2. 2 telephone wirear stackingOperational procedures applicable for the handling of containers and container vessels calling at the ARJ Container Terminal Section A General A-1 Abbreviations invite Change of Destination EDI Electronic Data Interchange EIR Equipment Interchange Report ETC Expected Time of Completion OOG Out of Gauge POD bearing of Discharge SSDR Stevedore Ship Damage Report TOS Terminal run System A-2 Working Hrs The terminal ope range round the clock on the side by side(p) register Terminal Operations 24 hrs except declared exoteric holidaysOffice Administration 0700 hrs to 1530 hrs Monday to Friday except declared public holidays Gate Operations 0800 hrs to 1600 hrs Friday except declared public holidays Over fourth dimension rate as per Tariff will keep back for all activities carried out on declared public holidays. Containers can be received at or electric run throughd from the gate outside the operative hrs shown above at no supernumerary charge (except on public holidays), scarcely foregoing come up should be given to the mien to ensure the Gate is staffed appropriately. A-3 Entry Passes Permanent institution passes are issued at the discretion of the Sr.Manager. Application forms are available at the main reception of the Container Terminal Administration Building. Permanent entry passes are valid for one year. calendar monthly & Daily entry passes are issued subject to proof of legitimate business in the terminal. Vehicle entry permits are selectively issued on providing vehicle registration and registration papers. A-4 General customs Formalities The ecstasy disembowel bears wax certificate of indebtedness for all custom headway formalities concerning their cargo. Section B Landside Operations B-1 Terminal AccessARJ Container Terminal controls access of truckers to the terminal. A trucker is barely allowed on the terminal aft(prenominal) affluent identification of the trucker and registration of the terminal visit. Containers are only allowed onto the terminal on instruction of the exaltation melody that has to offer up an borrowing notification to ARJ Gate plane fraction in the first placehand the con tainer arrives at the gate. Information required will be as follows Container ID and Booking No. Equipment Size/ fount Outbound Vessel / excursion and POD IMO / Reefer / OOG When delivering the container the trucker has to provide Container No. nd Booking No. to gate staff. entirely full containers will be gated in subject to clearance of usage formalities by the raptus credit furrow. B-2 Exit Validation ARJ performs exit validation. Containers are only allowed to leave the terminal upon release instructions received from the cargo ships line, provided the customs section does not restrict the container from leaving the terminal. The transportation line moldiness(prenominal) provide ARJ Gate segment with a hard copy of the release instruction. Information required will be as follows Container ID Receiving Party designation or Reference Number Date Restrictions if any Full containers will be allowed to depart the terminal only subject to completion of all customs fo rmalities by the shipping line and full salary of port charges. B-3 Checking Activity at Gate For any containers entering or leaving the gate, the interface will perform a visual divulge and any deviations from provided data or anomalies are documented and reported to the shipping line. The check includes the succeeding(a) Container ID Equipment size/type optic reproach (external) Visual hurt (internal empty containers only) Presence of postage stampIf any damage to a container is discover at the gate, then a reference to this will be make on the gate ticket issued. all still checking required e. g. Seal number, or boost action like placing of seal or notification is chargeable as per Tariff. B-5 Customs Inspection In nerve ROP rewrites customs inspection of a container, shipping line should advise the port who will move the container to the customs inspection area and unstuff the cargo as per ROP requirement and subsequently restuff the cargo in the container, s uch operation to be charged as per Tariff.Section C Vessel Operation Information on vessels calling ARJ to spillage or load containers is to be provided to ARJ preparedness department by the shipping line or its designated representatives. The Line shall nominate a focal point that can be reached 24 hrs a day by ARJ Planning and Operations Departments in case any issues concerning Vessel Planning / Operation need to be verified. C-1 Vessel Arrival Notice The owner, ships divisors or the prevail of the ship shall send the stretch notice to the Harbour Master 48 hrs before arrival to the Port.He should also inform the Harbour Master with the details of the Ship, its cargo, any hazardous cargo, cases of disease and any defects which affects the vessel manoeuvrability. C-1. 