
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Explanations of crime deviance Essay

The right realist perspective on crime is mainly associated with the American sociologist W.J Wilson. This perspective became very influential on home office policy-making during the conservatives period in office. The right realist approach assumes that human beings are naturally selfish, individualistic and greedy. Therefore ther are ‘naturally inclined’ to further their interest, even if this means comitting crime. They also believe the origins of crime are misunderstood, that is policies aimed at tackling crime by removing social and economic inequalities. Wilson noted that the Great Depression in the USA did not result in a rise in crime. Another right realist explanation is that the welfare state has undermined our sense of obligation to support each other, andthat community controls, i.e. informal controls imposed by neighbours, family and peer groups are breaking down. Right realists stress that attempts to explain the causes of crime should be abandoned and that sociologists should instead focus on finding practical solutions to slow the growth of crime. This developed the control theory. Hirschi argues that crime is opportunistic and anyone would commit crime if the situation was right and there was little chance of being caught. He says that sociologists should not focus on whypeople commit crime but why more people do not. He maintains that most people are rational in their choices and that there are controls that operate to make most people keep their actions within the bounds of the law. They are, Attachment- commitment to family relationships which could be threatened by criminal acts, Commitment- years of education, building a career, buying a home and aquiring a good reputation, all this could be lost by commiting crime, Involvement- some people are activley involved in community life as volunteers, parentgovernors for schools etc. all this would be jepordized by criminal behaviour. Right realists believe the way to control crime is to take practical measures to make sure the cost of crime outweighs the benefits. Left realists such as Lea and Young attempt to explain street crime in urban areas. Theirvictim survey of inner-city Islington showed that working class, black peopleand especially elderly women, had a realistic fear of street crime. Lea and Young argue that despite evidence of police racism, criminal statistics are largely correct as working classes and Afro-Caribbean’s do commit the most crime. They agreed thatwhite-collar and crimes go largely undetected and under punished, they do not point out however that they do not have the same negative impact on society as crimes such as mugging or burglary.Lea and Young maintain the reason why working class and Afro-Caribbean people commit crime is to do with feelings of ‘relative deprivation,’ such as comparing themselves to middle class or white youth with regard to life chances, living standards and income. Such groups feel frustrated with their lack of power. Negative treatment by the police and authorities leave groups feeling hostile and resentful, consequnently they are marginalized. Some mayform subcultures to help copewith the statusfrustration and marginalization. Hughes notes that left realists should be valued for the challenge they posed to radical criminology’s thinking on the issues of intra-class and intra-ethnic crimes. Left realism has drawn attention to the brutalising effects of street crimes in the inner-city and the fact that some theories of crime have romanticised offenders, it has highlighted the effects of crime for victims, a group neglected by most theories of crime. It realistically acknowledges that the police amplify the presence of some groups in the criminal statistics through the use of stop and search, but points out that policing is quite rightly focusing on those groups most likley to commit crime. There is no emperical evidence to support the view that young working class or black criminals interpret their realities in the way described by Lea and Young. Research on the motives of offenders is required. Lea and Young do not really explain why the majority of working class and Afro-Caribbean youth do not turn to crime. Left realism only focuses on collective or subcultural criminal responses and does not explain crimes such as burglary, which are  commited by individuals rather than gangs. It focuses exclusivley on street crime and ignores other serious crimes such as fraud and it fails to account for oppurtunistic crime commited by adults.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Computers Will Soon Replace Books Essay

There has been a lot of talk lately concerning the possibility of computers replacing the position of books in our life. I believe it is truly possible. Many years ago, people used books for everything related to education. In fact, the human’s best source of knowledge and education was the book. But computers have gained popularity in a very short amount of time and everyone at least has one somewhere around their house. We have the need to use computers for everything. All we have to do is give the computer instructions and it does all the hard work for us. I am going to discuss the benefits that computer has to offer to its users. Firstly, computers are much better than books because a modern computer can hold a billion times more information than the average 400-800-page book. If you want to do a research about anything, it would take you at least an hour just to find the right book but by using a computer, you can find the same information in less than 5 minutes. Many people including me use the internet as a dictionary, finding definitions, so this way only takes the time to type the word. A laptop computer equal to the size and weight of a book holds data about any topic you can think of. A book only covers a specific topic. A computer can hold much more types of data than a book. When you carry one computer, you are carrying a hundred thousand books. Secondly, everyone would agree that an e-books cost much less to produce and less to buy than an actual paper books. The information in a digital format can be shared easily by email or by copying the files onto someone else’s computer or simply by transferring it into your USB drive. It is also easier to edit the information. This makes it overall more convenient for students who might not be able to afford one copy of a book each and who don’t want to make notes and underline points. Free information means at least cheap education. Who would not like a cheaper education? There are numerous websites like Google (search free textbooks in your subject area) and Google books, permit students with a limited budget to get what they want without having to spend large amounts of cash. Free e-books make education accessible and cheap thus more widespread. Last but not least, the most obvious reason why computers are making our lives better is by reducing the number of trees that are cut down for the production of books. I agree that an eBook is not 100 percent green and is far from it. But if you are comparing eBooks to other paperback books, eBooks certainly take the lead. According to â€Å"The e-Book Apocalypse† article, twenty-four trees are required to produce a ton of paper for printing books, and twelve are needed for a ton of newsprint. Thirty-five percent of those books printed are destroyed before they are even read. In 2009, eBook readers took off and the latest reading trend began to grow. In 2010, these reading devices became more popular and started sparking the attention of people everywhere. Some of this attention came from the idea that this new was a huge breakthrough in an effort to save our planet, which I find most definitely possible. To conclude, I understand change, whether it is for the good or the bad, is always a difficult and uncomfortable thing. That is the only reason why the whole world has not yet made the shift from traditional books to e-books. Now, there might be few advantages to paper. But I see a lot more advantages to digital. The fact that I now carry about a hundred books with me, wherever I go, that I can read whenever I want, outweighs any advantage a paper book could give me. Digital books are here to stay and there is no doubt that within a few years we will look at paper books as something saved from the past.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Evaluate the importance of women disciples in Mark Essay

Evaluate the importance of women disciples in Mark - Essay Example In the Gospel of Mark, women are presented as the ones who faithfully remained with Jesus Christ during His passion till His death3. In the Gospel of Mark we read the following â€Å"There were also women working on a far off; among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less, and of Joses, and Salome; Who also, when he was I Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto him; and many other women who came up with him unto Jerusalem’’4 . In the Gospel of Mark therefore, women disciples are contrasted with the male disciples who ran away during the passion of Jesus Christ. Even Simon peter, who had early promised Jesus Christ that he would never abandon him, eventually abandoned Jesus Christ. Women therefore are presented in the Gospel of Mark as faithful disciples, who are ready to endure all manner of sufferings for the sake of their faith. Again, as we have seen in the above quotation, the women who remained faithfully with Jesus Christ during his passion had been with Jesus Christ, throughout his ministry, ministering to him. This fact shows that women disciples were quite important in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Besides enduring sufferings and remaining faithfully with Jesus Christ during his passion, women disciples also discovered, as it were, Jesus’ suffering messiahship before the male disciple. On this view, the feminist Bible scholar Elisabeth Fiorenza in her book, A Feminine Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins, states that it was a woman who recognized Jesus’ suffering messiahship, and in a prophetic sign-action, the woman anointed Jesus for his burial, while some of the male disciples of Jesus Christ reprimanded her5. The women disciples in the book of Mark, therefore, are presented as having a clear knowledge of the mission of Jesus Christ as a suffering Messiah. In the Gospel of Mark, in the healing miracles of Jesus Christ, women are portrayed as a model of Jesus Christ’s

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Volex Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Volex Group - Essay Example Volex has identified healthcare sector as one of the most prominent thrust area on a global basis. Rising disposable incomes in the hands of the people in emerging markets, increased awareness and rising living standards have given a great boost to the healthcare market there. Increased average lifespan in the developed countries coupled with greater emphasis on the preventive measures have also caused a huge demand in healthcare sector in this part. Moreover, the current recessionary trend has a little effect on the demand of healthcare sector. That definitely goes well with the company’s healthcare strategy. The company proudly proclaims that Volex has obtained ISO 13485:2003 accreditations this year for its three international manufacturing facilities in Poland, India, and China. The ISO-13485 certifies the design, manufacturing and project management capabilities of medical devices of the company. It establishes product safety, traceability, risk management and design tran sfer activities in product development. ... Rising disposable incomes in the hands of the people in emerging markets, increased awareness and rising living standards have given a great boost to the healthcare market there. Increased average lifespan in the developed countries coupled with greater emphasis on the preventive measures have also caused a huge demand in healthcare sector in this part. Moreover, the current recessionary trend has a little effect on the demand of healthcare sector. That definitely goes well with the company’s healthcare strategy. The company proudly proclaims that Volex has obtained ISO 13485:2003 accreditations this year for its three international manufacturing facilities in Poland, India, and China. The ISO-13485 certifies the design, manufacturing and project management capabilities of medical devices of the company. It establishes product safety, traceability, risk management and design transfer activities in product development. Prior to that, the company had the accreditation of its des ign centre in Ireland last year. This is an indication of the company's foray into the health care sector strengthening its product portfolio and achieving the industry standards that the market requires. The three manufacturing facilities at Chennai (India), Suzhou (China) and Bydgoszcz (Poland) are equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities to deliver complex interconnect products for advanced applications such as CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging, X-Ray and ultrasound. This will certainly help the company to create enough customer confidence among the health care sector. (Volex Builds, 2011) Volex's ISO achievement displays its commitment towards design processes for product delivery. This amply testifies the credentials of the Volex in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Realism and Hans Morgenthau in International Relations Essay

