Tuesday, March 12, 2019
What role can Youth Workers play in Reducing Anti Social Behaviour?
AbstractThis news report is a interrogation proposal which seeks to address the potential that younker tempters save in reducing anti- affectionate deportment. This proposal seeks to take a case analyse approach to anti- cordial demeanor whilst utilising a number of judicatureal policies and physical exercises which exist crossways a wealth of social take a crap atomic number 18as and puppyish person sound practice beas.IntroductionThe practice of youth work takes stick inwardly a trusted part of the spectrum of social work supply (Dept. for reproduction and Skills, 2005). The news report of youth work bottom be traced back to the late mid-eighties and pile found within an informal voluntary religious scope (Infed, 2014). It was, however, the Albemarle bill (Ministry of Education, 1960) which concretised the service within societal dynamics and within youth cultures. at heart this approach a defined route to what youth work should incorporate, as rise up as highlight its role, was highlighted. Recent years, however, has seen the service macrocosm impacted by changes brought about through altered central government policies (Courree, 2012). During this time, youth work services has been subject to reform and has been incorporated into the auspices of the Integrated offspring Support Services (Infed, 2014), and utilised as a tool for reducing anti-social behaviour Recent years have seen anti-social behaviour become a dominant issue in community relations. at bottom their detached roles, it can be considered that youth workers have the potential to correct social dynamics and to put down instances of anti-social behaviour. til now the extent to which youth workers can effect change needs to be addressed.Background and Rationale for the count jejuneness work is a contested bea of social work provision and its nonrecreational definition has been affected by a series of wider ranging work practices (Infed, 2014). Sercome (2010 ) also agrees that what constitutes as youth work is non an loose task but he produces a list of roles that argon same to that of both Infed (2014) and the National Youth Agency (2014). These roles serve to define youth work as a process which helps young people contain about themselves, others and society, through informal statemental activities which combine enjoyment, challenge and nurture (National Youth Agency, 2014 n.p.). However, it is also evident that youth work also takes place within the modern social work context of multi agency practices. This resultant role places youth workers at the centre of the plethora of criminal and social policies that are designed to counter anti-social behaviour.Detached youth work is a distinctive form of social work which interacts with young people using rehabilitative dialogue and within the spectrum of individualised and social development (Federation for Detached Youth playact, 2013). This form of youth work utilises principl es of informal education in prescribe that young people can be engaged in nightclub to address a number of issues that exist in their lives. As a result youth workers now operate in a more than robust legal framework which incorporates a multitude of legislative criteria and graduation mate agencies, this can include but is not limited to, law enforcement agencies, education services, housing trusts, social services and medical services. This perspective is particularly relevant where knife evil as well as other forms of anti-social behaviour, are considered.Anti-social behaviour became an issue for the incumbent Blair administration in 1997. The Labour political party existenceifesto for that election claimed that Labour wanted to see communities that are untroubled (and) where mutual respect and tolerance are the order of the day, adding, these are things we must achieve together as a country (Labour Party, 1997 n.p.). As a result the Labour Government drafted the Anti- amicable deportment sytem and incorporated programmes such as the Respect Agenda, which included a task force and related to action plans (Millie, 2009). Youth workers play a central role in reducing anti-social behaviour. In the reign Hamlets areas of capital of the United Kingdom, anti-social beahviour conttitues to dominate local service provision and underpinning policies.The administartive wings of the area have been criticised for not resolving cases quickly (Tower Hamlets Homes, 2012). likewise it is noted that the area is one of the most prevalent in capital of the United Kingdom for instances of knife crime (Citizen Report UK, 2013). glossa crime has long been associated as be a criminal activity which is predominately carried out by young people (11 Million, 2009), and as such, falls within the remit of youth work. It is to be noted that youth workers may come into contact