1 Documents Required Insurance cover for ordinal party liabilities, wreck removal and oil pollution Ships registration certificate Port clearance certificate from final port of call ISPS Certificate Cla ss Certificate C-1. 2 Establishing Communication The master of the ship shall establish communication with The Port dresser and request authorization to enter the port limits, at least(prenominal) four hrs former to the estimated time of arrival.The Port Authority will arrange the services of bufferage, Tugs and Mooring Gang(s), and organize with ARJ Terminal Operations to have the gantry cranes and labour gangs ready. Normally cargo operations outgrowth upon lowering of the gangway from the vessel. C-1. 3 Pilotage Pilotage services are available round the clock. Activation time for marine services is 30 minutes. C- 2 Berth and Labour Planning Pro-forma vessel schedules and move counts declared by the l shipping lines form the ass for berth and docker / labour planning in the Quay Wall Schedule.Daily berth planning will also include Initial vessel call randomness Detailed vessel call instruction for initial and pro-forma calls availability of quay-wall space Vessel c onnections Based on this discipline ARJ Planning Department will prepare the day plan C-2. 1 Pro-forma Vessel Schedules Vessel string pro-forma berth windows are negotiated between the shipping line and ARJ. Berth windows are related to an estimated number of container lifts and the required day and time of the week for the vessel operation.Unless otherwise agreed, vessels will be plotted for arrival and departure at pro-forma berth window. Vessels arriving within pro-forma always have priority over vessels out of pro-forma or incidental vessel calls. If it concerns vessels of the same shipping line only, this shipping line may set its own priorities, provided that it does not impact the berth windows of other exile lines. C-2. 2 Advance Schedules The shipping line will provide to ARJ Planning Department future projected schedules every week, from current date to 30 days in advance.Information required will be as follows Vessel Name Inbound / Outbound voyage ETA / explosive t race detection Service C-2. 3 Initial Vessel Call Information The shipping line is liable for providing initial vessel call schooling at least 7 work-days prior to the estimated vessel arrival date to ARJ Planning Department. Information required will be as follows Vessel Name Call Sign Inbound / Outbound Voyage ETA / explosive trace detection LOA Previous Port of Call Next Port of Call Estimated Move Count Vessel Service Vessel Operator C-2. 4 Detailed Vessel Call InformationDetailed information is to be provided to ARJ Planning Department for line haul vessels at least 48 hrs and for all other vessels at least 24 hrs prior arrival at the terminal. Information required will be as follows Vessel Name ETA Required ETD Expected Move Count, split as Total number of discharge / load moves OOG discharge / load moves Live reefer discharge / load moves Empty container discharge / load moves IMO class 1 & 7 discharge / load moves Detailed information of any Break Bulk Cargo Upon receipt of this information, ARJ will undertake the final berth and labour planning.In case of required changes in the requested ETA / ETD, ARG Planning Department will give lens the shipping line to create the best workable solution. The Port has a minimum billing per vessel call for loading/discharging of containers as per Tariff. Vessels are evaluate to use the Ports shore gantry cranes. either movement or use of the vessels gear while alongside is strictly subject to prior approval from the Port. C-2. 5 Communication on the ARJ twenty-four hour period Plan The Line will submit daily ETA update for their vessels latest at 1000 hrs every day. ARJ will in turn revert with a Day Plan latest at 1500 hrs.In order to provide flexibility to our customers, the Day Plan is always considered subject to change. Any agreements that are literal in nature or those made after office hrs need to be confirmed in writing immediately on fount of the next working day. C-2. 7 Vesse l Connections Connections other than those agreed to in the pro-forma schedule, have to form part of the Day Plan negotiations and these have to be announced to ARJ Planning Department preferably 48 hrs, but at least 24 hrs before ETA to ensure proper priority prospect for the quay-wall. C-2. 