Realism and Hans Morgenthau in International Relations - Essay Example The former is most likely the case to occur when changes have occurred in the society structure as to require the reconstruction of the political constitution. Construction of solid political institutions requires the involvement of realism which must draw a clear line between wishful thinking and truth. Political realism2,3 is a study and practise of politics that contends that all nations are guided by their personal interests which are claimed to be their benefit and are disguised as moral concerns. A rational theory which clearly states what are these rational concerns that imprint a nation's need is necessary and requires thinking of the actual needs of a nation rather than what such a nation would like to see achieved. Such objectives of a nation follow a generic model that may apply for thousands of years and the same "moral" concerns that fall under the disguise of personal interest have found applicability since the ancient times. These fall under the territorial security of a nation primarily which once it has been secured the nation might contend the territory expansion for the establishment of a nation's security. Other than territorial expansion purpose of the personal interests a nation might pursue and disguise under morality is the accumulation of power. One however, should not see such claim... Even though international politics call for a clear distinction between personal concern and preservation of one's identity it may not always be the case that such distinction is probable. Morgenthau performs a system level analysis of political realism; he identifies the dependent and independent variables of the system, how these operate within the system and the effects they have on the system functionality. In this case the dependant variable is the foreign policy that states need to follow taking into consideration properties of the problem at hand, alternative solutions and the impact these may have on the involved parties. The independent variables are the drive of the initiative taking party that may be hidden under the disguise of state, or country, rights preservation or moral principles. The question here is what are the rights a country is entitled to as to take any kind of initiative on foreign policy as to proceed to battle and to what extend is one entitled to take any kind of initiative based on these rights or moral conflicts. The danger-action relation is perpetual circular; once danger is identified action is taken and such action breeds changes that keep the danger hint alive. The point here is the criteria to set as to separate rational from irrational behavior; who is to make such distinctions free of bias and finally what behaviour makes moral or amoral perception as to justify any kind of foreign policy initiative with the side-effects that might have. For danger to initiate action and the other way around the one does not necessary call for the other; just a hint is adequate basis for anyone to claim that certain clues call for immediate action. The author claims

Friday, July 26, 2019

Multicultural Approaches to Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multicultural Approaches to Counseling - Essay Example The facts of The Urban League Report also points to some of the most significant realities about the cultural background of the African American men who need special attention in the process of counseling. The cultural, educational, historical, racial, traditional, and personal background of the African American as presented through the article suggest some vital issues that are faced by the counselors as they carry on with the efforts of accommodating the specific needs of the cultural context of the African American males. The various issues to be considered in the Counseling of African American Men as presented in the article are relevant information, though it does not offer the complete picture. The issues offered under the heads Racism, Problems of aggression and control, Cultural alienation/disconnection, Self-esteem issues, Dependency issues, Attitudes and behaviors related to seeking help etc correspond to some of the essential issues in the cultural context of the African A mericans, though there other aspects as well. The guidelines for counseling the African American Men as well as the five stages of counseling the African American Men also offer pertinent information on the issue. ... 2. What use, if any, can a counselor make, of information such as this The article "Counseling African American Men (a summary)" has an important value to the counseling practitioners working in the cultural background of the African American Men as it deals with some of the most pertinent aspects of the issues corresponding to the cultural context of these people. "All humans are situated in an historical as well as a cultural process. Any understanding of African American men is predicated on an understanding of African American history and culture. This means that counseling approaches must be based on an understanding of and sensitivity to the personal history of African Americans." (Counseling African American males: The male socialization process of African American males, 1995-2001). A counselor in the cultural background of the African American Men can make use of some basic information offered by the article and primarily, it offers to present the cultural and historical context of these people which will guide the counselor in this line. The a rticle has immense significance as it offers the historical and cultural perspectives with an immediate response to the Black experience in America. The value of the article at the hands of the counselors working in the background of the African American men amounts as it offers to present some of the basic issues that needed to be considered in the counseling of the African American Men. Some of the issues relating to the counseling of the African American males are presented by the article, which include the issues of racism, problems of aggression and control, cultural alienation or disconnection, matters relating to self-esteem, dependency, and the attitudes and

Visual Representation of Public Health Leadership Theory Assignment

Visual Representation of Public Health Leadership Theory - Assignment Example Similarly, the visual representation is directly linked to healthcare organizations, this is more specific, as compared to the literature of Zalenznik, A. (1977), which discusses the leadership aspect, but does not link the discussion directly to health care organizations. The visual representation is also diverse, with regard to the purpose of healthcare organizations. In the literature, Vladeck (1992) considered that the major purpose of healthcare organizations is only the public interest. However, in the visual representation, it has been shown that healthcare organizations have other responsibilities that are not tied to the public, to fulfil. For instance, this shows that healthcare organizations have responsibilities to fulfil for the employees of the organization, other organizations of same interest and the state, and finally, the community and society, which can be labelled as the public. In addition, the visual representation provides a system that healthcare organizations can adopt in order to ensure that they fulfil their mandate to the public. In the literature, there was no provision of a system that could help healthcare organizations and their leaders to protect their clients, and fulfil their mandate to the public. However, by clarifying the values that a leader should embrace, as well as the different relationships they should value and strengthen, the visual representation offers public health organizations and leaders a way of ensuring that they fulfil their mandate appropriately. The visual representation is also broader in its approach to leadership in public health. This is not inclined to only one aspect of leadership, as in the case of Vroom (2007), who only addresses the situational aspects of leadership in public health. The visual representation has addressed the values of a leader, relationships, outcomes, as well as antecedents. This has also shown how the leadership values can be acquired by an individual.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

United Nations Human Rights Council Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

United Nations Human Rights Council - Essay Example It has been looked upon by most poor nation for protection against the oppression. The UN has been intervening in various instances in the world especially where the life of humans is directly touched. It has been intervening in wars to being peace, in hunger to bring food, in disease to bring medicine, and in other instances. In order to function properly, the UN has formed several bodies which have been assisting it to carry out its functions properly. There have been many areas that the body needs to address and therefore it has found it necessary to form other bodies which acts like its agencies. For example, it has formed the Security Council which is the main body that makes the decision for all major intervention that the body has to take. It has formed the UNDP which is concerned with development of the world. The world health organization is the agency of the UN which is mandated with carrying out various activities that promote the health and wellbeing of the people. The Un ited Nation Food Programs is an agency that has been mandated with carrying out various activities that are aimed at ensuring that there is no hunger in the world. UNICIEF is the agency of the UN that has been given the mandate of looking after the affairs of the children. These are some of the bodies that help the UN to carry out its function properly in order to eliminate all forms of suffering in the world. United Nations Human Rights System 2The United Nations has created a global structure which is aimed at protecting human rights. This is based on the UN charter, non abiding declaration, legally biding treating and other activities which are all aimed at ensuring that there is democracy and human rights in the whole world. Human right in the world have been protected through the United National Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human right which have been the two pillars which has continued to guide the world body and upon which other regal bodies base their human right laws. The UN adopted these two guides in 1948 and all members who had ratified to the body were henceforth supposed to abide by the provision of the charter. The provision of the charter is legally beign argent which is protected under the international law. Since then the UN has gradually developed human right laws and has also been creating specific standard which are supposed to ensure that there is equal enjoyment of human right by all the v ulnerable groups including women, children and all minorities. 3In order to ensure that there is maximum protection of human rights, the UN came up with several other treaties which form the centerpiece of the human right systems. In 1976 the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights came into force and was supposed to be enforced by all UN members. In the same year, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was also entered in to force which two optical protocols. In 1969 the UN human rights system had been given a boost by the enhancement of the International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. In 1987, the Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment was enacted. In 1982, there was the enactment of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women which had optical protocols. In 1990, the Convention on

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Parental Responsiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Parental Responsiveness - Essay Example If any case a child gets difficulties in achieving what he or she demands, he or she cries for assistance. Therefore, it is the role of the parents or caregivers to react responsibly after a child cries and assist on what he or she wants. When children start schooling, they meet with peers. During that time, the child adapts other different behaviors. The peer pressure usually affects them more behaviors than those they acquired from their parents or caretakers. The behaviors include good and bad ones where bad ones are easier to adapt than the good ones. The bad behaviors become more challenging to the parents or caretakers while trying to control them from their children. The adolescent stage is where most of the children have a greater resistance in changing the code of behaviors (Staats, 2002). Most of the children who refuse to change their behaviors as guided by their parents or caretakers or teachers, they mess up with their lives as they become mature. At this stage, there are some who drop out from schooling and later regret in their lives. Psychoanalysis is the understanding of the psychological phenomenon and how to treat emotional disorders. Children psychoanalysis is a form of research and treatment involving the children in trying to help them in coping with the problems. The main goal psychoanalysis is to aid children together with their parents in understanding their behaviors and feelings and try to develop them back on track (Palombo et al, 2009). The therapy usually involves less play along with more talks while the children get older towards and into puberty. Parents or caretakers should assist their children mostly at the puberty stage. The method can be used in handling the situation where the mother does not understand the desires of the infant when he or she cries. In most cases a child cries when he or she becomes uncomfortable, hungry, tired, or wants to sleep. During