with service users who are engaged in anti-social behaviour on a regular foothold whose behav iour is being dictated by a social, emotional or behavioural disorder. Cefai and Cooper (2006) argue that such a premise is not uncommon and argue that these conditions are a persistent factor in anti-social behaviour. They argue that these conditions are characterised by their effect of being socially luxuriant or disruptive to the development course of the individual (Cefai and Cooper, 2006 18).McVie (2010) highlighted that thither was a correlation betwixt instances of, and the prevalence of poverty, low self esteem, knife crime, and crew membership. Within this narrative a number of associative links between what constitutes as being delinquent or anti social behaviour and knife crime. An earlier report by 11 Million identify a similar number of sociological factors which result aid a young person to turn to anti-social behaviour, and in particular knife crime. However McVie (2010) noted that those young people who can be classed as being persistent knife carriers consisted o f only a small percentage of the overall knife carrying population. AS such it can be argued that knife crime occurs within two very distinct groups persistent offenders and occasional offenders (McVie, 2010). Within this the aforementioned sociological and behavioural incorporation of low educational take aims, behavioural issues and deprivation can be considered to be a factor. At this question it is worth remembering that Tower Hamlets is one of the poorest areas of capital of the United Kingdom. As such there is a correlation between schoolman theory, statistics and environmental reality. Indeed this is a factor which 11 Million (2009) detected. Further to this a subsequent report, the Kinsella Report (2011), highlighted poverty as being a contributory factor in the perpetuation of this particular anti-social behavioural act.Aim and Objectives of the Study The aim of this read is to check out and examine the roles of youth workers and assist the reduction of anti-social be haviour in the Tower Hamlets borough of London. To do so the proposed study has three main aims repair anti-social behaviour in context with social exclusion and social work practice Identify and explain the current roles of youth workers in assisting politics in combating anti-social behaviour. Assess the efficacy of contributory elements of knife crime in order to assist the wider youth work sector in parcel stiffen anti-social behaviourIn responding to these tree aims, it is proposed that the question of what role can Youth drillers play in Reducing Anti Social Behaviour go forth be addressed.Literature Search StrategyThe lit review article leave behind primarily involve the collection, collation and synopsis of previous autochthonic and secondary data sources and studies. These studies will be sourced from a number of online academic databases and will include statutory reports, academic research studies, state polity documentation and other regulatory statements as w ell as responses from professional bodies. In addition to this, the incorporation of secondary data such as academic perspectives and media sources will provide for a review of the discourse that resides within this area of debate. In effect, data sources of this type can be classified as duplex data sources. Here it is to be noted that multiple source datasets are capable of being interrogated, broken down and reclassified into detail policy and practice areas as well as time establish datasets (Cohen, Mannion and Morrison, 2013). In essence, it is proposed that the approach being utilised for this research is base upon desk base research. Studies of this type can also known as descriptive research studies and involve a number of research areas that are related to the issues border this particular study area (Cohen, Mannion and Morrison, 2013).Ethics and anti-oppressive practice considerations Since this paper is based upon a methodology which utilises descriptive research it will not contain the involvement of participants within any subsequent research. As such, there are no ethical guidelines relating to the management or safety of participants. However it is to be remembered that descriptive research studies are subjective and it is possible that the inclusion of a number of case studies, or examples, can be influenced by personal perspectives and biases (Cohen, Mannion and Morrison, 2013). It is to be noted however, that every step will be taken to ensure that this issue does not impinge upon the study this includes conscious or unconscious bias. go out outlineChapter one will consist of the foundation this will include relevant background information, rationale, methodology, scope and constraints as well as overviews of the books review. Additionally it will include an abridged findings section. Chapter two, the