8 Technical Information on the VesselFor vessels calling ARJ Container Terminal for the first time or in case of changes to the previously supplied vessel information the shipping line needs to supply ARJ Planning Department with technological information on the vessel at least 72 hrs before arrival. Technical information on the vessel consists of Vessel Name Call Sign LOA Container Layout Lashing Plan Type of Twist Locks Type of Hatch Covers Mooring Restrictions (port / starboard side) Vessel Capacity in TEU Vessel indite / NSD file (if available) Other peculiarities relevant to the Vessel storeroomFurther details subject to planning or operational needs have to be provided upo n request. C-2. 9 Notice of Readiness The Port Authority will issue the vessel with a Notice of Readiness at least 2 hrs prior to the estimated completion of cargo operations, and provided vessel confirms readiness to sail upon cargo completion The Port Authority will arrange to book Pilot, Tugs and unmooring gang(s). Section D Load and Discharge Operation D-1 General D-1. 1 Gantry Crane Capacity Port provides shore-side gantry cranes with minimum capacity of 40 tons under the spreader and there are cranes with up to 65 tons capacity.D-1. 2 Lashing The Port Tariff for loading and discharging of containers includes the cost of lashing and unlashing of containers on board the vessel. Lashing equipment is to be provided by the shipping line. The Port will maintain safe housekeeping of lashing material at all times and handle all lashing gear in a controlled manner and in accordance with accepted safety standards. The Port will also handle discharging and loading of lashing material if required at no additional charge. D-1. 3 Hatch Cover Moves and Restows Hatch Cover moves and restows are chargeable as per tariff. D-1. 4 Use of Special EquipmentUse of special equipment for loading/unloading eg slings, frames etc is chargeable as per tariff on per lift basis. D-1. 5 Bay Planning and Stability Calculations The Port will carry out Bay Planning and unloading / sequence of containers in accordance with the information provided by the shipping line as part of its normal service. Container stow plans prepared by the Port are subject to the final balk by the Master of the vessel. The Port is prudent for providing information to the shipping line required for stability and lashing calculations, but the Port is not responsible for making these calculations.D-1. 6 Definition of Loading/Discharging of Containers Loading / discharging of containers is the handling by the Port of the containers between the stowage position onboard the vessel and the position in the container yard of the Port. No additional shiftings made based on any change in the information or additional information provided by the shipping line are included, and such additional shiftings made are chargeable as per tariff. Import / export containers pay truck loading / unloading charge as per tariff. D-1. 7 ReportingThe Port makes reports as per shipping lines required format and frequency to the operator of the vessel for all containers loaded/discharged and in case of vessels loading containers belonging to more than one shipping line, to each shipping line for their containers. D-1. 8 Storage Containers are stored in the Container Yard of the Port subject to the applicable Freetime and Container Storage rates as per Tariff. D-1. 9 Data Amendment Data Amendment charges as per Tariff afford in case the discharge and / or load lists are not provided in time to the Port, or in case there is any change to the information provided.Any Data Amendment that involves containers being shift ed from one stack to another will incur shifting charges in addition as per Tariff. D-2 Discharge Operation D-2. 1 Vessel Profile Information The shipping line is responsible for communicating the discharge, re-stow and remain-on-board instructions at least 24 hrs prior to the arrival of the vessel to ARJ Planning Department. For vessels with less than 24 hrs steaming time from the previous port, these details are to be provided as currently as information becomes available. The Bay-plan of the arriving vessel is to be sent via EDI message.D-2. 2 Discharge List Information The discharge list is to be provided to ARG Planning Department 24 hrs prior arrival for mother vessels and 18 hrs prior arrival for affluent vessels. Exceptions will be made on a case to case basis for vessels with lesser time as compared to these deadlines in which case load instructions have to be made available as soon as possible. D-2. 3 Checking Activity During Discharge (Tally) During the discharge proces s, ARJ will perform a visual check and any deviations from provided data or anomalies are documented and reported to the Line.This check also covers any restows. The check includes the following Container ID Equipment Size / Type Visual Damage Presence of seal (On request) Any further checking required eg Seal number, CSC dwelling validity etc or further action like placing of seal or placard is chargeable as per Tariff. D-2. 