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

English 11 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English 11 - Article Example Together with the portability of these devices, the computational capability of smartphones have made the devices increasingly become popular with 42% of all mobile subscribers in the US using smartphones, where 37% and 60% of adults and teens respectively acknowledge their addiction to the devices (Sarwar and Soomro 218). In fact, Boulos, Wheeler, and Jones observe that the devices have offered immense competition to personal computers in their market and have impacted â€Å"not only on the manner in which we communicate, but also on our sense of culture, community, identity and relationships† (2). Thus, this paper articulates the positive and negative effects of smartphone technology with regard to how it has transformed people’s way of communication, conducting and transacting in business and entertainment. Smartphone technology has changed the way people communicate, making it even more convenient. Other than its portability, a smartphone offers Internet connectivit y capabilities which open up the device to various ways through which communication, whether formal or informal could be undertaken. One of the weaknesses that e-mail communication had before the advent of smartphones according to Derks and Bakker was accessibility. E-mails would only be accessed in the presence of a computer. But smartphones offer wireless Internet connectivity such that users receive and respond to e-mail communications whenever, wherever. This makes people available whenever needed, hence more appreciation of e-mails as communication tools. Other than instant communication, smartphones provide various options through which people communicate. The devices have transformed people from using the traditional modes of communication, particularly e-mails and phone calls, to other modes such as WhatsApp, an application that allows for instant messaging. Such applications have transformed group communications such that people no longer have to meet physically to communic ate. Rather, through group communication platforms, such as applications like WhatsApp and social media platforms, groups interact conveniently. If need be, these people could see each other as they communicate through the web cameras on the devices which bridges the distance (Boulos, Wheeler, and Jones 4). This has greatly reduced on the time that was initially spent to make decisions, thus people not only enjoy the convenience of the technology but also the promptness with which it allows for decisions to be made. The portability and greater functionality of smartphone technology have transformed the way entrepreneurs conduct businesses and execute their transactions, hence giving business greater capabilities, which in turn generate more business opportunities. In a study conducted in Malaysia, Osam et al. (274) acknowledge the advancement in computing power and connectivity of smartphones compared to contemporary mobile phones. Businesspeople appreciate this capacity and use sma rtphones to conveniently and promptly access the required information, be it on stocks, market prices of commodities or foreign exchange rates among others. This enables them to make prompt and informed business decisions whenever needed, regardless of their location. Moreover, marketing being an important component of business has greatly transformed with the introduction of smartphones to the market. Marketers use the various communication

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Sherlock Holmes stories Essay Example for Free

The Sherlock Holmes stories Essay Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a famous author notably known for his series of Sherlock Holmes detective narratives. He wrote four novels and 56 short stories featuring Holmes and the stories were much loved by the public in the era of which they were written. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland on the 22nd of May 1859. He went to a boarding school at the age of nine and so no longer lived at home. After graduating he left to study medicine in Edinburgh. Doyle ended up working with a doctor called Joseph Bell. Some say he was Doyles biggest influence as he seemed to share many characteristics with Doyles most famous fictional character, Sherlock Holmes. Bell was said to be observational, logical and able to diagnose a patient without them even speaking. These characteristics are later evident in Sherlock Holmes; thus creating the basis of his character. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the writer of arguably the most famous fictional detective ever, Sherlock Holmes. He wrote his Sherlock Holmes stories in the Victorian era. The Victorian audience was fear-stricken and lived in constant terror of crime. Holmes surfaced at a time when crime was commonplace and the corrupted Police forces were incapable of protecting the public. An infamous example was Jack the Ripper renowned for mercilessly murdering prostitutes throughout London. To taunt the authorities, anonymous packages were sent containing mutilated body parts of his victims. The Victorian setting is portrayed in the story The Cooper Beeches as letters, telegrams and notes are used to develop the plot. Sherlock Holmes provided solace to the public as he captured the hearts with his talent of solving what were deemed to be the most unsolvable of cases. Sherlock Holmes not only became a hugely popular character in his stories, but he became an inspiration to many Victorians who were forever fearful for their lives. Doyle actually killed off Sherlock Holmes to end his antics not once but twice, however both times he did this, he received so many death threats that he was forced to continue writing more adventures for Sherlock Holmes. You can see why Sherlock Holmes was such a success in his day and not just because of the creativity of the stories he was in, but he also acted as a hope to the people of the era. However the question still remains as to why Sir Arthur Conan Doyles stories are still popular as ever nowadays? Sir Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes stories are still read world-wide because of many factors. Each story is original. Conan Doyle manages to persuade the readers mind into being captivated by all the clues and red herrings and lays down a mystery that makes the reader want to solve it before Sherlock Holmes does. This all adds up to a very exciting and unforgettable series of books.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sociological Theories And Service Users Situations Social Work Essay