literature review, will consist of a review of primary and secondary resources. This will include, but not limited to, regulatory fra meworks, state policies, professional literature and previous academic research studies. The third chapter will focus upon the Tower Hamlets area of London from a case study perspective. Within this Chapter, the level of anti-social behaviour, youth work initiatives, responses and results will be considered. This case study will be compared against information raised within the literature review in order to inform best practice in this area. the analysis section, will counteract the initial findings from the literature review and assess these against further data in order to assess how youth workers can help reduce anti-social behaviour. The final chapter, the findings of the study, will highlight where and how, if any, youth workers can help reduce anti-social behaviour. This chapter will also provide a series of recommendations for further research.Project timetable Weeks 1 4 Identification, collection and collation of primary and secondary sources in order to inform the literat ure review. Weeks 4 8 Literature review, first and second draft. Weeks 9 10 Finalise literature review and investigate areas for service provision in relation to reducing anti-social behaviour. Weeks 10 12 Findings section, first and second draft Weeks 12 14 Finalise the analysis chapter in order to highlight areas for recommendations for youth work service changes in order to address issues related to anti-social behaviour. Weeks 14 15 Complete findings and recommendations chapter. Weeks 15 16 Complete the first, introductory chapter. Week 17 Publish the final research study.Bibliography11 Million, (2009), Young people, and gun and knife crime a review of the evidence, London Centre for law-breaking and JusticeAnnetts, J., Law, A., McNeish, W., Mooney, G., (2009), Understanding Social Welfare Movements, Bristol Policy Press.Cefia & Cooper, (2006), Social, Emotional and Behavioural difficulties in Malta An educational perspective, (J), diary of Maltese Educational Research, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 18-36.Citizen Report UK, (2013), London Knife Crime Offences by Borough 2007 to 2013, (online), available at http//www.citizensreportuk.org/news/2013/06/25/london-knife-crime-offences-by-borough-2007-to-2013/, (Accessed on 25/11/14).Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K., (2013), Research Methods in Education, (5th edition), London Routledge FalmerCourree, F., (2012), The History of Youth take shape in Europe Relevance for Youth Policy Today, Volume 3, Strasbourg Council of Europe.Dept. for Education and Skills, (2005), Targeted Youth Work A Guide, London HMSO.Federation for Detached Youth Work, (2013), What is Detached Youth Work?, (online), available at http//www.detachedyouthwork.info/more_about_detached_youth_work.htm, (accessed on 23/10/14).HM Government, (1983), Mental Health Act (1983), London HMSO.HM Government, (2003), Every Child Matters, London HMSO.HM Government, (2004), Children Act (2004), London HMSO.HM Government, (2005), Mental Capacity Act (2005), L ondon HMSO.HM Government, (2013), Anti-Social Behaviour, (online), available at https//www.gov.uk/asbo, (accessed on 23/10/14).Infed, (2014), what is Youth WorkExploring the History, Theory and Practice of Work with Young People, (online), available at http//infed.org/mobi/what-is-youth-work-exploring-the-history-theory-and-practice-of-work-with-young-people/, (accessed on 23/10/14).Kinsella Report, (2011), Tackling Knife Crime Together A Review of Local Anti-Knife Crime initiatives, London HMSO.Labour Party, (1997), New Labour Because Britain Deserves Better, (online), available at http//www.politicsresources.net/area/uk/man/lab97.htm, (accessed on 22/10/14).McDonald, R., (1997), Youth, The Underclass and Social Exclusion, London Routledge.Millie, A., (2009), unsociable Behaviour, Maidenhead McGraw-Hill.Ministry of Education (1960) Albemarle Report The Youth Service in England and Wales, London HMSO.National Youth Agency, (2014), What is Youth Work?, (online), available at http//w ww.nya.org.uk/about-nya/what-is-youth-work, (accessed on 23/10/14).Poverty.org, (2012), Poverty indicators Relative poverty, absolute poverty and social exclusion, (online), http//www.poverty.org.uk/summary/social%20exclusion.shtml, (accessed on 23/10/14).Priory Group, (2012), Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD), (online), available at http//www.priorygroup.com/Conditions/Specialist-Education-and-Fostering-Conditions/Behavioural-emotional-and-social-difficulties-BE.aspx, (accessed on 23/10/14).Sercombe, H., (2010), Youth Work Ethics, London Sage.Tower Hamlets Homes Anti Social Behaviour Service, (2012), Anti-Social Behaviour Everybodys Business, London Tower Hamlets Homes.
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