5 Short-landed Container When a container is reported short-landed, ARJ Planning Department will touch on the Line. Information will be provided as follows Container ID Vessel / Voyage Stowage position stated for the container Reasons for Short-LandingContainer Terminal Operational Guidelines Issued 1 D-2. 6 Over-Landed Container When a container(s) is reported as over-landed, ARJ Planning Department will contact the vessel operator. Information will be provided as follows Container ID Seal Number post (full / empty) Equipment Type / Size Stowag e adjust the container was found in IMO / Reefer information as far as possible Reasons for Over-landing The shipping line will investigate ownership / operator of the container and decide whether the container mustiness be re-stowed or remain discharged.The shipping line will supply full container details to ARJ Planning Department and advise further action before vessel departure. D-3. 3 Re-Nomination of Cargo In the event of rollover of cargo for any(prenominal) reason, the Line is expected, within 12 hrs of vessel departure, to communicate to ARJ Planning Department, the constitute of the new vessel which will load the cargo. Every such renomination incurs a charge as per Tariff. D-3. 4 Pro-Forma Cargo Deadline In principle, all containers must be in the yard upon arrival of the vessel in order to maintain vessel schedule integrity and ensure efficient stevedore operations.The following will be taken into account Vessel schedule reliability / integrity should not be affec ted Berth / Crane productivity should not be unduly impacted Line, Port and Customs requirements The shipping line is responsible for ensuring that all cargo is available for loading prior vessel arrival. Same applies to cargo on hold or any other cargo released by the shipping line but not ready for loading due to any particular reason. D-3. 5 Checking Activity during Load (Tally) During the load process, ARJ will perform a visual check and any discrepancies or anomalies are documented and reported to the shipping line.This check includes restows. The check includes the following Stowage Position Visual Damage Presence of Seal Any further checking required eg Seal number, CSC plate validity etc or further action like placing of seal or placard is chargeable as per Tariff. D-3. 6 Reporting ARJ Planning Department will update the shipping line with the ETC before and after start of vessel operation and advice the vessel and The Port Authority 2 hrs notice prior to vessel departu re. Once vessel planning is completed ARJ will forward a BAPLIE to the vessel.An updated BAPLIE will be delivered minimum 1/2 hour before completion of cargo operations. ARJ is able to provide the shipping line with EDI Load Confirmation Messages (COARRI) at frequencies agreed to with the shipping line. In addition to the EDI information a recap of the final load and a confirmed load list (CLL) will be sent to the expatriation line via E-mail earliest after vessel departure. In case of EDI failure ARJ will provide the shipping line with a Bay Plan of the load condition upon request.Any urgent or critical matters relating to discrepancies in reporting are to be addressed with the ARJ Planning Department D-3. 7 Short-Shipped Container When a container is reported as short-shipped, ARJ Planning Department will contact the shipping line. Information will be provided as follows Container ID Vessel / Voyage Port of Discharge Stowage position stated for the container Reasons for Shor t-Shipping D-3. 8 Over-Shipped Container When a container is reported as over-shipped, ARJ Planning Department will contact the shipping line.Information will be provided as follows Container ID Vessel / Voyage Container Operator for the over-shipped container location (full / empty) Category (export / transhipment) Stowage Position (if available) IMO Details Reefer Details Reasons for Over-Shipping D-4 Yard Inventory ARJ Planning Department will provide the shipping line with each week Yard Inventory Reports for all laden and empty containers. In addition ARJ will also provide on a weekly basis a list of laden containers in the yard, which do not have a put up on carrying vessel or POD.The shipping line will verify the missing details and revert with an update within 24 hrs of having received the input from ARJ. Any re-nomination or gain is chargeable as per Tariff. D-5 Vessel Bunkering, Repair, and Supply of Provision Vessel bunkering, set up and provisioning activit ies have to be communicated to ARJ Planning Department at least 48 hrs before arrival of the vessel. These activities are only allowed after approval of ARJ and are subject to safety and security procedures issued by the Port.These activities should not delay the vessel stevedoring operation