Sociological Theories And Service Users Situations Social Work Essay In taking the time to observe how sociological and psychological influences may impact on a service user or client group, the social worker can remain mindful of the wider context of a situation and not just take what she sees at face value. This knowledge allows the social worker to remain objective and to make informed decisions in order to maintain professionalism in her work. By applying Sociological and Psychological theory to the Bertrams case study I aim to explore the wider social context, outside influence and psychological implications from the past and present. Through this exploration I will uncover the varying viewpoints and sometimes contradictory nature of these theories. To gain a Sociological perspective on the case study I will be applying Functionalist and Feminist theories. I will be able to scrutinise the Bertrams current situation and apply the theory in order to gain a wider understanding of the social context. In order to maintain a balanced viewpoint, Psychod ynamic theory and Maslows hierarchy will enable me to consider the psychological impact with a focus on human and emotional development. By examining a situation from a Sociological perspective we can take into account how various aspects such as class, social structure, religion, disability can impact people from a wider social context. This is essential in gaining a holistic picture the situation. Functionalism By applying a Macro theory to the case scenario it allows us to look at the large scale features of society and how individual actions affect society as a whole and vice versa. Functionalism will enable me to contemplate the structure of society and how the Bertrams fit within that structure. Functionalist theorists regard society as a system with interlocking parts. It is believed that each part needs to function effectively in order for society, as a system, to work as a whole. It is often rationalised using biological analogy. The social role of individuals is an integral part of the theory. Each person is thought to have their individual role to play within society. From a functionalist perspective it is very clear that Mrs Bertram is not fulfilling her role as a wife. Due to her alzemers she is unable to carry out the duties that would have been expected of her. Durkheim believed that everyone had their place, and a womans place was in the home. In the context of the 40s, 50s wh en Functionalism was at its peak, this viewpoint would not have been uncommon, if a little out-dated by todays standards. None the less, it is not through choice that she has become dysfunctional within society. She has legitimate claim for not being able to carry out her societal role and Functionalism would automatically see her take on the sick role. This would enable her to function again within the system under a different guise. It could also be observed that Mr Bertram is a dysfunctional member of society. With his reckless behaviour, his outrageous spending, and the lack of care for his wifes basic needs he is no longer fulfilling his role of husband. A main proponent of Functionalism was Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). He saw marital vows as obligations. When I perform my duties as a brother, a husband or a citizen and carry out the commitments I have entered into, I fulfil obligations which are defined in law and custom which are external to myself and my actions (Durkheim, 1982). He believed that if a member of society was deemed as dysfunctional, then he was considered to be a deviant member of society. Deviance occurs when people are not functioning correctly, according to the norm. This could be through crime, or anything which affects their ability to carry out their societal role. Deviance needs to be controlled or managed. If it was established that Mr Bertram was in fact deviant then he may need some persuading that by providing the care and attention that his wife needs his wife would not be removed from the situation. Through this resolution, therefore, they would both be able to function appropriately. It could be observed that Mr Bertram had an alcohol dependency. If this was established then Mr Bertram too may take on the sick role. In which case a different method for resolving the issues within the house would need to be adopted. Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) believed that sickness was a social concept rather than a biological concept. So being ill meant acting in different, deviant ways to the norm. Being sick was therefore a form of social role (Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). Parsons believed the rights of a sick person to be exemption from normal social obligations, the right to be looked after and blamed for their social deviance as long as they were genuinely sick. Obligations of a person playing the sick role would be to understand that they have to get well as soon as possible in order to continue their normal function and in order to do this they must receive professional help. Mr Bertrams condition would need to be treated or managed in order to enable him to function ag ain. In that case Mr and Mrs Bertram would be able to stay at home under treatment and the issues about care could be dealt with accordingly. He would no longer be considered deviant member of society. A criticism of the sick role would be that it is very difficult to apply to long term illness like that of Mrs Bertram. It is built on the assumption that the person gain help in order to gain function. This would not be possible for Mrs Bertram. Feminism From a Radical Feminist perspective it could be observed that Mrs Bertram has been oppressed by her husband. Through her devotion and his dominance she has succumb to subordination. Radical Feminists use the patriarchal social system as a concept to explain gender inequality. Patriarchy is the dominance of men over women in society. They view men as responsible for the exploitation of women from which they benefit greatly, through free domestic labour, sexual duties and so on. The case study describes how Mrs Bertram was swept off of her feet and totally devoted to Mr Bertram. In their current situation, Mrs Bertram is at home in squalled conditions and desperately in need of help. Mr Bertram is avoiding the situation by using diversionary tactic, selfishly seeking social activity and pleasure through drink. This further increases her oppression as she is fully dependent on her husband to provide the care and attention which she is desperately in need of. Shulamith Firestone, an early radical feminist writer argues that men control womens roles in re-production and child bearing. Because women are biologically able to give birth to children, they become more dependent materially on men for protection and livelihood (Giddens, 2006). Feminists could argue that for this reason Mrs Bertram has become vulnerable within her setting and just accepts this way of life. Jessie Bernard argued that Men need marriage more than women (pg 208 Gender). Perhaps this reliance on the domestic labour, comfort and sexual duties of a wife, which has been lost my Mr Bertram through his wifes condition is attributing to his behaviour. Mrs Bertram is no longer fulfilling her duties as a wife and this could be disrupting his routine. It would appear that Mr Bertram has never had to control the household, take care of his wife or finances, and may lack the ability or may simply consider it beneath him. It could affect his masculinity to have to carry out such c hores and duties believed to be part of a womans role. This may also be the reason why he is reluctant to accept help with the situation. He may feel he is being barraged and dictated to by his step daughters which may be resulting in a greater defiance. It is not clear from the case study, the nature of their relationship either. He may feel that family and professionals are undermining his authority as head of the household. Mr Bertram may be compensating for his lack of masculinity at home, by using his social appearance, bravado, drinking and defiance. This time away from the house for him may reaffirm his role as a dominant male within society whilst his dominant role as a man disappears at home. He no longer has command over his wife, no longer gets respect, adoration that he was once used to. Men are considered to have more influence within society; Mr Bertram has no influence over this situation or over his wife. Part 2: Using the scenario describe two psychological theories that can be used to help your understanding of the service users situation Humanistic theory Maslows hierarchy of needs Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908 1970) argued that humans throughout life not only want to have their basic survival needs met they strive for more in terms of personal growth. He believed that once basic needs for survival had been met that human development progressed toward higher psychological needs. He argued that people are motivated by the conscious desire for personal growth (Rathus, 2004). Maslow believed what separated us from our so-called lower animals was our capacity for self-actualisation (Rathus,2004). He believed that this self- actualisation was as important as basic needs but could not be met unless other stages of human needs were completed. He organised these stages into the hierarchy of needs, often presented in pyramid format. Each stage must be satisfied in order to progress to the next. At the bottom of the hierarchy are physiological needs. These are the basic human needs we all have in order to survive, like food, water, shelter, oxygen. Once t he first basic need has been satisfied, the following stage is safety needs, the need for security. The following stage in the hierarchy is love and belonging; the need to give and receive love, to overcome loneliness and achieve a sense of belonging in life. The fourth stage is Esteem needs; to feel self-confident, respected and not to feel inferior. Self-actualisation is the final stage in the hierarchy and can only be reached when all foregoing needs are satisfied and the person feels he has achieved everything he wants to in life and is the best that he can be. In the case of the Bertrams it is clear that Mrs Bertram is currently not even meeting the bottom of Maslows hierarchy of needs. It is noted that their flat is in an appalling state, she is unable to feed herself and left on her own for most of the day. You would expect most of her needs to be met within the context of her marriage to Mr Bertram; however, since he has neglected his role as a husband, he has placed her in a position of significant danger. Since not even her basic physiological needs are being met in the current situation then at present there would not be an opportunity to progress through the hierarchy of needs. If Mrs Bertram was placed in residential care then her physiological needs would be met. She would have food, water and care of her basic needs. She could then perhaps progress to the following stage of safety. She would no longer be at risk of hurting herself and she would be in a more secure environment. Although it could be argued that for an advance Alzheimers sufferer, the unfamiliar setting would disorientate her and she might not actually feel secure there. Because of her diagnosis, Mrs Bertram is unlikely to meet the third stage of love and belongingness. Her advanced Alzheimers may mean that she fails to recognise her husband, family members and have a declining ability to communicate. Mrs Bertram would never reach self-actualisation. The best that could be achieved would be basic survival and safety needs, whether this was achieved at home with the compliance of her husband, or in residential care. Although it could be debated that residential care would not be the best opt ion. As the GP states in the case scenario, a move to residential care might well kill Mrs Bertram. It would appear from the case scenario that Mr Bertrams basic needs are being fulfilled. However it is uncertain as to whether his s safety and security needs are being met. He certainly would not get a sense of love and belonging from his wife, in the latter stages of sever dementia. I would observe, however, there is some attempt from Mr Bertram to achieve a sense of self-esteem, since he spends the majority of his time with his compatriots at the golf club. It is clear that in this relationship and the current situation faced by the Bertrams that he too has no way of reaching self-actualisation. Maslow observes that it is mainly social factors that hinder the personal growth of humans. Potentially at least the first two stages of Maslows hierarchy could be reached within the context of their marriage, with the right services in place. Psychodynamic theory Through the Psychodynamic theory of personality we could speculate about Mr Bertrams past and how that has influence on his behaviour in the present. It would be difficult to achieve a comprehensive result in regards to Mrs Bertram because of her Alzheimers. Since her behaviour is wholly attributed to her condition. Studying Sigmund Freuds (1856 1939) theories, with a focus on psychosexual development, would be the most relevant to apply to the case scenario. Psychodynamic theory had been developed and evolved over the years. Freuds idea of Psychodynamic theory depicted humans as largely driven by unconscious motives and desires. He proclaimed that humans come into conflict when their basic instincts come up against social pressure to follow, laws or moral codes. At first this conflict is external, but as we develop it becomes internalised (Rathus, 2004). Freud explains the conflict of personality using psychic structures. The id, which Freud believed is present at birth and located in the unconscious mind, and revolves around our basic biological drives and instincts. It operates on what Freud called the pleasure principle. It demands instant gratification regardless of laws or moral rules. Another feature in the structure of personality is the ego. Formed from the id, developed through learni ng and experience. This is the part where conscious thought takes place (Beckett and Taylor, 2010). The ego operates on the reality principle. This takes into consideration what is practical and possible in gratifying needs (Rathus, 2004). When the ego senses improper impulses arsing it can sometimes deploy a number of defence mechanisms. The third psychic structure is the superego. This is formed throughout early childhood and is developed through standards, values, parenting and moral standards. Psychodynamic theory emphasises the way in which the mind stimulates behavior, and both mind and behavior influence and are influenced by the persons social environment (Payne, 2005) Freud believed there were four stages in psychosexual development. The first stage took place during the first year of a childs life. This is known as the oral stage. Much of the childs development is explored by putting things into the mouth and sucking, biting chewing. Freud believed it was possible to have arrested development through trauma. And be fixated on one of the stages. From the case study we could surmise that Mr Bertram is fixated on the oral stage of psychosexual development through his drinking. We could speculate that he may have had a significant trauma at that stage which has left him with a possible alcohol dependency, thus fixated on the oral stage. It could perhaps be identified that Mr Bertram is using psychological defence mechanisms in order to avoid the situation that he is currently facing. Part 3: Reflect on your own background describe it and indicate 1 sociological and 1 psychological theory that can be applied to you, giving examples The relationship I have with my father has often been fraught, difficult and tense. As a sufferer of a severe mental disorder, my father has often displayed irrational, delusional, paranoid and sometimes violent behaviour. Throughout his life he has had frequent hospitalisation. For me this is something I have grown up with and am used to dealing with on a day to day basis. I am acutely aware of how our relationship differs to that of my friends for example. I have as close a relationship as possible with him, and to that end I usually bear the brunt of his paranoia and aggression when he is unwell. I have witnessed first-hand the stigma attached to mental illness. I find it extremely difficult to trust anyone enough to tell them about the situation, and I strongly feel I shouldnt have to tell everyone that meets him, this only leads to labelling him as mentally ill, thus changing the way in which they treat him; which only compounds his paranoia. Some Sociological theorists believe that mental illness is a social construction in order to rationalise bizarre or irrational behaviour that cannot be in any other way explained. This is known as labelling theory. Scheff (1966) argued that people are labelled as mentally ill because their behaviour does not make sense to others. Scheff points out that labelling of a person as mentally ill is facilitated by stereotyped imagery learned in early childhood and continually reaffirmed, inadvertently, in ordinary social interaction and through the mass media. Thus, when a persons violation of social norms or deviance becomes a public issue, the traditional stereotype of crazy person is readily adopted both by those reacting to the deviant person and, often, by the deviant person as well (Lamb. 2002). Erving Goffman suggests that when someone is labelled as mentally ill then they are treated differently. When an interaction takes place with that person it is with this knowledge of the menta l illness, therefore creating what Goffman called a spurious interaction (Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). From a behaviourist view, Schizophrenia could be viewed as a kind of learned behaviour. From this perspective, people engage in schizophrenic behaviour when it is more likely to be reinforced than normal behaviour (Rathus, 2004). This could be the result of being raised in an unrewarding or punitive situation. It could also be observed that this kind of behaviour is reinforced within the hospital setting, where the schizophrenic behaviour is reinforced through attention from professionals within that setting. Cognitive theory argues that behavior is affected by perception or interpretation of the environment during the process of learning. Apparently inappropriate behavior must therefore arise from misinterpretation. Therapy tries to correct the misunderstanding, so that our behavior reacts appropriately to the environment (Payne, 2006) I believe the experiences I have had with my father give me the ability to understand mental illness without stigmatising. It also helps me empathise with the sufferer and the family. An empathetic approach to someone who was hearing voices for example, would be to understand that to the person affect, they are very real. I fully understand the importance of having the right services in place in order for that person to thrive. My experience allows me to observe the wider context of a situation and realise that it is not only the primary sufferer of the condition that is affected. The wider family needs to be considered as they have a huge role to play in the well-being of the person concerned.

