
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Republic Act 9211: The Smoking Ban

I wasnt aw ar till deep that a roll of tobacco toss away was being enforced not besides in Makati (as everyone generally knows), tho nationwide. The majority rule Act 9211, excessively cognise as the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003, was signed into law belong June 2003 to be in sync with the World Health Organizations Framework radiation pattern on Tobacco Control. The purpose of this get along is to protect citizens from the hazards of tobacco plant stack, to regularise all tobacco advertisements and sponsorship, to promote a healthful environment, and to assist Philippine tobacco farmers in cultivating alternative agricultural crops to prevent economic dislocation.The res publica Act of 9211 is an excellent law because it doesnt strip the citizens, roll of tobacco carriages or non-smokers alike, from their proclaim perspective rights. In instalment 5 of this act, the bill states that smoking is forbidden in all public places. This is good because it protects non -smokers from second hand smoking, which is cognise to cause lung cigaretcer and is very hazardous for the health. This way the health of the non-smoker isnt affected in any way.The public places where they implement this law are pretty appropriate too like in hospitals/clinics/ health centers / nursing homes because it prevents sick community to get even sicker in restaurants and conference halls because it allows people to break dwell to breath in and not die from smoke suffocation in centers of youth activity like schools because it helps children develop square and healthy lungs. However, there are smokers who animadvert about this smoking ban being harsh and that strips their right to smoke.After all, it is their own body that would be affected anyway. The thing is, their right isnt being stripped at all. The organization isnt banning them from smoking at all. In fraction 6 of the bill, it states that all enclosed places that are open to the general public, the posses sor or administrator of such places should establish smoking areas. This means that smokers can still smoke whenever they want still only at particular places so that they wont affect the health of others. Smokers have been set for so long as the minority.We cant even complain to smokers in the same table or in the same room because we think that that is rude when in truth, its the smoker who is discourteous and inconsiderate. This act teaches smokers to be to a greater extent responsible of their actions and be more considerate of others. It is also written that it is unlawful for minors to purchase cigarettes and for cigarettes to be to them (found in section 9). This point doesnt need often explaining. We all know that persons nether the age of 18 shouldnt smoke.Since their lungs are still developing, if they smoke, their lungs will fester weaker and it would be difficult for them to breath. Moreover, studies show that people who start smoking downstairs the age of 18 are more likely to get wedded to smoking and it is harder for them to stop. Health warnings should be written in packaging of tobacco products (found in section 13). This law is important because at least the government already gave a word of caution towards the smokers that smoking is bad for their health.This allows the smoker to reflect on their actions and consider the feelings of his family and friends regarding his harmful habit. If these smokers dont hark and continue, then that is their own problem already. If anything happens to them, they cant blame anyone alone themselves. Right now the Ateneo de Manila University are destroying all smoket or smoking areas located around campus. Without these smokets, there wont be a place for smokers to take a huff. I think that the school employ such a rule in order to prevent students from smoking and start living healthy.However, I think that this action will lead to a completely different outcome. Without a place to smoke, the stude nts and teachers would become more agitated and irritated. They wont be able to concentrate in class and this would disrupt their process of learning. Smokers are forced to leave campus, exactly so that they could smoke outside the school. If this happens, there is a high gap that smokers will come late for class or even lose weight the entire period. Smoking was never a problem for the school at the first place.Smokets are located far from classrooms so it would be unimaginable for non-smoking students to inhale the smoke. The action that the school is taking is completely opposite to that of the Republic Act 9211. Sure they are trying to protect the rights of the ordinary students, but what about the smokers? Their right is smoked is being stripped off and I wouldnt be surprised if a movement that goes against this newly utilise law starts. The implementation of smoking bans has been weak. There are still a lot of places that are not strict in implementation. Nothing much is h eard in the tri-media since 2003.And if you go around Manila and the provinces, you would still recover a lot people smoking in the prohibited places mentioned. Cities and municipalities that have initiated or intensified anti-smoking campaigns are usually met with strong opposition from the argument and the tourism sectors. These sectors say that the ban can drive away tourists and their customers and devolve their income. The Republic Act 9211 may be an excellent law but without serious political will and dedication to have this law right on followed and enforced, it will remain excellent in paper only.

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