and must be completed within the operational working time of the vessel unless otherwise agreed. Only in exceptional cases may the stevedoring operations be dotped or the vessel port time extended because of these activities. Section E Break Bulk and Over Dimensional Cargo E-1 Requirements The Shipping line is expected to provide information at least 48 hrs in advance of the vessel arrival to the ARJ Planning and Operations Department on any break-bulk use on vessels that is planned at ARJThe following Information has to be provided Arrival / Ongoing transportation via water / via land Handling by Container Gantry Crane / orthogonal Crane Piece count Measurements Cargo Description Weig ht Position on Vessel Complete description including sketches, diagrams, photographs etc in jpeg / bmp format Customs Approval Confirmation For over dimensional unitised cargo, the shipping line is expected to provide a complete Out of Gauge manifest as part of the documentation submitted for a vessel call.Undeclared, wrongly declared, poorly stowed or incorrectly packaged break-bulk or over dimensional cargo is subject to a fine as per Tariff. Port has the option of measuring and/or weighing the cargo to check the measurements and/or weight. The Port will provide warehouse for storing this cargo if required at no additional charge subject to availability. Any other equipment required for yard handling will be chargeable as per Tariff. Loading or Discharging and Quay Handling will be charged as per the applicable charges of the Tariff.Free time will adjudge as per the tariff for over dimensional containers, and storage charges will apply as per the tariff for over dimensional co ntainers based on the length. E-2 Restrictions Waterside handling restrictions are always subject to specific approval from ARG Planning and Operations Departments but approximately are as under Dimensions Height Length Width Weight 10 m 18 m 6 m 65 MT Shipping lines are expected to taken to take approval from the terminal prior acceptance of bookings involving break-bulk and over dimensional cargoes.Section F Direct Deliveries For exceptional cases there exists a possibility for evaluate or delivering containers under the hook for direct loading / discharging. For safety reasons this activity will have to comply with ARJ Rules and Regulations. The Port should be advised at least 24 hrs before the arrival of the vessel at the Pilot Station of any planned direct delivery containers. The following information should be provided Container ID Time of delivery Contents of the container Hazardous Details (IMO Class, UN No. and Manifests as required Port of Salalah will inform the Li ne active the expected time of loading or discharge of the container. The requested direct delivery has to be confirmed to ARJ three (3) hrs before arrival of the vessel. Section G guessy Cargo The shipping line bears the full responsibility for compliance to all rules and regulations governing the handling and transportation of Dangerous Cargo. Packing, labeling, declaration, stowage and documentation have to comply with the IMDG Rules and Regulations for Sea Containers as well as local laws and any directions given by local and Port Authorities.The Dangerous Cargo Manifest has to be provided to ARJ Planning Department at least 24 hrs before vessel arrival. The Line is responsible for content and enough of the manifest. ARG will stow dangerous cargo container on the vessel as per instructions from the Line. Dangerous cargo containers pay additional charges for loading and discharging as per Tariff. Handling dangerous goods containers belonging to IMO classes 1 and 7 require spe cial attention and permissions from the terminal and other competent authorities.Dangerous cargoes requiring special handling will be entitled to reduced free-time as compared to normal containers and will be subject to separate storage rates as per Tariff. Section H Leakage / Spillage of Cargo Leakage of cargo contents from a container can be reported either by the shipping line on receiving information from the vessel or by ARJ staff while they are handling it in the terminal. On being made sensitive of a leakage, the shipping line will immediately advise its nominated surveyor to carry out a survey of the leaking container in conjunction with ARJ Health, Safety, Security Environment Department.On receiving the surveyors report, the shipping line will be responsible for taking necessary steps to arrange for re-packing of cargo through trey party contractors or alternatively for cross-stuffing of cargoes, as per the advice received from the surveyor. Onward movement of such car go from ARJ will be strictly subject to clearance from ARJ, that the leakage has been stopped and container is cargo and sea worthy for onward