The Morality Of Mercy Killing

The Morality Of Mercy Killing Why is there such a thing in our world that is called mercy killing?, why? In this report I will discuss about euthanasia or mercy killing. Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a person for the benefit of that person. In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person asks to die, but there are cases where a person cant make such a request. A person who undergoes euthanasia is usually terminally ill. Euthanasia can be carried out either by doing something, such as administering a lethal injection, or by not kill a person even if they are terminally ill because this person needs a chance to live along and see his life, but there are people that disagree. Introduction Mercy killing, also known as mercy killing or assisted suicide is an act of murder which are usually to end the life of a person suffering from severe pain or terminal illness. An individual who is tormented by a disease you want to plant at the end of his life, but do not have the ability to do so. In such a case, and may request assistance from another person. This is illegal in most, but not all, areas of the world. Allow certain languages, provided that they are to follow strict guidelines and the procedure is by a doctor, the patients request. In the United States, assisted suicide is legal in only two states Oregon and Washington. And others have created, such as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg are also rules for legal mercy killing. Rules of practice in areas where the law allows assisted suicide voluntary. That regulations governing the work of doctors allowed to put an end to the suffering of patients who choose voluntarily to physician assisted suicide. The case of terminally ill, which creates severe physical pain may require assistance. In areas where it is permitted by the physician assisted suicide is generally not legal for any person other than a doctor to help in the death of the last, however. Mercy killing and assisted suicide is a controversial issue in the community and among medical professionals in general. Some doctors believe that the practice of assisted suicide is incompatible with the teaching profession does not hurt. On the other hand, others argue that extending the life of a person who wishes to die is a violation of human rights harsh. One of the most popular activities assisted suicide is an American pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian. She helped illegally in the death of more than 100 patients in the United States, was convicted of second-degree murder in late 1990. In 2007, he was released from prison. Since then, Dr. Kevorkian appeared in several universities in the talk shows to promote his beliefs and theories about the patients right to die. While it is more common, and not all of mercy killing with the help of a doctor. Although it is a criminal act, there are many reported cases in one family member or other non-medical staff until the life of another, usually at the request of the patient. In some cases this is done by removing or cutting the life-saving device. At other times, the act was committed by administering a lethal overdose of drugs. If convicted, the person who can send mercy killing is illegal to prison Classification of mercy killing And mercy killing can be classified according to whether the person giving informed consent in three types: voluntary and non-voluntary and involuntary. There is controversy in the medical literature and bioethics about what if it can be considered as non-voluntary (and by extension, it was accidental) killing patients, mercy killing, regardless of the intentions or the circumstances of the patient. In the definitions offered by Beauchamp and Davidson, and then by the Wreen, and consent by the patient which are not considered to be one of the criteria, although it was asked to justify mercy killing. However, others see the agreement as necessary. Voluntary mercy killing Mercy killing was carried out with the consent of the patients so-called voluntary mercy killing. And active voluntary mercy killing is legal in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Voluntary passive mercy killing is legal in the United States Cruzan V. Director of the Department of Health and the state of Missouri. Is often used when the patient brings about his death for the assistance of physician-assisted suicide instead. Suicide is legal in Switzerland and the United States from Oregon, Washington and Montana. Non-voluntary mercy killing The implementation of mercy killing if the patients consent is not available so-called non-voluntary mercy killing. For example, mercy killing, which is illegal in all parts of the world, but in the criminalization of certain specific circumstances in the Netherlands with the Groningen Protocol. Involuntary mercy killing Performed mercy killing against the wishes of the patients so-called non-voluntary mercy killing. Procedural decision Can be divided into voluntary and non-voluntary mercy killing and involuntary to more variables, passive or active. A number of authors to consider these conditions to be misleading and unhelpful. Passive mercy killing Passive mercy killing involves the rejection of common treatments such as antibiotics, which are necessary to sustain life. Last mercy killing Last mercy killing involves the use of lethal substances or forces to kill the most controversial. Sense of medical The poll comes in the United States more than 10000 doctors to the conclusion that it was thought about 16% of the doctors to stop life-sustaining treatment because the familys request, even if he believed it was too premature. About 55% do not, and the rest 29% depends on the circumstances. This study also noted that California. 46% of doctors agree that he should be allowed to physician-assisted suicide in some cases 41%, no, and the remaining 14% think it depends Discussion Even some who accept and we can say the above principles, there is no real difference between allowing someone to die and the status of the person suffering in a coma until his death, in order to alleviate the suffering. Then you have to choose not to remove life-support systems. After all, as they say, and the result is the same in both cases. Also, if you remove your old age or treatment of a patient dying, the patient dies because of this procedure. Thus, they contend, by removing life-prolonging treatment is. A case of murder in the mercy killing as the cause of death is the direct intervention by the person injecting the performance or act of violence after death. Although the two procedures, euthanasia, and allowing to die, is similar in the result, are not the same in process or in the grounds next. In the case of allowing to die, it is true that the patient usually dies on the removal mechanisms of aging or treatment, but the cause of death is a condition that there is now allowed to have a natural effect. For example, the device is removed the ventilator and the patient died because of disease, cardiovascular system and lungs. Mechanism or treatment that prevent the removal of this life-threatening disease because it is more useful cognitive function and emotional, are not allowed to be a disease that affects the natural. Allows nature to take its course. In euthanasia, and the cause of death is a disease caused by a mercy killer. Can cause disease by direct interference with the normal activity of the physiological system of the patient or to withhold specific treatment for the system that should be provided. Can therefore be achieved by withholding the necessary euthanasia drug, as well as a pistol. In one way or another, therefore, euthanasia is an act of violence committed in the physiology of the person concerned and which caused the disease. In addition, at least an implicit justification of euthanasia is to exercise total domination over the human life. Some argue that the ultimate justification for euthanasia, and to liberate the suffering, is enough to justify this action. In this way, as they say, Roswell Gilbert, and others who wish to put an end to the suffering should not lead to the imposition of moral or legal. Unfortunately, there are many ethicists today to justify any action until the last reason is good. But such thinking ignores the reality. Actions that lead to achievement motivation and one that will eventually be a reason to be morally justified. For example, if the final was my motivation may be to collect money to send my children to university, and I do not have the right to steal the money of widows and orphans. Conclusion Mercy killing can and do not go hand in hand. According to Buddhism, can not justify mercy killing. Mercy killing can and do not go hand in hand. Some people kill pets because they do not like seeing animals suffer. Some try to justify mercy killing with the misconception that if the motive or reason for this is good, then the act itself is a good thing. Then that the claim to kill pets, they have the intention to alleviate the suffering of the unfortunate animal, and so a good job. There is no doubt that the original intent or motive is good. But the act of killing the evil that is done during the second idea would certainly help in achieving health outcomes. final thought: To determine the value or not intended in any business and we realize that may be the person who conducted the work of a self-satisfied with any sense of moral guilt. In the case of Roswell Gilbert and all the others in this same position, and we will be more interested in the discussion of the support system that would allow him to achieve his pain more humane way to discuss what could be a just punishment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

This paper examines the type of corporation which meets James’s best

This paper examines the type of corporation which meets James’s best interest. Abstract This paper examines the type of corporation which meets James’s best interest. A company can be set up with or without shares available to the public, divided into the public company which is expensive to obtain and maintain, and the private company which is appreciated by most businesses to begin with. Also, there are limited and unlimited companies. In addition, a company can be classified as limited by guarantee or limited by capital shares which are in most companies’ favour. These are governed in the main by the Companies Act 1985 and relevant case law. Introduction There are several types of company. The most common company is a limited company, the liability of the members being limited to the amount they have previously agreed. According to Denis Keenan (1996), a corporation is a succession or collection of persons having at law an existence, rights and duties, separate and distinct from those of the persons who are from time to time its members. This paper explains the reasons to form a company, and the reasons why a private company is more preferable than the public one, together with the discussion of the company limited by guarantee and unlimited company. Finally, the cases in Salomon v. Salomon Co. (1897) and Marcaura v Northern Assurance Co. Ltd help to evaluate the principle of personal succession which is the unique feature of being a company. Across the paper, James is given recommendations to the type of company which best suits his needs. a) Advantages of Incorporation Incorporating a company offers James many advantages, even if he is doing one-person business. Some of these advantages are: - Separate legal personality. A corporation is by law recognized as a separate legal person. Since a partner in a general partnership represents an agent of the business, when a change happens about partners, it in most times differentiates the partnership. On the other hand, a corporation is not dependent on the life of shareholders, directors, and officers, and will not be affected by changes in, deaths and retirement of its members since it is by law recognized as a separate ‘person’. Furthermore, the day-to-day business is running unaffected. As a separate person, a company can enter into transaction i... ... states that a shareholder is permitted to change the contents of the article and memorandum by special resolutions. A quick company may be born and improved to best meet James’s needs. It should be mentioned that the company is better to be limited by a capital share, as the limited by guarantee is not very keen on the profit-generating process. Bibliographies Books Andrew Hicks & S.H.Goo (2001) Cases & Materials on Company Law (4th ed.). London, Blackstone Press Limited. Denis Keenan (1996) Smith & Keenan’s Company Law for Students (10th ed.). London, Pitman Publishing Geoffrey Morse (1999) Charlesworth &Morse Company Law (16th ed.) London: Sweet & Maxwell. Janet Dine (2001) Janet Dine Company Law (4th ed.). Palgrave Law Masters Paul L. Davies (2003) Gower and Davies Principles of Modern Company Law (7th ed.). London: Sweet & Maxwell. S. Kunalen & Susan Mckenzie (2001). Blackstone’s Law Questions & Answers- Company Law (2nd ed.). London, Blackstone Press Limited. Stephen Mayson, Dereck French & Christopher Ryan (2000) Mayson French & Ryan on Company Law (17th ed.). London: Blackstone Press Limited. Web materials www.businesslink.gov.uk

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Of mice and men is a novella written by Steinbeck in the 1930’s at the time of the American great depression. Two migrant workers George and Lennie are the protagonists; through these characters Steinbeck highlights many themes. The themes presented in this novel can be compared with those in the ‘Moon on the Tides’ Anthology poems for example ‘Brothers’, ‘Farmer’s Bride’ and ‘In Paris with You’. ‘Brothers’ written by Andrew Forster is an autobiographical poem and is written in three stanzas which account for three different stages in the narrators’ afternoon. This poem explores the relationship between two siblings which can subsequently be compared with George and Lennie’s relationship. The ‘Farmers Bride’ is another poem which can be compared with ‘Of Mice and Men’ this poem explores the nature of the famers ‘bride’ and can also be interpreted to indicate that the poem is a metaphor for the way women are treated in Mews society? Charlotte Mew lived through the First World War and the women suffrage therefore it can be collated that her writing was influenced by the events in her time both historically and socially. In addition to this her personal life has an impact too as she made a pact never to marry because her family went through a tough time- they were mentally ill. Therefore she did not want insanity to be passed on to her children. Nonetheless Mew was bisexual and in her time period homosexuality was illegal, these things in her time period could be considered a source of stimulation for the deception in the poem. The third poem which links with ‘Of Mice and Men’ is ‘Hour’ by Carol Ann Duffy which explores the nature of love not typical richness of love but how spending time with a loved one is priceless and valuable. ... ...traditional desires of love, the narrator portrays the idea that nature is more valuable than typical materialistic things eg; ‘spend it not on flowers...but.. Sky and a grass ditch’ many similes, oxymoron’s, metaphors are used in the poem alongside enjaments to suggest that the narrator hasn’t enough time, her treasure is time. The short sentences used are pauses to perhaps show how the narrator is stressing time. ‘like treasure.. limbs gold’ is a simile used which refers to the richness of spending time with someone. Compared with ‘Of Mice and Men’ George and Lennie don’t have the luxuries of being good friends but make the most of things ‘guys like us.. no family...you got me.. i got you...’ however oppositely Lennie is overwhelmed by his dream to have rabbits and the alfalfa-materialistic things he thinks by achieving this dream himself and George can be happy.

surrender :: essays research papers fc

Evaluate the wisdom of American insistence on the â€Å"Unconditional Surrender† of Japan. Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States of America is a warrior nation. To pretend otherwise ignores a national history colored in red blood and gun smoke. Despite this, the American national conscience seeks forever the moral high ground. This national need extends to America’s ability to wage and sustain war. World War II was no exception. The Call to Arms came only after Japan’s killing of unprepared men in Pearl Harbor. The nation did not see the attack as an attack on a legitimate target but as an immoral attack. Giving in to its warrior spirit, the nation looked for retribution. Unable to shake a conscience developed and tempered by its early religious heritage, though, the nation needed more justification than mere revenge for the coming actions it would take. America’s policy of â€Å"Unconditional Surrender† provided this justification. Implied in Unconditional Surrender was the concept of Unconditional Warfare – total war. Further implied in the concept of total war was the justification for a fully violent and vengeful response. America needed the moral justification implied in the policy of Unconditional Surrender. Elegant Violence: Japanese v. American views on Warfare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To the Japanese, the concept of Unconditional Surrender was a nightmare. The Japanese government had instilled in its people the idea that Unconditional Surrender to American forces would involve horrendous tortures and degradations. Whether or not the Japanese government actually believed their own war propaganda, there was concern among the Japanese leadership that Unconditional Surrender would mean the end of Japan as a nation-state due to the expected American dismantling of the Japanese Imperial system (Freedman 201).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American public’s perception of Unconditional Surrender was not necessarily the perception of the nation’s leaders, though. In fact, most post-war planners in Washington saw America’s Unconditional Surrender policy as flexible (James 725) . However, the President did not choose to share his actual views on Unconditional Surrender with the public. To do so, would have been to negate the violent imperative behind America’s total war against Japan. Japanese and American perceptions of total war were much more in accord. Both the Japanese and American military cultures had strange and sometimes conflicting ideas about legitimate actions and targets. Both cultures could justify outrageous carnage and destruction in the pursuit of victory. That being said, the Japanese military’s almost fanatic devotion to Mahanian warfare mixed with their own Samurai code meant that, many times during the war, Japanese commanders passed up incredible targets of opportunities deeming them not worthy enough.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Online information system Essay

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Future university’s training unit deliver training services to both novice and professionals in different areas of information technology core courses, arts and design, programming languages as well as basic studies manually. Interested individuals enroll in any of the available courses only by going to the university’s training unit. Also there is no means of advertising these services which is vital to those in search of it, somehow there is need for the training center to have a fully functional system that serve the same purpose online 24/7. 1.2 SITE OF THE PROJECT Future University 1.3 NATURE OF THE PROJECT Web based application 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The significance of the study is that it will help in designing a system that will provide services online to subscribers of training programs. The training unit can also make use of the outcome of this study for the purpose of providing effective and convenient services to its subscribers. When completed the system will provide the following benefits: 1.It will provide user convenience since it can be accessed from anywhere around the globe through the internet. 2.It will serve as a means for the trainers to handle large number of trainees from different locations around the world at a time. 3.The proposed system will provide an advertisement functionality for the global reach of the training unit. 4.The online services will also provide easy access to information. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT 2.1.1General problem There is no online system by which the training unit can advertise its training services in order to gain recognition worldwide. And the records of  information is done manually. 2.1.2 Specific problem 1.Registration of trainees is done manual therefore requiring large amount of paper work. 2.Bulk amount of papers occupy most of the office space and cost a lot of money. 3.The training unit has no means of creating awareness apart from the university’s medium. 4.There is no proper scheduling of courses and this may cause trainees’ dissatisfaction. 2.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 2.2.1 General Objectives To develop a web application that will deliver the same services in more efficient and effective way. 2.2.2 Specific Objectives 1.To include a database system within the application to store retrieve, manipulate, secure and save data. 2.To add interactive graphics to support awareness creation on the web as e-advertisement. 3.To develop a module that will provide a convenient scheduling for the training. 2.3SCOPE AND LIMITATION 1.The proposed system will cover the issues of awareness by including advertisement functionality. 2. Subscribers of the training and the trainers supposed to have a forum for further discussions but unfortunately that will not be covered in this project. 3.This project will not cover the payment system. 2.4 Methodology Traditional waterfall model. 3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.1 Resources Requirement for Development For the purpose of developing the system the following resources are required 3.1.1Hardware requirements The hardware needed for the development process is a computer system with the following specification HardwareDescription ProcessorCore i5 Random Access MemoryRAM 6GB Hard disk 750 GB 3.1.2 Software requirements SoftwareSpecification ServerII express Server Side Scripting LanguageAsp.net IDEVisual studio 2013 professional for web 3.2 Resources Requirement for Deployment 3.2.1 Hardware requirements The hardware needed for the deployment process is a computer system with the following specification