transport. Spillage of cargo will be solely on account of the shipping line as will a penalty charge employ as per tariff till corrective action is taken to stop the leakage.Section I Container Freight Station Activities ARJ has capabilities for container cargo rework, cross stuffing and CFS activities. Arrangements can be made via the CFS Co-ordinator. Section J Weighbridge Port has a weighbridge and shipping line can issue instructions for any container to be weighed at charges as per tariff. Section K Miscellaneous Services Port can offer various services such as sweeping containers, allowance or removing tarpaulins, knocking down ends of flatbeds, bundling flatbed containers, applying or removing placards, fixedness seals etc, all of which are chargeable as per tariff.Section L Damage and Claims The Damage Claims Section of ARJ is responsible for dealing with damages caused to the shipping lines equipment, its vessels or to port facilities, equipment or its personnel. L-3 Damage Caused by Third Parties If damage is caused to containers or vessels by parties other than ARJ, then ARJ will undertake repairs only at the specific request of the shipping line at its risk and account. L-4 Damage to Port Facilities/Equipment/PersonnelThe shipping line will be amply responsible for all costs and consequence arising due to any damage caused by it, to port facilities, equipment or personnel. Section M Longstanding Cargo Consignments remaining in the port in excess of the following periods will be subject to auction. Any cargo, for which the respective Port and Customs charges have not been paid will be considered frustrated and may be auctioned and sold by ARJ after the following time periods One Month Refrigerated Containerized Cargo and other cargo considered perishable Three Months All other Containerized Cargo Section N Reefer Containers Live reefers will be plugged and unplugged as a standard activity in the stevedoring operations subject to availability of connections, at the temperature setting advised by the Line. Reefer monitoring and maintenance is carried out by the Container Service section of the Maintenance Services Department, and is chargeable as per tariff (charge includes electric supply). supervise of reefer containers is carried out at least every 8 hrs and any faults will be immediately reported to the Line.Export reefers can be pre-cooled if required and electric supply/monitoring charges commence from the time of plug-in. The Port can arrange PTI (Pre-Trip Inspection) of reefer containers and also can retrieve temperature data from the reefer data logger, both activities chargeable as per Tariff. Section O Port Safety and Security O-1 Rules Regulations The Port of Salalah Rules Regulations is issued by the Port Authorities and applies to all users of the Port. The complete document is available on the Port of Salalah Website. Container Terminal Operational Guidelines Issued 1 stMarch 2007 30 O-2 International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) The Port of Salalah is certified as fully compliant with all requirements laid down under the International Ship and Port Facility Security polity (ISPS). All vessel operators are expected to fulfil requirements pertaining to their role as specified in the ISPS Code. O-2. 1 ISPS Measures by Port of Salalah Port of Salalah has designated a Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) and a Deputy PFSO (DPFSO) as point of contact for all issues pertaining to ISPS rules and regulations for the Port of Salalah. O-2. 2 ISPS Requirements for the Line Shipping Agents must submit ISPS vessel certification, ETA of the vessel, Crew list, estimated port stay and last 10 ports of calls to the Port Control 48 hrs prior to vessel arrival. This information is to be sent to emailprotected com The Ships Security Officer must sub mit a completed Declaration of Security (DOS) of the vessel through the shipping agent to the Port Security Officer for endorsement upon berthing. Enquiries on the Port Security Level are to be directed to HSSE department. All users of port facilities must display facility passes at all times while at the facility.To apply for pass, please contact the HSSE department Port users must stop at all facility access control for Security check. Any violation will result in rejection of facility access For further information / clarification please feel free to contact the Port Facility Security Officer. Tel. 968 23219500 ext 466 / 409 / 406 O-3 X-Ray Inspection of Containers Port of Salalah has modern X-Ray screening facilities, and in case any container is required to be screened, the Line should advise the Port who will make the necessary arrangements, which is chargeable as per Tariff.
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