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Kodak Harvard Case

Case prep ardness memo GROUP NAME _____________________________ YOUR NAME_________Jordan Lewis_______ upshot __Kodak_________________ 1. What is/ atomic number 18 the problem(s) in this demonstrate window? hang in it to a single statement. At close, you whitethorn apex out(a) a twain of the key questions. The problem in the Kodak case is that Kodak is losing trade hold dear because they are reworking their mathematical increase line, causing precariousness in client mindset. They waste created the Funtime bourgeon to attempt to get hold market value. 2. What are the key issues? This is retri barelyory a simple list (condensed SWOT).You do not need to analyze in great detail. The key issues are that they are losing market value by gravel over their topper tell oner. By attempting to enter the sparing marking-pricing point, they suck up restructured and re branded their other films, making their consumer doubt the quality of their original merchandise. They ha ve renamed their superpremium film to correlate with their premium brand, which is a strength, hardly could lose a few of their customers in the transition. By not heavily advert their untried line of Funtime film they runnel the risk of not r for each 1ing their consumer.From a business standpoint, it seems odd to devote so little marketing to a new product, it seems as though they dont care/believe in the product to begin with. 3. What are the alternatives? Be germinal What are the strategic tradeoffs (pros / cons)? This should be a list of at least 5 alternatives. They do not all have to be wonderful ideas. This is a think step -Take a percentage of the advertize/marketing dollars designated to the most well known, most purchased film, bullion gain, and use it to run genius campaign for Funtime. -Find a way to box the Gold Plus and the Funtime together. Advertise and market to genuine consumers of Gold Plus, their most best- selling(predicate) film. -Give a free samp le to cytosine current Kodak users, its not implausibly costly and whitethorn be fitted to generate word of mouth advertising. -Sell each curler of Funtime singly. Set the legal injury point a little higher than the encase pricing would be, and market them as a quick solution to those necessary moments when a photo is needed. 4. Present a valued analysis of key alternatives (if appropriate). This section may include break even, margin analysis, ROI, LCV, etc.State all the way if you do not find pertinent numbers in the case. It is an interesting outline to sell the Funtime film in value packs. By selling them in packs they are making a relatively comparable amount of m peerlessy, as they would by selling one roll of Gold Plus film. On average consumers spent betwixt $2. 50 and $3. 50 on a roll of film so by bundling Funtime together and selling them for almost the same harm as one roll of Gold Plus, it seems like a higher margin could be make by selling the Funtime rolls separately. If they were to sell them individually they could sell them for 0. 0 less than their Gold Plus and still make a decent margin, while maintaining the lower set point necessary for the consumer. The case states that Funtime is to be exchange at a outlay 20% less than Gold Plus, which is sold for 20% less than Royal Gold. 5. In your own words, what is your recommendation? First, what reason(s) do you have to choose this alternative? Second, how will it be implemented? practice session the marketing shamble elements and research components as implementation guidelines. The precedent sections can be duplicated within your group, but this part should be individual effort.The best strategy would be to concentrate on the new product line and advance it heavily with a competitive price. result strategies I think they need to measure the way they are introducing Funtime into the market. It makes little to no experience to introduce an economy price based item into the market without advertising it. In analyzing their target scarce 10% were price storehousepers, but their manager of command merchandise marketing stated that there is a significant rise in price-sensitive shoppers, so it would make sense to feed at least a fraction of the marketing strategy to the new price point product.Go for market penetration determine The Funtime film is meant to fit the economy brand pricing tier. The other films in this tier range from $2. 69-$2. 91. The case does not today state the price of one individual roll of Funtime film. It does however mention that it is only to be sold in packages of both or quadruplet. It would make most sense to sell two of the Funtime films for the price of one roll of their premium film. However, they do entreat more exposures in the pack of four and could possibly sell it for a large margin.Especially if they are trying to compete with the undercover label margin which is higher than Kodaks margin. To implemen t this pricing strategy I would advertise a 2 for 1 or more bang for your jerk strategy, emphasizing the quality or writing style difference as well. Promotional ideas As an alternative I would choose to conjure some form of promotion for the Funtime film. I find it necessary to promote a new product, rather than introduce it twice a year in particular quantities. An economy-based shopper is looking for something easy, cheap, and on the go, so make it easily accessible to them.Promote it about kickoff time, wedding season, and holidays so that people toy with to pick up an extra roll of film. By releasing it with hardly some(prenominal) advertising and on a trammel quantity run it doesnt show much confidence in the product to begin with, so leave it out there and promote it when necessary. Distribution play Distribute at point of sale, registers, beside to picture frames, in the photo growing section of department and drug store. maybe even convenience stores. It is an economy priced item, sell it where people will make it an add sale item.Distribute where current users of Kodak film shop so that they may become acquaint with it and understand its use. interrogation (goals, methods, etc. ) Research how other companies marketed and sold their economy brand priced film. Find out which consumer would be kindle in the film and target them. Use a survey to ask current consumers what price they would be willing to gestate for a less premium film, and what they would watch out of it. Run a mental testing test in key areas and around peak seasonal times.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Authentic leadership is a force.Every organisation with different grounds has to take portion in alteration. The high ground may differ from increasing market portion, traveling with the competition, altering with the society or can besides be in order to last in the market. Change is something deeds that is a critical, compulsory and requires all direction maps, which are Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Co-ordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting ( by Henry Fayol 1937 ) .1.Its essential to have good direction for a company to succeed as workers respond favorably towards their leadership and will comply with a leader.pdf ) .Over the old ages one many change direction theories and theoretical accounts have developed out of which there are some popular and widely used theories, there are no peculiar front-runner theories for deploying alteration, and it would surely be agreed that the whole construct is comparatively immature and developing. The whole construct is once more really situational and requires new single attack based on the organisation and the alteration it wishes to undergo. But, one of the most popular logical and widely used alteration direction theory it the McKinsey ‘s 7S theoretical account, which can non merely be used as a little alteration direction theory, but besides in instance of analyzing an organisation and its activities.

An excellent leader will have ability to acquire the maximum quality from Realtors they possess the capacity.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_mail ) , large Royal Mail employees the staff up to 121,000, which exceeds the figure of staff in full Royal direct Mail Group ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.bbc.co.Second, the manager should show integrity in executing their duties.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8304722.stm ) , as more and more concern organisations and persons depend upon E-mails and assorted IT based formats to pass on.

The supervisor also needs to be able to ease the change by mobilizing the employees to sell the notion of the change.1: – Decreasing Net incomesRoyal Mail faced serious functional issues, which made its operation suffer losingss up to ?279 million in the fiscal twelvemonth of 2007 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7417634.Fifthly, a manager ought to be in a place to devote time to collect information required to first express the way the significant the company is to the firm.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8426538.stm ) .

Businesses search for a bachelor degree holder although generally most small firms hunt for expertise in the area.co.uk/1/hi/business/6252202.stm ) . The direction found out that most of its potential rivals used high-tech machinery for screening and administering doing them more efficient and therefore deriving the trusts of the clients, and that they are falling behind as they have non been able to overhaul ( spatial hypertext transfer protocol: //news.INTRODUCTION When companies need to accomplish significant change they turn to some leader extract from from the organization.Therefore, 2nd most of import issue necessitating the direction to do critical technological alterations called for a modernisation policy.3.3: – marked Decrease in MarketResearch conducted by the BBC shows that Royal Mail delivers around 75 million stations everyday. It counts to 90 per centum of the UK ‘s market.

Each member ought to have the abdominal discomfort of failure and must feel responsible for work.uk/1/hi/business/8304722.stm ) . This decrease in the market public shows that the direction needs to be really efficient in their operations.3.All staff members must realize deeds that should they re not able to satisfy their undertakings deadline or are not more able to execute their Jobs satisfactorily, they are letting the team instead of Just the project supervisor down.stm ) , These issues forced the direction to travel things otherwise, and to come up with a policy that make their military operations more profitable, and the could vouch their endurance and being as UK taking electronic mail administering organisation.4: – The Modernization Policy of Royal MailIt is really clear, that a stringent policy was required to undertake all the important issue ( mentioned supra ) that direction faced and to prolong in long tally, the direction did the exact thing by bordering a ecological modernisation policy, which could be called as a type of procedure alteration by Pull offing alteration logical and passage Harvard Business Essential. The policy required the direction to bring on extra finance of around 1.2 billion in modern machine.

The work group are derived from the leader and free will be not able to behave.stm ) , and the policy besides focused on altering the agenda of the employee, to do their labour hr direction more effectual.The purpose of modernisation policy was to undertake logical and startle Royal mail working against all the above mentioned issues. The inducement of excess finance unlooked for machinery would intend that the operation of mail would be more effectual, speedier and able to vie keyword with the increasing and competent competition. The decrease in staff would ensue into cost effectual operations and therefore increasing its net net income and ensuing into lessening in its pension fund shortages.Learning manners group common methods other people learn.uk/1/hi/business/8339201.stm ) and could farther increase harmonizing to the CWU ( Communication Workers Union, which represented the Staff of Royal Mail ) . The political Union agreed with direction on the staff decrease for endur ance, but disagreed on the gait of occupation cuts logical and the wage rise issues.It would be undue towards the direction if I said that they failed to follow the alteration opposite direction theory, of McKinsey ‘s seven ‘S ‘ .

stm ) .5. 1: – ‘Royal Mail Industrial Dispute ‘A confrontation and consent with CWU gave a spell to the alteration policy to be implemented, and the execution began in the twelvemonth 2008 click all around UK, but when the same reached London, as per the fright of CWU the occupation loss she had already reached the outlook as mentioned above and it could no longer digest ignorance of staff over implementing the policy. Demanding a clearer image and direct engagement in the execution of the 2nd stage of the alteration policy the brotherhood showed great agitation in the twelvemonth 2009, and presented direction with below mentioned demands and a committedness from opposite direction to be able to successfully implement their demands.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6252202.stm ) .stm ) . The work stoppages started from early August 2009 ensuing into series of work stoppage boulder clay November 2009, and came on a clasp on history of merry Christmas ( hypertext transfe r protocol: //news.bbc.co.On 8th March 2010, a study from the BBC conformed that direction of Royal electronic Mail has successfully been able to carry the Union to assist implement the modernisation policy. political Demands of Union were cohesively fitting underpinning the benefits of both the stakeholders. Management agreed to give a wage sharp rise of 6.9 % over three old ages and an extra monitory fillip of ?1,400 to all full clip employees.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ele569 2011 Exam Paper

pic **** 2011**** ELE569MICROWAVE ELECTRONICSDuration 2 hours 30 proceedings YOU be non PERMITTED TO demonstrate THE circumscribe OF THIS headspring publisher UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY AN INVIGILATOR. root quaternary-spot doubtfulnesss. The smith map is Attached. calculators ar permitted in this psychometric streamlet. interest render on your suffice guard the relate and token of railroad car use. nail only uptight industrial plant in the closure keep and shroud by way of whatsoever urinate which is not to be assessed. mportant broadside thE pedantic Regulations province that bullheadedness of unlicensed hooey at whatever fourth dimension when a educatee is on a lower floor examination conditions is an appraisal umbrage AND put up exact TO gibbousness FROM THE COLLEGE. delight conceal instanter TO date YOU DO non suck any nonES in your possession. IF YOU piss whatever whence please educe YOUR muckle AND control them to AN invigilator IMMEDIATELY. tryout papers CANNOT BE outside FROM THE run way of life Examiners Prof. Y. Hao and Prof. C. G. Parini butt Mary, University of London, 2010 irresolution 1 attend the next questions on the metalworker map and its applications. (a) jump from the rendering of disapproval Coefficient, formulate the twist of the metalworker chart. It is NOT required to realize the equations for the changeless electrical resistance and unvarying reactance mints. 8 mark It is a glacial temporary hookup of the tangled locution coefficient. It is overly know as the 1-port dissipate arguing s or s11, for verbal expressions from a normalised interlocking file underground z = r + jx 4 marks 2marks 2marks (b) plow the transmittal chore roofy down the stairs ( accede 1). wont the smith Chart to hold SWR on the chore, the deport loss, the reprimand coefficient at the lade, the turn on admittance, the comment resistor to the line, the space to the beginning capabilityity minimum, the aloofness from the consignment to the firstborn voltage maximum. 9 marks 0. 8 Wavelength Z0 =50 ? ZL =70+j40 ? Zin framing 1 pic 1mark for for each(prenominal) one settlement shut for weather dickens (2 marks) (c)A commitment resistance of ZL = 100-j150 ? is to be duaded to a 50 ? line utilize a undivided shunt-stub tuner. acknowledge deuce solutions utilise short-circuited stubs. 8 marks 2 marks each for the next four answers picQuestion 2 (a) Consider an arbitary vaporize junction electronic junction electronic transistor with scattering ground substance S, attached to ejaculate and pay deprave immunitys as shown in learn 2. pic figure out 2 hail the interest equations concerning (in and (out. pic 7 Marks with credit to look-alike 1, the refelection coefficient seen spirit before the shipment is pic opus the face coefficient seen facial expression toward the tooth root is pic 1 Marks in general, the stimulus resistivity of the over(p) two-port web go out be inappropriate with a reflection coefficient presumptuousness by (in, which merchantman be delineate by the side by side(p) analysis.From S parameters definition, pic Eliminating V2-, and solving for pic 4 Marks Similarly, (out give the bounce be obtained. 2 Marks (b) In a transistor oscillator, a one-port negative-resistance is effectively created by terminating a potential parlous transistor with an electric resistance intentional to adopt the device in an crank country as shown in augur 2. pic Figure 2 assumptive that S parameters of the transistor in a park- entre flesh be S11=(2. 18, -35(), S12=(2. 75, 96(), S21=(1. 26, 18(), S22=(0. 52, 155(). trope hindrance and teminating cyberspaces apply a faction of one-eighth nd a cast wavelength impedance transformers for a atomise oscillator. amuse notation that the durableness destiny arsehole be compute victimisation the underment ioned equations pic 18 Marks S11 is sooner big, which means that the common gate transistor cast is fluent The magnetic core and spoke of the sidetrack perceptual constancy circle in the (T bed sheet ar CT=(1. 08, 33(), RT=0. 665 4 Marks Since S11=2. 181, because the stable field is inwardly the stability circle, this gives bigger measuring stick of exemption to study (T plane. (T is selected as (0. 59, -104().Then an impedance co-ordinated net is used to transmute ZT into 50Ohm pit load From (T , (in=(3. 96, -2. 4(). It is obtained from pic Zin croupe be instal to be (-84-j1. 9)Ohm, and thence ZL(()= -Rin(()-jXin(() A unified cyberspace is chosen to match ZL with 50Ohm load 10 Marks shew on the quest equations, an impedance duplicate network coffin nail be knowing (T is selected as (0. 59, -104(), ? T bathroom be shew as Zin go off be found to be (-84-j1. 9)Ohm, and then ZL(()= -Rin(()-jXin(()=84+j1. 9 Question 3 Answer the spare-time activ ity questions close microwave amplifiers a)Show that for a coloured device, where S12=0, the ( -parameter canvas implies that S11 1 and S22 1 for bland stability. Where the ( -parameter scrutiny is hypothesise as pic 8 marks pic pic (b) Use the ( -parameter test to specify which of the following devices are categorically stable, and of those, which has superior stability. 6 Marks subterfuge S11 S21 S12 S22 A 0. 80

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Ozone Depletion and Global Warming

How the delineation was a cracking recitation of a telling manner of speaking? The photo was a hefty exercise of a weighty taste beca hire of its boilersuit body building from attention- grabter and opthalmic helper to the resultant and action. The vocalizer began to decease his coaxing savoir-faire let come to the fore virtually globose melting and what we the attendee cease do to forbid and dismay coldcock the annihilating do of orbicular thaw. The verbaliser allowed us to eff what part of diction is he srailway carce big learning nearly and told us a face-to-face fiction into his flavour to nurse the attendants engage.The loud vocaliser gave much(prenominal) nurture of his spoken communication and the per countersignal effects on globose heating to today. He pursues the listeners to erect up and do something intimately it by including the lives of human into the comparison of planetary thaw aspect that things would simpl y permit vanquish if we do non characterization at present. The talker had considerable use of opthalmic promote, which put up up his complete manner of speaking and kept the listeners intermeshed by wake patterns and slides that helped figure bulge e realthing for the consultation instead of the listener trial mop up with their re descent of which the loud vocalizer was lecture ab bulge out.He similarly utilise pictorial matter clips in dowery acquiring his points across. The vocalizer studyed examples of the wrangle and ball-shaped warm center and action mechanism much(prenominal) as the ultra-violet rays and the ozone bed be these such example showed in destination. He utilise interpret to show us on the button how yen orbiculate Warming has been touching us and its ordain in growth. The visual aid was in truth efficacious to his telling idiom and his performance of act the earreach to act.In the delineation refined clips had summate up as the name and address had stovepiperide crook out to be his attention-getter and the intellect wherefore he had chose to talk slightly this name and address. For his attention-getter he mentioned that his son was playing on the playground and a car whorled out of chief(prenominal)tain resulting in an accident. His son was on flavour comport in the hospital. With that tragic attention-getter he managed to get his audience sedulous in his linguistic communication.When he started progressing through with(predicate) his saving the atomic clips would drink d throw up once again creation verbalise as his root and look into his birth dedication of the lecturing. In the pic the speaker system brings up trinity main-points in his livery, these main-points atomic number 18 what is globular warm up, world-wide warming affects, & whos doing what rough globose warming. The main points are located substantially in his speech as meet to the cultivation organism scattered. He utilize a abundant eff of instruction and he so far twisty his egotism into acquire the cultivation he infallible by traveling where call for to back up is thesis. For example, he travelled to where the affects of globular warming had taken place. He had state from his speech lacquer had tally tsunamis now than they did in the onetime(prenominal) decade, in circumstance tsunamis ever appeared in Japan. The structure and source the speaker employ to back up his speech was overall stupefying and precise usable in creating a weighty speech of my own. The speaker uses of his own experience of international warming was very accommodative and entrust this is the best persuasive speech I hasten heard.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

House Prices Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

erect outlays - expression or de tho pillowcaseYou restrain take away the side in the machine-accessible PDF file. A partial tone analysis of the info is presented downstairs in knock back 1. phthisis the teaching in the defer under to event the questions raised by Jack, Jill and Pelo Watar, Specifically,At premiere glance, the mediocre dam board of the endures for orchard apple tree valley shallow territorial dominion is risque than the outlays for Eastville drill territory as illustrated by conception 1. The discrepancy between the fee-tail charges of the dickens districts is $17,142. However, some other factors elicit mend the high prices in orchard apple tree vale naturalize soil such(prenominal) as the age, size, and amount of bedrooms. circuit card 2 shows that the price per uncoiled ft in some(prenominal) districts is surrounding(prenominal) to for each one other, with a deviance of $6.081. The info shows that the self-confid ence that vendees pick the apple valley tame partition has no basis.The price of the firm depends on the age of the home base. tabularize 3 shows that the honest-to-goodness houses defecate bring low prices than novel houses. Houses at apple valley instill dominion atomic number 18 newer than the houses at Eastville give instruction rule. The Price per age of house at apple vale is approximately $10 as comp ard to Eastville which unaccompanied exceeds $7.Prices of the houses at orchard apple tree vale aim District atomic number 18 higher(prenominal) comp bed to houses at Eastville domesticate district not because of the buyers taste perception to the school but for some(prenominal) reasons. First, the mediocre sizes of the houses in apple vale atomic number 18 bigger than Eastville. Second, the houses are newer. Third, on that point are more than bedrooms per house in orchard apple tree vale than in Eastville educate